(A)   For water services of two inches or less the city will furnish the tapping saddle, corporation stop, meter yoke, water meter and transmitter, meter pit and lid. The city will furnish the equipment and labor to tap the water main. The customer shall furnish all remaining labor, equipment, and materials including the excavation and preparation of the water main for the tap, the installation of the service lines, and the customer’s connection to the meter installation. The following charges shall apply:
For 3/4 inch line
For 1 inch line
For 1-1/2 inch line
For 2 inch line
   (B)   If larger than two-inch service is desired, the hook-up shall be made by using a tapping sleeve and valve approved by the city, installed and supplied by the owner customer. If a three-inch line/meter is desired, the city shall make a four-inch tap which the customer can reduce to a three-inch line/meter. For four- to six-inch and eight-inch taps, the city will tap the main for the following charges:
For 4-inch line
For 6-inch line
For 8-inch line
   (C)   For larger than eight-inch taps, the owner will call in an outside firm which is approved by the city to tap the main at the owner’s expense.
   (D)   All meters of three inches or larger and all compound meters, including the meter pit and lid, shall be provided by the customer and installed under the directions of the city.
   (E)   Buried water service lines shall be: Type K Copper, Polyethylene (SDR-9, CTS), AWWA C-900 PVC, or Class 52 Ductile Iron. A 12 gauge copper tracer wire shall be installed with plastic service lines. Three-inch or larger meters shall have valves on both sides to facilitate removal. Meter housings shall be approved by the plumbing inspector prior to installation, and in general shall be sized to permit easy removal of the meter. The city shall accept maintenance responsibility for all outdoor meter pit installations after completion. The customer shall have maintenance responsibility for indoor meter installations. The city will provide replacement meters and/or transmitters for indoor installations.
(Ord. 2021-5442, passed 6-1-2021)