Sec. 58-3. Signs not regulated by this chapter.
The following signs are not regulated by the provisions of this chapter:
   (1)   Memorial signs or tablets, name of a building and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible material.
   (2)   Signs of governmental agencies and public utilities required in rendering essential services.
   (3)   The flag, emblem, pennant or insignia of any nation, state, city or other governmental unit; or of any political, educational, charitable, philanthropic, civic, professional, religious or like organization when displayed in connection with a campaign, drive, movement or event sponsored by such an organization subject to prior notice to the city manager and subject to such reasonable time, place and manner restrictions as the city manager may deem necessary to protect the public safety or welfare.
   (4)   Parades, holiday sales by civic groups, merchant sidewalk sales and similar temporary events utilizing signs when authorized by the city council or laws of this state.
   (5)   No hunting, no trespassing signs and on-premise directional signs not exceeding four square feet in area.
   (6)   Any identification, address, or for sale sign affixed to a wall, mailbox, post, lamp post, or pillar; and which is not larger than two square feet in sign area; and not for the purpose of advertising a home occupation.
   (7)   Any sign communicating that a business is open, provided the sign area does not exceed four square feet and contains no advertising matter. Said sign shall not count against a businesses window or other sign area calculation.
   (8)   Municipal signs required by law, traffic control signs, directional signs placed in a right-of-way, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, danger and other temporary emergency signs.
   (9)   Parking or directional signs not over two square feet in area not exceeding two per driveway provided the sign contains no advertising matter. Drive-in businesses may in addition utilize individual signs, not exceeding three in number, but which shall not together aggregate more than 12 square feet, and which are necessary in such businesses.
   (10)   Way finding signs for ancillary uses or divisions of an existing use including automobile repair shops, docking stations, service doors, instructional boards, or overhead dimensional limits. Each sign shall not exceed six square feet in area and shall be subject to administrative review and approval. Said signs shall contain no advertising matter.
   (11)   Historical markers issued and approved by the Michigan Historical Marker Program of the State Historic Preservation Office describing designation of an historic site or structure that does not exceed 18 square feet.
   (12)   Signs on public property or in public parks in conjunction with sporting events, holidays, etc., when said public property has administrative rules regulating such signage.
(Ord. No. 101, § 14, 11-21-1977; Ord. No. 159, 9-17-2007; Ord. 222, § 26, 12-3-2018)
Secs. 58-458-35. Reserved.