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   The following definitions shall apply to this chapter:
   A.   “City” means the City of Los Angeles.
   B.   “Change in Control” means (1) any sale, assignment, transfer, contribution, or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets used in the operation of a Hotel or a discrete portion of the Hotel that continues in operation as a Hotel; (2) any sale, assignment, transfer, contribution, or other disposition of a controlling interest (including by consolidation, merger, or reorganization) of an Incumbent Hotel Employer or any person who controls an Incumbent Hotel Employer; or (3) any other event or sequence of events (including a purchase, sale, lease, or termination of a management contract or lease) that causes the identity of the Incumbent Hotel Employer at a Hotel to change. For purposes of this Chapter, a Change in Control shall be defined to occur on the date of execution of the document effectuating the change in control. (Adopted by the Council in Response to Initiative on 6/28/22, Ord. No. 187,565, Eff. 8/12/22.)
   C.   “Employment Commencement Date” means the date on which a Hotel Worker retained by the Successor Hotel Employer pursuant to this chapter commences work for the Successor Hotel Employer in exchange for benefits and compensation under the terms and conditions established by the Successor Hotel Employer or as required by law.
   D.   “Hotel” means a residential building or transient occupancy residential structure that is designated or used for transient lodging and other related services for the public, and containing 50 or more guest rooms, or suites of rooms, or dwelling units that may be rented for periods of 30 days or fewer. “Hotel” also includes any contracted, leased, or sublet premises connected to or operated in conjunction with the building’s purpose, or providing services at the building. “Hotel” does not include a Short-Term Rental, as defined in Municipal Code Section 12.22 A.32. (Adopted by the Council in Response to Initiative on 6/28/22, Ord. No. 187,565, Eff. 8/12/22.)
   E.   “Hotel Worker” means any individual (1) whose primary place of employment is at a Hotel subject to a Change in Control, (2) who is employed directly by the Incumbent Hotel Employer, or by a Person who has contracted with the Incumbent Hotel Employer to provide services at the Hotel subject to a Change in Control, and (3) who has worked for the Incumbent Hotel Employer for at least one month prior to the execution of the Transfer Document. “Hotel Worker” does not include a managerial, supervisory, or confidential employee.
   F.   “Incumbent Hotel Employer” means the Person that owns, controls, and/or operates a Hotel subject to a Change in Control prior to the Change in Control.
   G.   “Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, business trust, estate, trust, association, joint venture, agency, instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity, whether domestic or foreign.
   H.   “Successor Hotel Employer” means the Person that owns, controls, and/or operates a Hotel subject to a Change in Control after the Change in Control.
   I.   “Transfer Document” means the purchase agreement or other document(s) creating a binding agreement to effect the Change in Control.