8.08.010 Definitions.
8.08.020 Permits required-Posting and revocation.
8.08.030 Business license prerequisite to permit.
8.08.040 Grading—Sanitary requirements.
8.08.050 Conformance with grade A or B standards required.
8.08.060 Public display of grade.
8.08.070 Inspections—Posted—Right to enter.
8.08.080 Condemnation of unwholesome food.
8.08.090 Regrading or reinstating permit.
8.08.100 Disease control.
8.08.110 Infection—Authority of health officer.
8.08.120 Construction or alteration—Conformance with grade A—Plans required.
8.08.130 Enforcement.
8.08.140 Violation—Penalties.