12.04.080   Curb specifications.
   All curbing left lower at time of construction or broken out after construction shall be protected as follows:
   A.   A special permit shall be obtained from the city for such construction.
   B.   All weather protection shall be provided to elevation of undisturbed curb height and to a minimum distance of ten feet or the property line, whichever is the least.
      1.   All weather protection shall be construed to mean compacted caliche base with asphalt surface treatment, or six-inch concrete slab.
      2.   All concrete slabs shall be provided with expansion joint fillers of one-half-inch not to be spaced greater than thirty linear feet apart.
   C.   All such work shall be subject to inspection by the city engineer or his representative and shall be paid by the owner, constructor or tenant at the rate of five dollars per inspection.
   D.   All such work shall be subject to standard specifications on file in the office of the city engineer. (Prior code § 4-4-10)