(A) Any person, firm or corporation regularly employed as an appliance dealer or installer or his or her employee performing such service shall be licensed as a restricted electrician. Any person so licensed shall work only on the type of appliance or equipment which he or she or his or her employer sells or services.
(2013 Code, § 11-89)
(B) Apprentices and helpers employed to assist a licensed electrician need not be licensed; provided, however, that, such apprentices and helpers perform their work directly under the supervision of a licensed electrician, and shall register with city’s Electrical Inspection Department and pay a $10 annual fee.
(2013 Code, § 11-91)
(C) Before the electrical contractors’ or restricted electricians’ license is issued, the applicant shall file with the City Clerk a liability insurance policy, certificate of insurance or executed copy thereof, providing coverage for the certificate holder in a sum of not less than $300,000 for personal injury or death, and not less than $100,000 for property damage. The insurance aforesaid shall cover the period of the certificate or any renewal thereof and provide that the city will be notified in the event of termination.
(2013 Code, § 11-92)
(Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992; Ord. 15024, passed 10-11-2021)
The owner or owners of a single-family dwelling or mobile home, including the usual accessory buildings and quarters used exclusively for living purposes, may do electrical work without a license if he or she demonstrates his or her capability to do such work to the satisfaction of the Electrical Inspector; provided, however, that, the dwelling or mobile home will be occupied by the owner or owners and that a permit is issued as provided in §§ 154.050 through 154.060 of this chapter.
(2013 Code, § 11-93) (Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)
(A) Any person who does not hold a valid electrical contractor or electrician license issued by the State of Iowa, and who desires to be licensed as an electrical contractor, a journeyman electrician or a restricted electrician in the City of Marshalltown shall make application to the Electrical Inspector for an examination. The Inspector shall provide application forms for this purpose. The completed forms shall include the name of the applicant, his or her home address, his or her business address and a brief resume of his or her training and experience. In addition, an electrical contractor applicant shall have served at least four years as a licensed journeyman electrician. Proof of electrical trade school education may waive up to two years of this requirement.
(2013 Code, § 11-99)
(B) Every person who takes a local examination or re-examination for journeyman electricians’ license or restricted electricians’ license shall first pay an application fee of $25, plus the annual license fee. Electrical contractor license applicants shall first pay an application fee of $25, plus the annual license fee. Examination fees shall be paid to the City Clerk, and a receipt therefor shall be attached to each application for a license or permit. The first year license fee is included in the application fee. Examination fees shall not be refunded. A $150 expediting fee shall be assessed to any applicant seeking approval of an application, except at a regularly scheduled exam meeting.
(2013 Code, § 11-100)
(C) (1) An electrical journeyman or restricted electrician applicant shall be entitled to an examination written 45 days after filing an application therefore. The examination shall be practical, written or oral, or a combination thereof, and shall be of such a nature as to test the capabilities of all applicants for the same type of license uniformly. The applicant shall clearly demonstrate to the Electrical Inspector his or her qualifications for the particular license in which he or she has applied, and show satisfactory knowledge of the methods and standards for doing work under the National Electrical Code and other provisions of the chapter and ordinances of the city.
(2) A license for electrical contractor work shall be obtained by successfully passing an exam approved by the Electrical Inspector. Procedures for testing and application forms shall be available at the office of the Electrical Inspector during normal business hours.
(2013 Code, § 11-101)
(Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992; Ord. 14716, passed 7-14-2003; Ord. 14737, passed 5-24-2004; Ord. 15024, passed 10-11-2021)
An emergency permit may be granted by the Inspector without examination, if he or she deems the permittee qualified to do emergency work; and, provided that, it be shown that said permit will prevent financial loss or hardship to said holder or the establishment for which he or she works, said emergency permit shall expire within 30 days from its issuance.
(2013 Code, § 11-102) (Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)
If an applicant fails to pass an examination, he or she may reapply for re-examination after the expiration of 30 days and upon payment of another examination fee. Applications shall be limited to no more than two per year.
(2013 Code, § 11-103) (Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)