General Provisions
   114.001   Definitions
   114.002   Franchise required
   114.003   Action of parties
   114.004   Equal protection
   114.005   Notices
   114.006   Descriptive headings
   114.007   Severability
Grant of Franchise
   114.020   Purpose
   114.021   Length of franchise
   114.022   Significance of franchise
   114.023   Rights reserved to grantor
   114.024   Application for franchise
   114.025   Acceptance and effective date of franchise
Standards of Service
   114.040   Geographical coverage
   114.041   Conditions of street occupancy
   114.042   Restoration of public ways
   114.043   Relocation at request of franchising authority
   114.044   Safety requirements
   114.045   Underground and aboveground installation requirements
   114.046   Extension of service
   114.047   Service to public buildings
   114.048   Customer service standards; FCC model
   114.049   Local office
   114.050   Deposits
   114.051   Subscribers’ antennas
   114.052   Disconnection
   114.053   Reconnections
   114.054   Downgrades
   114.055   Termination of service
   114.056   Notification to grantor of service interruptions
   114.057   Subscriber credit for service interruptions
   114.058   Service repair standards
   114.059   Refunds to subscribers
   114.060   Channel card
   114.061   Customer handbook
   114.062   Subscriber privacy
   114.063   Discriminatory or preferential practices
   114.064   Identification of employees
System Design and Equipment Requirements
   114.075   Emergency use
   114.076   Switching device
   114.077   Parental control devices
   114.078   Education and government channels
   114.079   Access equipment and facilities fees
   114.080   Leased access channels
   114.081   Non-subscriber interference
   114.082   Additional services
   114.083   Technical standards
   114.084   Filing of maps
Franchising Authority
   114.095   Franchise fee
   114.096   Rates and charges
   114.097   Franchise renewal
   114.098   Conditions of sale
   114.099   Transfer of franchise
   114.100   Right of inspection of construction
   114.101   New developments
Compliance and Monitoring
   114.115   Testing for compliance
   114.116   Books and records
   114.117   Communications with regulatory agencies
   114.118   Complaint records
   114.119   City’s role in complaints
   114.120   Performance testing
   114.121   Review sessions
   114.122   Regulatory responsibility
   114.123   Annual report
Insurance and Indemnification
   114.135   Indemnification
   114.136   Insurance coverage and notifications
   114.137   Insurance for contractors and subcontractors
   114.138   Foreclosure
   114.139   Receivership
   114.140   Continuity of service
   114.141   Franchise processing costs
   114.142   Taxes
Enforcement and Termination of Franchise
   114.155   Notice of violation
   114.156   Grantee’s right to cure or respond
   114.157   Public hearing
   114.158   Enforcement
   114.159   Closing streets
   114.160   Reservation of rights
   114.161   Impossibility of performance
   114.162   Termination of franchise
   114.163   Security fund
   114.164   Faithful performance bond
   114.999   Penalty