The purpose of this subchapter is to provide for the examination and licensing of electrical contractors, journeyman electricians and restricted electricians in order to protect the public from hazards to life and property that might arise from improper installation of electrical systems.
(2013 Code, § 11-82) (Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPRENTICE. A person who, while learning the electrician’s trade, is assisting in the installation, alteration or repair of electrical work and while engaged in such work is in the presence of and under direct supervision of a licensed journeyman electrician.
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm, corporation, association or combination thereof, who undertakes or offers to undertake to plan for, lay out, supervise and do electrical work for a fixed sum, price, fee, percentage or other compensation.
ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. All electrical material, wiring, conductors, fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures, signs and apparatus or parts thereof.
ELECTRICAL WORK. Installations, alterations, repairs, removals, renewals, replacements, distributions, connections, disconnections and maintenance of all electrical equipment.
JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN. A person who has the necessary qualifications, training, experience and technical knowledge to do electrical work in accordance with the standard rules and regulations governing such work.
LICENSED. Licensed under this subchapter unless otherwise specified.
RESTRICTED ELECTRICIAN. A person that has the necessary qualifications, training, experience and technical knowledge, to do electrical work in accordance with the standard rules and regulations governing such work, but is only permitted to do service, repair, control work and make electrical connections from power panel to the type of appliances or equipment which he or she or his or her employer sells or services.
SHALL. If the word “shall” is used, the meaning is that the act to be performed is mandatory.
(2013 Code, § 11-83) (Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)
The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to any of the following: regular employees of a public utility who do electrical work for such public utility only; employees who do electrical work for a telephone or telegraph company, and persons, firms or corporations that perform electrical work for such a company, if such electrical work is an integral part of the plant used by such telephone or telegraph company in rendering its duly authorized service to the public; and regular employees of any railroad who do electrical work only as a part of that employment.
(2013 Code, § 11-84) (Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)
(A) No person, firm, corporation, association or combination thereof shall engage in the business of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing any electrical equipment within the scope of this subchapter unless such person, firm, corporation, association or combination thereof shall have obtained from the city an electrical contractor’s license, nor shall any electrical contractor employ any but licensed electrical journeymen; except that, the holder of existing electrical licenses granted by the city may be issued renewals of their licenses without taking the examination herein provided for; and also with the exception that no license shall be required in order to execute or perform any electrical work exempted by the provisions of this subchapter.
(2013 Code, § 11-85)
(B) No license is required for the following described work:
(1) Replacement of lamps and fuses, or the connection of portable electrical equipment to permanently installed receptacles;
(2) The installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment installed by, or for, any electrical supply agency in the generation, transmission, distribution or metering of electricity;
(3) Work involved in the manufacturing, testing, servicing, altering or repairing of electrical equipment or apparatus; except that, this exemption shall not include any permanent wiring;
(4) Work involved in the erection, installation, repairing, remodeling or maintenance of elevators, dumbwaiters or escalators, not including electrical equipment for supplying current to the control panel of elevators, dumbwaiters or escalators; and
(5) The assembly, erection and connection of electrical equipment by the manufacturer of such equipment, but not including any electrical equipment other than that involved in making electrical connections on the equipment itself, or between two or more units of said equipment.
(2013 Code, § 11-86)
(Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)
(A) Classes established. Three classes of licenses may be issued by the city which are designated as:
(1) Class I: electrical contractor’s license;
(2) Class II: electrical journeyman’s license; and
(3) Class III: electrical restricted license.
(B) Scope of classes.
(1) Class I electrical contractor’s license. No person, firm, corporation, association or combination thereof shall engage in business as an electrical contractor within the city unless such person, firm, corporation, association or combination thereof has obtained from the city an electrical contractor’s license. Such a license shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business of, and to secure permits for the installation, alteration and repairs of any electrical devices, appliances or equipment.
(2) Class II electrical journeyman’s license. Such a license shall entitle the holder thereof to perform any work of installing, maintaining, altering or repairing electrical equipment as an electrical journeyman under the direction of the holder of an electrical contractor’s license by whom he or she is employed. Or, any person regularly employed by an individual, corporation, firm, association or combination thereof to supervise the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment in a manufacturing, industrial or commercial establishment shall be licensed as a journeyman electrician if the Board of Electrical Examiners finds him or her to be qualified. Such a license shall entitle the holder thereof to undertake the work of, and secure an annual permit for maintaining and repairing electrical devices, appliances and equipment provided that the holder of such license regularly employs, as supervisor, one or more persons certified by the Board of Electrical Examiners as being qualified for such work; and, provided that, such work shall be confined to the premises owned or occupied by the holder of said license, the location of which shall be described in the license.
(3) Class III electrical restricted license. Any person regularly employed by an individual, corporation, firm, association or combination thereof to supervise or perform the maintenance or repair of the appliances or equipment which he or his employer sells or services shall be licensed as a restricted electrician.
(2013 Code, § 11-87) (Ord. 14392, passed 8-14-1992)