Chapter 12.24
   12.24.010   Proximity of poles to curb lines and trees.
   12.24.020   Repair and maintenance of sidewalk.
   12.24.030   Repair-Time limit
   12.24.040   Attaching aerials prohibited.
   12.24.050   Climbing on poles or towers prohibited.
   12.24.060   Attaching wires to trees prohibited.
12.24.010   Proximity of poles to curb lines and trees.
   Any electric light company, telephone company or any person erecting or placing poles in and about the streets of the city shall be required to place the same so that the outside of such poles shall be sufficiently within the outside edge of the curb line of the sidewalk in and upon such street as to permit the building of a six-inch curbing between the outside of such poles and the street of the city and no poles shall be erected immediately in front of a doorway without permission of the city manager; provided, that wherever it is impossible to erect such poles within the curbing of such street on account of any awning, porch or balcony already erected, such person may be permitted to erect his poles outside of the edge of such curbing, but as near as possible to conform with the preceding requirements of this section. No pole shall be erected within ten feet of any tree without permission of the city manager.
(Amended during 1992 codification: prior code § 20-1-4)
12.24.020   Repair and maintenance of sidewalk.
   Any person who, for the placing of poles as described in the preceding section, finds it necessary to make an excavation in any sidewalk already constructed is required, after the placing of such poles, to fully repair such sidewalk and restore the same to as good a condition as before the placing of such poles and thereafter to keep the same in good repair around such poles. (Prior code § 20-1-5)
12.24.030   Repair-Time limit
   Any person making any excavation, for the purposes set forth in this chapter, upon any sidewalk of this city shall repair the same within thirty days thereafter, unless special permission has been obtained in writing from the city manager for a longer time. (Amended during 1992 codification: prior code § 20-1-6)