(A)   Right of amendment reserved to grantor. The grantor may from time to time add to, modify or delete provisions of this chapter as it shall deem necessary in the exercise of its regulatory powers and as may be mutually agreed to by the grantor and grantee. Such additions or revisions shall be made only after a public hearing for which the grantee shall have received written notice at least 30 days prior to such hearing.
   (B)   No impairment of city’s rights. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed or construed to impair or affect in any way to any extent any right of the grantor pursuant to state law.
   (C)   Grantee agrees to city’s rights. The grantor reserves every right and power which is required to be reserved or provided by an ordinance of the grantor, and the grantee, by its acceptance of the franchise, agrees to be bound thereby and to comply with any action or requirements of the grantor in its exercise of such rights or powers which have been or will be enacted or established subject to the provisions of division (A) above.
   (D)   Powers of grantor. Neither the granting of any franchise, nor any provision governing the franchise, shall constitute a waiver or bar to the exercise of any governmental right or power of the grantor.
   (E)   Grantor transfer of functions. Any administrative right or power in or administrative duty imposed upon any elected official of the city shall be subject to transfer by the grantor to any other elected official, officer, employee, department or board.
   (F)   Grantor right of inspection. The grantor reserves the right, during the life of any franchise granted under this chapter, to inspect and oversee all construction or installation work performed in the public right-of-way.
   (G)   Grantor right of network installation. The grantor reserves the right, during the life of any franchise granted under this chapter, to install and maintain for a reasonable charge upon or in the poles and conduits of the grantee and pole fixtures necessary for municipal purposes other than providing cable service on the condition that such installation and maintenance thereof does not interfere with the operation of the grantee.
(2013 Code, § 8-2.4) (Ord. 14586, passed 4-13-1998)