Chapter 58
*Charter References: Authority to regulate signs, § 2.2(o).
Cross References: Buildings and building regulations, ch. 6; planning, ch. 50.
State Law References: Highway advertising, MCL 252.301 et seq.
Article I. Intent and Purpose
Sec. 58-1.   Intent and purpose.
Sec. 58-2.   Applicability; conduct, premises and persons regulated.
Sec. 58-3.   Signs not regulated by this chapter.
Secs. 58-4—58-35. Reserved.
Article II. Administration and Enforcement*
Division 1. Overview
Sec. 58-36.   Service of notices, orders.
Sec. 58-37.   Failure to comply with chapter, notice, correction period.
Sec. 58-38.   Abatement of prohibited signs.
Sec. 58-39.   Civil remedies.
Secs. 58-40—58-60. Reserved.
Division 2. Permits
Sec. 58-61.   Permit required.
Sec. 58-62.   Application.
Sec. 58-63.   Liability insurance.
Sec. 58-64.   Permit fee.
Secs. 58-65—58-85. Reserved.
Division 3. Board of Appeals, Appeals and Variances
Sec. 58-86.   Board of appeals establishment and procedures.
Sec. 58-87.   Board of appeals duties and powers.
Sec. 58-88.   Appeals.
Sec. 58-89.   Variances.
Secs. 58-90—58-125. Reserved.
Article III. Requirements and Restrictions
Sec. 58-126.   Signs prohibited.
Sec. 58-127.   On-premise signs.
Sec. 58-128.   Design and placement standards.
Sec. 58-129.   Off-premise signs.
Sec. 58-130.   Temporary and portable signs.
Sec. 58-131.   Nonconforming signs.
Sec. 58-132.   Discontinuance or abandonment.
   *Charter reference—Authority to regulate signs, § 2.2(o).
   Cross references—Buildings and building regulations, ch. 6; planning, ch. 50.
   State law reference—Highway advertising, MCL 252.301 et seq.