The former Louisville Civil Service Board is hereby re-designated the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Civil Service Board ("Board"). It shall have all of the duties and responsibilities as outlined in KRS Chapter 90 et seq. All powers, duties, obligations and responsibilities of the former Louisville Civil Service Board shall be transferred to the Board and it shall be organized and operated in conformity with KRS Chapter 90 et seq. as currently in place or as may be amended.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 183-2003, approved 10-10-2003)
(A) All Metro employees previously classified under the former Louisville Civil Service Board will remain in the classified service under the Board except Metro Police Officers, recruits and cadets who will, per KRS 67C.301 et seq., and Ordinance 79-2003, transfer to the jurisdiction of the Louisville/Jefferson County Police Merit Board;
(B) All civilian employees of the former Jefferson County Police Department who are currently employees of the Louisville Metro Police Department, except police cadets, shall be transferred to the classified service under the jurisdiction of the Board. This shall include civilian employees of the former Jefferson County Police Department who were covered by a collective bargaining agreement and therefore were not covered by the classified service of Jefferson County Police Merit Board and non-union employees of the former Jefferson County Police Department who were covered by the classified service of the Jefferson County Police Merit Board. Police cadets will transfer to the jurisdiction of the Louisville Metro Police Merit Board.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 183-2003, approved 10-10-2003)
(A) There is hereby created the Louisville Metro Cemetery Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board".
(B) The Board is established for the purpose of facilitating the restoration and maintenance of nonprofit and indigent cemeteries that do not receive perpetual care funds pursuant to KRS 367.952.
(C) In carrying out its purpose, the Board shall perform a number of functions, including working with other local groups to identify and promote the maintenance and preservation of local cemeteries, applying for, accepting, and dispersing grant funds and donations through the Louisville Metro Parks Department to carry out its purpose, and assisting in developing appropriate projects.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 178-2015, approved 10-26-2015)