(Amended by Ord. No. 186,703, Eff. 7/10/20.)
(a) DCR shall develop criteria and guidelines for Cannabis Corporate Responsibility Reports (Report). DCR shall post the criteria, guidelines and any amendments on its website.
(b) Prior to the issuance of a License or renewal pursuant to Section 104.12, a Licensee shall submit to DCR a Report that describes the Licensee’s community engagement, corporate philanthropy, relationship with the neighborhood surrounding the Licensee’s Business Premises, and compliance with applicable City and State Cannabis laws and regulations within the previous calendar year. If a Licensee fails to timely submit a Report, DCR may impose administrative penalties or order corrective action as provided in Section 104.13(b). Reports may be publicly disclosed, including but not limited to posting on DCR’s website.
(c) If a Licensee holds Licenses for multiple Business Premises, the Licensee shall submit a separate Report for each Business Premises.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,562, Eff. 7/6/22.)
(a) Purpose.
1. Unlicensed cannabis businesses threaten the health and safety of cannabis consumers by selling products that are cultivated, manufactured, prepared, and processed outside of the regulated cannabis marketplace. These products are tainted, contaminated, mislabeled, unlabeled, or misbranded, and may cause serious injury or illness if consumed. Unlicensed and unregulated cannabis stores harm the peace, comfort, and welfare of communities and people who live and work nearby. These stores are more likely to operate outside of proscribed hours of operation without meeting locational and operational standards, and are more likely to sell cannabis in quantities that exceed legal limits and sell cannabis to minors in violation of applicable law.
2. Cannabis consumers must be informed whether a retail cannabis business is unlicensed before having to enter the premises and must understand the health risks and consequences of shopping at an unlicensed cannabis business. This knowledge and understanding empowers consumers to make smart choices to protect their health and safety. Communities will also benefit from a reduction in the number of unlicensed cannabis stores.
3. The Emblem Program for Authorized Cannabis Stores (Program) is administered by the County of Los Angeles in partnership with cities within the County of Los Angeles as a cross-jurisdictional effort to deter the operation of unlicensed cannabis businesses. The Program is intended to protect consumers and stop harmful effects caused by unlicensed and unregulated cannabis businesses on local neighborhoods and communities by requiring retail cannabis businesses that have received all appropriate licenses, permits, or authorizations from the State of California and local governments to both display a unique emblem on the Business Premises so that it is highly visible to the public from the exterior of the store.
4. The Program is not intended to promote the use, possession, distribution, manufacturing, sale, or cultivation of cannabis or cannabis products, or to engage in any actions that conflict with any applicable local, state, or federal laws.
(b) Definitions.
1. “Authorized Cannabis Store” means a Licensee engaged in onsite retail sales of medical or adult-use cannabis to customers at a Business Premises location, provided:
(i) The Licensee has obtained a Type 10 (Retailer) or Type 12 (Microbusiness) License or Temporary Approval from the City, and a license or provisional license from the State of California for the same activity or activities;
(ii) The Licensee has obtained all licenses, permits, or authorizations required by the City and any other local agencies necessary to allow the business to engage in the sale of medical or adult-use cannabis; and
(iii) The Licensee keeps all applicable licenses, permits, or authorizations current and valid, and remains in good standing to engage in the sale of medical or adult-use cannabis in the City.
2. “Emblem” means the emblem featured on the Emblem Placard issued to an Authorized Cannabis Store by the Program Administrator as part of the Program.
3. “Emblem Placard” means a placard displaying the Emblem and other required information issued to an Authorized Cannabis Store by the Program Administrator as part of the Program that notifies the public that the store has received all required state and local licenses, permits, or other authorizations to become an Authorized Cannabis Store.
4. “Health Information Advisory” means the pamphlet, paper, or other media provided to the Authorized Cannabis Store by the Program Administrator that contains health information messages, regarding cannabis use and its potential health impacts, created by the Department of Public Health.
5. “Program” means the Emblem Program for Authorized Cannabis Stores.
6. “Program Administrator” means the Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, or the Director’s designee.
(c) Emblem – Significance. The Emblem, when displayed on the Emblem Placard shall serve as notice to the public that the commercial cannabis business to which the Emblem Placard was issued is an Authorized Cannabis Store at the time of issuance and is in compliance with all applicable public health laws and regulations as determined during the most recent Public Health inspection. The Emblem and Emblem Placard shall not grant any rights or remedies, and shall not be construed as granting any rights or remedies, to any person or entity in possession of the Emblem or Emblem Placard. The Emblem and Emblem Placard may not be sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred, and shall not be removed from the premises of the Authorized Cannabis Store to which the Emblem Placard was issued, except as specified in this ordinance. The Emblem Placard shall not create, confer or convey any vested or nonconforming right or benefit, including the right to engage in Commercial Cannabis Activity, to any Person in possession of the Emblem Placard.
(d) Emblem Placard – Issuance, Posting, Inspection, Suspension, and Revocation.
1. Issuance. The Program Administrator shall cause an Emblem Placard to be issued to all Authorized Cannabis Stores.
2. Posting. The Program Administrator shall cause the Emblem Placard to be posted at the Business Premises so as to be clearly visible to the general public and to patrons entering the Business Premises by posting the Emblem Placard in the front window of the retail business within five (5) feet of the front door, in a display case mounted to the outside front wall of the store within five (5) feet of the front door, or in another location as directed and determined in the discretion of the Program Administrator to ensure proper notice to the general public and to patrons.
(i) An Authorized Cannabis Store shall, at its sole cost, make any reasonable modifications to the exterior or interior of its Business Premises that the Program Administrator determines are necessary to accommodate the posting of the Emblem Placard, including, but not limited to, modifications to lighting, window treatments, coverings, tinting, glazing, and painting, and the mounting of a display case on the exterior of the Business Premises.
(ii) An Authorized Cannabis Store shall not alter, move, remove, or otherwise modify an Emblem Placard posted at its Business Premises pursuant to this section unless ordered or authorized to do so in writing by the Program Administrator.
3. Inspection. Not less than once per year, the Program Administrator shall cause an inspection to take place at the premises of an Authorized Cannabis Store to ensure the Emblem Placard is displayed and the Health Information Advisory is provided or made accessible to consumers in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. Inspections shall take place during ordinary business hours and may be unannounced. The Program Administrator may conduct an inspection more than once per year if the Program Administrator determines more frequent inspections are necessary to ensure compliance with the Program. Inspections may be conducted in conjunction with or separately from other regular inspections.
4. Suspension. Upon a determination by the Program Administrator that a Licensee ceases to keep all applicable licenses, permits, or authorizations current, valid, and in good standing, the Program Administrator may immediately suspend the Licensee’s participation in the Program. Written notice will be provided to the Licensee detailing the reason for the suspension, along with instructions for reinstatement. The Emblem Placard will be removed by the Program Administrator, or an authorized representative, until the Licensee takes the necessary steps for reinstatement into the Program.
5. Revocation. Upon a determination by the Program Administrator that a Licensee ceases to be an Authorized Cannabis Store for any reason, the Program Administrator shall immediately issue an order in writing to the store to remove the Emblem Placard from public view and return the Emblem Placard to the Program Administrator, or provide other evidence satisfactory to the Program Administrator that the Emblem Placard has been destroyed. The Program Administrator’s determination shall be final and not subject to appeal. If an Authorized Cannabis Store’s Temporary Approval or License is revoked, suspended, canceled, or not renewed, the Licensee shall immediately remove the Emblem Placard from public view.
(e) Health Information Advisory. An Authorized Cannabis Store, at the direction of the Program Administrator, shall provide or make accessible to the consumer a Health Information Advisory created by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. The Health Information Advisory shall be supplied by the Program Administrator. An Authorized Cannabis Store shall provide the Health Information Advisory to the consumer at the point of sale. The Program Administrator may also supply Health Information Advisory materials in pamphlet or other written form to an Authorized Cannabis Store, and require those materials be displayed and made accessible to consumers.
(f) Violations.
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the retail sale of medical or adult-use cannabis or cannabis products in the City unless it is an Authorized Cannabis Store and displays an Emblem Placard in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance.
2. Notwithstanding the requirement in Subdivision 1., a Business Premises with a License or Temporary Approval to conduct Storefront Retail Commercial Cannabis Activity may operate without an Emblem Placard until January 1, 2025.
3. It shall be a misdemeanor and an unfair business practice subject to criminal and civil enforcement to display or use the Emblem or Emblem Placard, or any placard, symbol, or rendering that is substantially or confusingly similar to the Emblem or Emblem Placard, in connection with any commercial cannabis activity for the purpose of falsely holding oneself out as an Authorized Cannabis Store.
4. City and the Program Administrator may conduct inspections of any commercial cannabis business displaying the Emblem or Emblem Placard, or a substantially or confusingly similar Emblem or Emblem Placard, on its premises, for the purposes of determining whether the store is an Authorized Cannabis Store.
5. Where City and County laws conflict, commercial cannabis businesses shall comply with all City laws, rules, and regulations unless the issue directly relates to matters of public health that are regulated by the County pursuant to this Program.
(Added by Ord. No. 185,345, Eff. 12/19/17.)
105.00 Purposes and Intent.
105.01 Definitions.
105.02 Location and Other Requirements for Commercial Cannabis Activity.
105.03 Limited Grandfathering of Existing Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.
105.04 No Authority to Permit Use in Any Zone.
105.05 No Vested or Nonconforming Rights.
105.06 Unlawful Cannabis Activity.
105.07 No Conflict with State Law.
105.08 No Conflict with Federal Law.
(Added by Ord. No. 185,345, Eff. 12/19/17.)
The purpose of this article is to stem the negative impacts and secondary effects associated with Cannabis related activities in the City, including, but not limited to, those documented in case law and in the legislative histories of cannabis regulations in the City, including but not limited to: neighborhood disruption and intimidation caused in part by increased transient visitors; exposure of school-age children and other residents sensitive to cannabis; cannabis sales to minors; and violent crimes.
This article is part of the City’s first comprehensive set of regulations addressing Commercial Cannabis Activity in the City. The purpose of this article is to strike a balance to protect local communities and neighborhoods from the known negative effects of cannabis activities, while also to provide for Commercial Cannabis Activity recognized by State law. This article may be reviewed by the City within four years after its adoption with the purpose to determine whether the public health, welfare, and safety would be served by either expanding or restricting the locations where Commercial Cannabis Activity occurs.
This article is not intended to conflict with federal or state law. It is the intention of the City Council that this article be interpreted to be compatible with federal and state
enactments and in furtherance of the public purposes that those enactments encompass.
(Added by Ord. No. 185,345, Eff. 12/19/17.)
“Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facility” means any non-medical alcoholism and drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities licensed or certified by the State of California Department of Health Care Services to provide residential non-medical services to individuals who are recovering from problems related to alcohol, drug, or alcohol and drug misuse or abuse, and who need alcohol, drug, or alcohol and drug recovery treatment or detoxification services. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
“Applicant” means an Applicant as defined in Section 104.01 of this Code. (Added by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
“Application Date” means the date the Applicant pays all Pre-Application Review or Modification Request Form Review fees associated with a Business Premises relocation request, whichever is applicable, required under Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 104.19. (Added by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
“Business Premises” means the designated structure or structures and land specified in an application for a License that is owned, leased, or otherwise held under the control of the Applicant or Licensee where the licensed Commercial Cannabis Activity will be or is conducted.
“Cannabis” means Cannabis as defined in Section 26001 of the California Business and Professions Code, included in the Medicinal and Adult Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act, as currently defined or as may be amended.
“City” means the City of Los Angeles.
“Commercial Cannabis Activity” includes the cultivation, possession, manufacture, distribution, processing, storing, laboratory testing, packaging, labeling, transportation, delivery or sale of cannabis and cannabis products as provided for in Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code as implemented by the California Code or Regulations, as currently defined or as may be amended.
“Day Care Center” means a child care-infant center, child care center, or child care center preschool licensed by the State of California Department of Social Services that is not located on a residential zoned property. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
“EMMD” means an existing medical marijuana dispensary that is in compliance with all restrictions of Proposition D, notwithstanding those restrictions would have been repealed, including, but not limited to, either possessing a 2017 L050 BTRC and current with all City-owed business taxes, or received a BTRC in 2007, registered with the City Clerk by November 13, 2007 (in accordance with the requirements under Interim Control Ordinance 179027), received a L050 BTRC in 2015 or 2016, and submits payment for all City-owed business taxes before the application is deemed complete.
“Permanent Supportive Housing” means Supportive Housing as defined in the Draft Permanent Supportive Housing Ordinance initiated August 30, 2017, CPC-2017-3136-CA, as may hereafter be adopted or amended, to include housing with no limit on length of stay that is occupied by persons with low incomes who have one or more disabilities and may include, among other populations, adults, emancipated minors, families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, and homeless people, but only to the extent such Permanent Supportive Housing provides on-site Supportive Services. As may hereafter be adopted or amended, Supportive Services means services that are provided on a voluntary basis to residents of Supportive Housing, including, but not limited to, a combination of subsidized, permanent housing, intensive case management, medical and mental health care, substance abuse treatment, employment services, benefits advocacy, and other services or service referrals necessary to obtain and maintain housing.
“Public Library” means a place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials, such as books, manuscripts, newspapers, recordings, or films, are kept for use but not for sale, which is under the control, operation or management of the City Board of Library Commissioners, and which allows access to members of the public.
“Public Park” means an open space, park, playground, swimming pool, beach, pier, reservoir, golf course, or similar recreational facility, which is under the control, operation or management of the City Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners; the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy; the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority; the County of Los Angeles Department of Beaches and Harbors; the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation; the California Department of Parks and Recreation; or the National Park Service; and shall further include any property in the City of Los Angeles zoned Open Space (“OS”) as defined under Section 12.04.05 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code that is maintained or operated as a parks and recreation facility, including bicycle trails, equestrian trails, walking trails, nature trails, park land/lawn areas, children’s play areas, child care facilities, picnic facilities, and athletic fields used for park and recreation purposes. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
“Publicly Available” in reference to a Sensitive Use, means identified on an official list posted on one of the following official websites maintained by or on behalf of the following respective responsible governmental agencies. This list of official websites may hereinafter be amended as necessary by DCR’s Rules and Regulations. (Added by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
(a) Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facilities shall be identified on the official website for the California Department of Health Care Services;
(b) Day Care Centers shall be identified on the official website for the California Department of Social Services;
(c) Public Libraries shall be identified on the official website for the Los Angeles Public Library;
(d) Public Parks shall be identified on the official website for the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks;
(e) Schools shall be identified on the official website for the California Department of Education; and
(f) Permanent Supportive Housing shall be identified on the City’s Open Data Portal list titled “HCIDLA Affordable Housing Projects List (2003 to Present)”, or as may be amended.
“Residentially Zoned Property” means any lot located in the RA Suburban Zone, RE Residential estate Zone, RS Suburban Zone, R1 One-Family Zone, RU Residential Urban Zone, RZ Residential Zero Side Yard Zone, RW1 Residential Waterways Zone, R2 Two-Family Zone, RD Restricted Density Multiple Dwelling Zone, RMP Mobilehome Park Zone, RW2 Residential Waterways Zone, R3 Multiple Dwelling Zone, RAS3 Residential / Accessory Services Zone, R4 Multiple Dwelling Zone, RAS4 Residential / Accessory Services Zone, or R5 Multiple Dwelling Zone.
“School” means an institution of learning for minors, whether public or private, which offers in- person instruction in grades K through 12 in those courses of study required by the California Education Code, and is licensed by the State Board of Education. This definition includes kindergarten, elementary, junior high, senior high or any special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Education, but it does not include a vocational or professional institution or an institution of higher education, including a community or junior college, college or university. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
“Sensitive Use” means an Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facility, Day Care Center, Public Library, Public Park, School, and/or Permanent Supportive Housing. (Added by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
“Verification Date” means the first business day of the calendar quarter beginning February 1, May 1, August 1, or November 1, which immediately precedes the Application Date. (Added by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
(Added by Ord. No. 185,345, Eff. 12/19/17.)
The Commercial Cannabis Activity described in Subsections (a)1. - (a)7. shall be limited to such activity conducted by a person licensed by the state of California and the City to engage in such Commercial Cannabis Activity described in this article.
The Commercial Cannabis Activity described in Subsections (a)1. - (a)7. shall not be required to comply with the distance restriction from a school, day care center, or youth center stated in Business and Professions Code Section 26054. In place and stead of these State law distance and sensitive use restrictions, the Commercial Cannabis Activity shall be required to meet the distance and sensitive use restrictions stated in this article.
(a) Commercial Cannabis Activity.
1. Retailer Commercial Cannabis Activity. Commercial Cannabis Activity falling under the category “Type 10 - Retailer” in Section 26050 of the California Business and Professions Code or “Type 9 - Non-Storefront Retailer” in California Code of Regulations Title 16 Division 42 Chapter 3 Section 5414; only to the extent such commercial activity is located and occurring:
(A) Within any of the following zones:
(1) Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code: C1 Limited Commercial Zone, C1.5 Limited Commercial Zone, C2 Commercial Zone, C4 Commercial Zone, C5 Commercial Zone, CM Commercial Manufacturing Zone, M1 Limited Industrial Zone, M2 Light Industrial Zone, or M3 Heavy Industrial Zone, under Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code; or
(2) Commercial Manufacturing (Glencoe/Maxella) Zone: CM(GM) Zone under the Glencoe/Maxella Specific Plan; or
(3) Central City West Specific Plan Zone: RC4(CW) Residential Mixed-Use Category, RC5(CW) Residential Mixed-Use Category, C1(CW) Limited Commercial Category, C2(CW) Commercial Category, C4(CW) Commercial Category, or CM(CW) Commercial Manufacturing Category, under the Central City West Specific Plan; or
(4) Warner Center Specific Plan Zone: WC Warner Center Specific Plan Zone where “Retail Store, general merchandise” or “Hybrid Industrial” uses are permitted under the Warner Center Specific Plan; or
(5) Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment District Specific Plan Zone: LASED Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment District Specific Plan Zone under the Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment District Specific Plan; or
(6) Playa Vista Specific Plan Zone: M(PV) Industrial Zone and M2(PV) Industrial Zone under the Playa Vista Specific Plan; or
(7) Paramount Pictures Specific Plan Zone: Paramount Pictures Specific Plan Zone within the Lemon Grove Lot (Parcels A and B), South Bronson Lot, Windsor Lot, Camerford Lot, Waring Lot, and Gregory Lot (Parcels A and B) under the Paramount Pictures Specific Plan; or
(8) USC Specific Plan Zone: USC Specific Plan Zone within Subarea 3 under the USC Specific Plan; or
(9) Jordan Downs Urban Village Specific Plan Zone: CM(UV) Commercial Manufacturing Zone under the Jordan Downs Urban Village Specific Plan; or
(10) Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Zone: UC(CA) Urban Center, UI(CA) Urban Innovation, UV(CA) Urban Village Zones under the Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan; and
(B) Outside of a 700-foot radius of a Sensitive Use; and outside of a 700-foot radius of any other Retailer or Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity, having on-site retail sales, which is licensed by the City to engage in the Commercial Cannabis Activity or for which Temporary Approval Application or Business Premises Relocation fees, whichever is applicable, are paid pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 104.19. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
Exception. Type 9 - Non- Storefront Commercial Cannabis Activity shall not be required to locate outside of a 700-foot radius of a Public Park, Public Library, Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facility, Day Care Center, and Permanent Supportive Housing; or outside of a 700-foot radius of any other Retailer or Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity having onsite retail sales, which is licensed by the state of California and licensed by the City to engage in the Commercial Cannabis Activity. Type 9 - Non-Storefront Commercial Cannabis Activity shall be required to locate outside of a 600- foot radius of a School. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
2. Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity. Commercial Cannabis Activity falling under the category “Type 12 - Microbusiness” in Section 26050 of the California Business and Professions Code, only to the extent such commercial activity is located and occurring:
(A) Within any of the following zones:
(1) Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code: M1 Limited Industrial Zone, M2 Light Industrial Zone, or M3 Heavy Industrial Zone, under Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. Type 12 - Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity that does not engage in retail activity with on-site sales may further locate in the MR1 Restricted Industrial Zone and MR2 Restricted Light Industrial Zone under Chapter 1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code; or
(2) Warner Center Specific Plan Zone: WC Warner Center Specific Plan Zone where “Hybrid Industrial” uses are permitted under the Warner Center Specific Plan; or
(3) Playa Vista Specific Plan Zone: M(PV) Industrial Zone, and M2(PV) Industrial Zone under the Playa Vista Specific Plan; or
(4) Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Zone: UC(CA) Urban Center, UI(CA) Urban Innovation, UV(CA) Urban Village Zones under the Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan; and
(B) Outside of a 700-foot radius of a Sensitive Use; and outside of a 700-foot radius of any other Retailer or Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity, having on-site retail sales, which is licensed by the City to engage in the Commercial Cannabis Activity or for which Temporary Approval Application or Business Premises Relocation fees, whichever is applicable, are paid pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 104.19. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
Exception. Any Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity with sales to the public limited to off-site deliveries and having no on-site sales shall not be required to locate outside of a 700-foot radius of a Public Park, Public Library, Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facility, Day Care Center, and Permanent Supportive Housing; or outside of a 700-foot radius of any other Retailer or Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity having on-site retail sales, which is licensed by the state of California and licensed by the City to engage in the Commercial Cannabis Activity. Any Microbusiness Commercial Cannabis Activity with sales to the public limited to off-site deliveries and having no on-site sales shall be required to locate outside of a 600- foot radius of a School. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
3. Indoor Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Activity. Commercial Cannabis Activity falling under the category “Type 1A - Cultivation; Specialty indoor, Small”; “Type 1C - Cultivation, Specialty cottage, Small,” limited to indoor cultivation; “Type 2A - Cultivation; Indoor, Small”; “Type 3A - Cultivation; Indoor, Medium”; “Type 4 - Cultivation; Nursery,” limited to indoor cultivation; or “Type 5A - Cultivation; Indoor, Large,” in Section 26050 of the California Business and Professions Code; or “Processor” cultivation license in California Code of Regulations Title 3 Division 8 Chapter 1 Section 8201(f), limited to indoor processing; only to the extent such commercial activity is located and occurring:
(A) Within any of the following zones:
(2) Warner Center Specific Plan Zone: WC Warner Center Specific Plan Zone where “Hybrid Industrial” uses are permitted under the Warner Center Specific Plan; or
(3) Playa Vista Specific Plan Zone: M(PV) Industrial Zone, and M2(PV) Industrial Zone under the Playa Vista Specific Plan; or
(4) Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Zone: UC(CA) Urban Center, UI(CA) Urban Innovation, UV(CA) Urban Village Zones under the Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan; and
(B) Outside of a 600-foot radius of a School.
4. Level 1 Manufacturing Commercial Cannabis Activity. Commercial Cannabis Activity falling under the category “Type 6 - Manufacturer 1" in Section 26050 of the California Business and Professions Code; or “Type N” or “Type P” in California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Division 1, Chapter 13, Section 40118; only to the extent such commercial activity is located and occurring:
(A) Within any of the following zones:
(2) Warner Center Specific Plan Zone: WC Warner Center Specific Plan Zone where “Hybrid Industrial” uses are permitted under the Warner Center Specific Plan; or
(3) Playa Vista Specific Plan Zone: M(PV) Industrial Zone, and M2(PV) Industrial Zone under the Playa Vista Specific Plan; or
(4) Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Zone: UC(CA) Urban Center, UI(CA) Urban Innovation, UV(CA) Urban Village Zones under the Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan; and
(B) Outside of a 600-foot radius of a School.
5. Level 2 Manufacturing Commercial Cannabis Activity. Commercial Cannabis Activity falling under the category “Type 7 - Manufacturer 2" in Section 26050 of the California Business and Professions Code, only to the extent such commercial activity is located and occurring:
(A) Within any of the following zones:
(2) Warner Center Specific Plan Zone: WC Warner Center Specific Plan Zone where “Hybrid Industrial” uses are permitted under the Warner Center Specific Plan; or
(3) Playa Vista Specific Plan Zone: M(PV) Industrial Zone, and M2(PV) Industrial Zone under the Playa Vista Specific Plan; and
(B) Outside of a 600-foot radius of a School; and
(C) Outside of a 200-foot radius of any Residentially Zoned Property.
6. Testing Commercial Cannabis Activity. Commercial Cannabis Activity falling under the category “Type 8 - Testing” in Section 26050 of the California Business and Professions Code, only to the extent such commercial activity is located and occurring:
(A) Within any of the following zones:
(2) Commercial Manufacturing (Glencoe/Maxella) Zone: CM(GM) Zone under the Glencoe/Maxella Specific Plan; or
(3) Central City West Specific Plan Zone: CM(CW) Commercial Manufacturing Category under the Central City West Specific Plan; or
(4) Warner Center Specific Plan Zone: WC Warner Center Specific Plan Zone where “Hybrid Industrial” uses are permitted under the Warner Center Specific Plan; or
(5) Playa Vista Specific Plan Zone: M(PV) Industrial Zone, and M2(PV) Industrial Zone under the Playa Vista Specific Plan; or
(6) Jordan Downs Urban Village Specific Plan Zone: CM(UV) Commercial Manufacturing Zone under the Jordan Downs Urban Village Specific Plan; or
(7) Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Zone: UC(CA) Urban Center, UI(CA) Urban Innovation, UV(CA) Urban Village Zones under the Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan; and
(B) Outside of a 600-foot radius of a School.
7. Distributor Commercial Cannabis Activity. Commercial Cannabis Activity falling under the category “Type 11 - Distributor” in Section 26050 of the California Business and Professions Code, only to the extent such commercial activity is located and occurring:
(A) Within any of the following zones:
(2) Warner Center Specific Plan Zone: WC Warner Center Specific Plan Zone where “Hybrid Industrial” are permitted under the Warner Center Specific Plan; or
(3) Playa Vista Specific Plan Zone: M(PV) Industrial Zone, and M2(PV) Industrial Zone under the Playa Vista Specific Plan; or
(4) Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Zone: UC(CA) Urban Center, UI(CA) Urban Innovation, UV(CA) Urban Village Zones under the Cornfield-Arroyo Seco Specific Plan; and
(B) Outside of a 600-foot radius of a School.
(b) The distance specified in this section between Commercial Cannabis Activity businesses shall be the horizontal distance measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior wall of each business. The distance between any Commercial Cannabis Activity business, and any Sensitive Use with exclusive use of the parcel upon which it is located, shall be the horizontal distance measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior wall of the Commercial Cannabis Activity business to the closest parcel boundary of the Sensitive Use. The distance between any Commercial Cannabis Activity business and any Sensitive Use without exclusive control of the parcel upon which it located, shall be the horizontal distance measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior wall of the Commercial Cannabis Activity business to the closest exterior wall or fence under the control of the Sensitive Use, excluding parking lots. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
(c) An Applicant’s proposed Business Premises location shall be deemed compliant with the required distances specified in Section 105.02 from Sensitive Uses if the proposed Business Premises location complies with the required distances from all Sensitive Uses that are Publicly Available to the Department of Cannabis Regulation on the Verification Date. Any Sensitive Use not Publicly Available to the Department of Cannabis Regulation on the Verification Date shall not disqualify an Applicant’s proposed Business Premises location. This Subsection 105.02(c) shall apply to pending applications for which Temporary Approval Application Fees have been paid pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 104.19, provided that the proposed Business Premises location complies with the required distances from all Sensitive Uses that are Publicly Available to the Department of Cannabis Regulation on the effective date of this ordinance. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
(Added by Ord. No. 185,345, Eff. 12/19/17.)
(a) Limited Grandfathering of Existing Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Pending Receipt of a Final Response by the City to Application for a License. An EMMD that is operating in compliance with the limited immunity provisions (Los Angeles Municipal Code Section of Proposition D notwithstanding those restrictions would have been repealed, including the tax provisions (Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 21.50) of Proposition D, may continue to operate within the City at the one location identified in its original or amended business tax registration certificate until such time that the EMMD applies for and receives a final response to its application for a City license for Commercial Cannabis Activity being conducted at that location. To avail itself of the terms of this Section, an EMMD must: (1) apply for a license from the City within sixty calendar days of the first date that license applications are made available by the City; and (2) limit on-site cultivation at the Business Premises to not exceed the size of the EMMD’s existing square footage of building space as of March 7, 2017, as documented by dated photographs, building lease entered into on or before March 7, 2017, or comparable evidence.
(b) Limited Grandfathering if the City Issues a License. If the City issues the EMMD a City license for Commercial Cannabis Activity, the EMMD shall continue to operate at its location within the City in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the City. Such EMMD shall not be subject to the zone, distance and Sensitive Use restrictions stated in Section 105.02 of this article until after December 31, 2025, on the condition that the EMMD operates and continues to operate in compliance with the distance and Sensitive Use restrictions (Los Angeles Municipal Code Section L. and O. of Proposition D), notwithstanding those restrictions would have been repealed, except that the EMMD need not comply with the prohibition on ingress or egress on a side of the premises that abuts, is across a street, alley, or walk from, or shares a common corner with residentially zoned property, so long as the ingress or egress is restricted to employees, vendors and contractors of the EMMD. If the EMMD that is issued a License fails to operate in compliance with these provisions of Proposition D, the EMMD’s License shall be subject to revocation. This limited grandfathering shall not create, confer, or convey any vested right or nonconforming right or benefit regarding any activity conducted by the EMMD beyond the term and activities provided by the License. This limited grandfathering shall cease immediately after December 31, 2025. After December 31, 2025, all EMMDs shall comply with (1) the distance and Sensitive Use restrictions of Los Angeles Municipal Code Section L. and O. of Proposition D notwithstanding those restrictions are or would have been repealed; and (2) the zoning requirements of LAMC Section 105.00 et seq. An EMMD shall not be subject to the distance and Sensitive Use requirements set forth in Section 105.02 of this Article 5 Chapter X as long as it remains at the location identified in its Proposition M Priority Processing Application. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,094, Eff. 7/1/21.)
(c) The limited grandfathering provided by this Section 105.03 shall not create, confer, or convey any vested right or nonconforming right or other benefit regarding any activity conducted by the EMMD beyond the term and activities provided by the licenses issued by the State and City to such EMMDs.
(Added by Ord. No. 185,345, Eff. 12/19/17.)
The use of any building, structure, location, premises or land for any Cannabis related activity is not currently enumerated in the Los Angeles Municipal Code as a permitted use in any zone, nor is the use set forth on the Official Use List of the City as determined and maintained by the Zoning Administrator.
The Commercial Cannabis Activity described in Subsections (a)1. - (a)7. of this article is limited to the term and activities provided by the licenses issued to such Commercial Cannabis Activity by the state of California and the City.
So long as this article remains in effect, the Zoning Administrator shall not have the authority to determine that the use of any building, structure, location, premises or land for any Cannabis related activity may be permitted in any zone; to add any Cannabis activity to the Official Use List of the City; or to grant any land use approval authorizing any Cannabis activity.