(a)   General Requirements. Shallow wells are not desirable from a public health standpoint and shall not be used for new construction, except when deep wells attempted have been nonproductive, as it is normally possible to obtain sufficient water from a deep well.
   (b)   Existing Shallow Wells. Where existing shallow wells are in use, minimum protection shall consist of the following.
      (1)   A solid concrete platform shall be provided at least six feet greater in diameter than the well excavation and with a slope of at least one inch from the well to the edge of the concrete. This platform shall be at least six inches thick.
      (2)   A collar of concrete at least six inches thick shall extend around the outer wall of the casing and fill the annular space from the platform downward at least six feet on existing wells. The concrete shall be poured with a mix of one part Portland cement to two parts clean sand to three parts gravel in one continuous operation from the predetermined depth to the ground surface.
      (3)   Where hand pumps are installed on shallow wells, the pump bed plate shall be mounted on a concrete base that extends twelve inches above the concrete platform. The pump bed plate shall rest upon a watertight gasket and be bolted in place.
      (4)   If a power pump is used, a sanitary seal shall be fitted between the sleeve and drop pipe.
      (5)    The water-bearing formation should be located at least twenty feet below the ground surface and the outside of the casing should be pressure grouted from a point one foot above the water-bearing formation to the ground surface.
   (c)   Material Specifications. Casing or lining for bored or dug wells shall be concrete, vitrified clay or other strong and durable material adequate to maintain the opening and withstand the loads imposed, and all joints shall be sealed to preclude entrance of ground water.
   (d)   Springs and Surface Water Systems. Springs and surface water supply systems shall be protected and developed so as to prevent surface or ground water contamination and shall provide such treatment as is required to maintain a constant quality, safe for human consumption and/or domestic use. The owner of any spring needing or requesting approval under this chapter must control the use of the entire watershed upslope from the spring in fee simple or by easement running with the land.
(Ord. 88-14. Passed 9-19-88.)