The City, when enforcing on behalf of an Employee, has the authority to require that payment of wages, Predictability Pay, Sick Time Benefits, and/or penalties found to be due and owing to the Employee, be paid directly to the City for disbursement to the Employee. The City, when enforcing on the behalf of an Employee, has the authority to require that payment of all amounts due under the Minimum Wage Ordinance, the Fair Work Week Ordinance, and this article be paid directly to the City. The failure of an Employer to pay any amounts due under the Minimum Wage Ordinance, the Fair Work Week Ordinance, or this article shall constitute a debt to the City. The City, as plaintiff and/or judgment creditor, may file a civil action on behalf of an Employee and/or the City or, to the extent feasible under state law, create and impose a lien against any property owned or operated by an Employer or other person who fails to pay wages, Predictability Pay, Sick Time Benefits, penalties, and administrative fines assessed by the Division, or pursue other legal and equitable remedies available to the City. The City shall be awarded reasonable attorney’s fees and costs associated with pursuing a violation under this article.
The remedies, penalties, and procedures provided under this article are cumulative and are not intended to be exclusive of any other available remedies, penalties, and procedures. The City shall study and review the feasibility of enacting additional measures consistent with state law to enhance the Division’s enforcement tools, including, but not limited to, pursuing a memorandum of understanding or referral process to the Chief of Division of Labor Standards Enforcement for the recordation of a certificate of lien on behalf of an Employee, pursuant to California Labor Code Section 98.2(g), for amounts due under this article.
A. Deadline for Appeal. An Employer who receives a Notice of Correction may file with the Division a notice of appeal within 15 days from the last compliance date specified as part of the Notice of Correction. In order to be considered timely, the appeal must be postmarked on or actually received by the Division by the 15th day following the service of the Notice of Correction. The appeal must be in writing and must indicate a return address. The appeal must be filed with the Division and must specify in detail the basis for the appeal.
B. Hearing Date. As soon as practicable after receiving the written notice of appeal, the head of the Division or their designee shall promptly select a hearing officer to hear and decide the administrative appeal. The hearing officer shall fix a date, time and place for the hearing on the appeal. Written notice of the time and place for the hearing shall be served by First Class mail, at the return address indicated on the written appeal. Service of the notice of hearing on the Employer must be made at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. The hearing shall be held no later than 30 days after service of the notice of hearing, unless that time is extended by mutual agreement.
C. Notice of Hearing. Except as otherwise provided by law, the failure of the Employer or any other person affected by the Notice of Correction to receive a properly addressed notice of the hearing shall not affect the validity of any proceedings under this article. Service by First Class mail, postage prepaid, shall be effective on the date of mailing.
D. Stay of Enforcement. If penalties and administrative fines payable to the City are the subject of administrative appeal or judicial review, then accrual of such penalties and administrative fines shall be stayed until the determination of such appeal or review is final. The payment of the contested amount of wages, Predictability Pay, Sick Time Benefits, and penalties owed to the Employee during the pendency of any appeal shall be stayed, but shall continue to accrue until a determination of such appeal is final.
E. Failure to Appeal. Failure of an Employer to file an appeal in accordance with the provisions of this section or to appear at the hearing shall constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies. The Notice of Correction shall become final and enforceable as a Wage Enforcement Order, as defined in Section 188.10 I.
F. Submittals for the Hearing. No later than five days prior to the hearing, the Employer and the Division shall submit to the hearing officer, with simultaneous service by First Class mail on the opposing party, written information, including, but not limited to the statement of issues to be determined by the hearing officer and a statement of the evidence to be offered and the witnesses to be presented at the hearing.
G. Conduct of Hearing. The hearing officer shall conduct all appeal hearings under this article. The Division shall have the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence in each hearing, except the Employer shall have the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence with respect to any claim that a worker is an independent contractor rather than an Employee. The hearing officer may accept evidence on which persons would commonly rely in the conduct of their business affairs, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. A Notice of Correction shall be prima facie evidence of the violation(s) specified therein, and those continuing through the date of the hearing.
2. The hearing officer may accept evidence and oral and written testimony under penalty of perjury relating to the violation(s) and the appropriate means of correcting the violation(s).
The hearing shall be open to the public and shall be recorded. Any party to the hearing may, at their own expense, cause the hearing to be recorded and transcribed by a certified court reporter. The hearing officer may continue the hearing and request additional information from the Division, Employer, or Employee prior to issuing a written decision.
H. Hearing Officer’s Findings and Determinations. Within 15 days after the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall make findings based on the record of the hearing. The hearing officer may uphold or reject the violation(s) referenced in the Notice of Correction in whole or in part. The hearing officer also may uphold the Notice of Correction but reduce, waive, or conditionally reduce or waive the penalties and administrative fines stated therein if mitigating circumstances are shown and the hearing officer finds specific grounds for reduction or waiver in the evidence presented at the hearing. The hearing officer may impose penalties for any additional violations occurring during the pendency of the appeal. The hearing officer may impose conditions and deadlines for the correction of violations or the payment of outstanding wages, Predictability Pay, Sick Time Benefits, penalties, and administrative fines.
I. Wage Enforcement Order. The hearing officer’s findings pursuant to Section 188.10 H. shall constitute the Wage Enforcement Order, which shall be issued by the hearing officer. The Wage Enforcement Order shall specify the amount of wages, Predictability Pay, Sick Time Benefits, penalties, and administrative fines, if any, owed by the Employer. The Wage Enforcement Order shall be final and shall be served on the Employer, Employee, and Division by certified mail. Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5, the Wage Enforcement Order shall be subject to judicial review in the appropriate superior court.
The administrative enforcement procedures established in this article shall be in addition to any other criminal or civil remedy established by law that may be pursued to address violations of the Minimum Wage Ordinance, the Fair Work Week Ordinance, or this article. Jeopardy shall not attach as a result of any administrative or civil enforcement action taken pursuant to this article. A Notice of Correction or Wage Enforcement Order issued pursuant to this article shall not prejudice or adversely affect any other action, civil or criminal, that may be brought to prosecute or abate a violation or to seek compensation for damages suffered.
The Division shall establish a community-based outreach program to conduct education and outreach to Employers and Employees. In partnership with organizations involved in the community-based outreach program, the Division shall create outreach materials that are designed for Employers and Employees in particular industries.
The Division may promulgate rules and regulations and issue determinations and interpretations relating to the Minimum Wage Ordinance, the Fair Work Week Ordinance, and this article. Any rules and regulations promulgated by the Division shall have the force and effect of law, and may be relied upon by Employers, Employees, and other parties to determine their rights and responsibilities under this article. The Division may amend the rules and regulations when necessary to administer and enforce effectively the Minimum Wage and Fair Work Week Ordinances, and this article.
If any subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this article is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this section, and each and every subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof not declared invalid or unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional.