General Provisions
   154.001   Short title
   154.002   Purpose and scope
   154.003   Activities exempt from chapter
Electrical Appeal Board
   154.015   Creation; composition and appointment
   154.016   Qualifications of members
   154.017   Terms of members
   154.018   Compensation
   154.019   (Reserved)
   154.020   Council to provide space for meetings and hearings; equipment and facilities
   154.021   Meetings; quorum; election of officers
   154.022   Who may appeal; procedure
   154.023   Decision of Board; variances from governing provisions
Electrical Code
   154.035   Electrical Code adopted
   154.050   Required; issued for work meeting requirements
   154.051   Persons to whom permit may be issued
   154.052   Restricted permit
   154.053   Permit application
   154.054   Period of permit validity; extension
   154.055   Inspector may request plans and specifications; amendments; adjustments of fee; supplementary permit
   154.056   Annual permit for repair and maintenance; application
   154.057   Emergency work
   154.058   Inspections; fee; procedure
   154.059   Inspector; right of entry; general authority
   154.060   Advance approval of certain materials; list
   154.075   Short title
   154.076   Purpose
   154.077   Definitions
   154.078   Persons exempted
   154.079   License required; exemptions
   154.080   Licenses classified
   154.081   License to be displayed
   154.082   Restricted electricians; apprentices and helpers
   154.083   Work done by homeowner
   154.084   (Reserved)
   154.085   Applications for examination; fees
   154.086   Emergency permit without examination
   154.087   Reexamination after failure
   154.088   License expiration, renewal; fees
   154.089   Accounting; fees
   154.090   Recognition of licenses from other cities
   154.091   License revocation, suspension
   154.092   Appeals from Electrical Inspector action
   154.093   License not transferrable
   154.999   Penalty