If the DAA determines that a Contractor has violated this Article, the DAA may recommend that the Board of Public Works take any of the following actions:
(a) Withhold payments as liquidated damages pursuant to the Contract.
(b) Terminate, suspend or cancel the contract in whole or in part.
(c) Debar the contractor from bidding on City projects for up to a two-year period.
(d) Document the determination in the Contractor Evaluation required under Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 10.39, et seq.
(e) Require that the Contractor document the determination in each of the Contractor’s subsequent Contractor Responsibility Questionnaires submitted under Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 10.40, et seq.
(f) The City may pursue any and all rights and remedies available at law or in equity.
Added by Ord. No. 181,520, Eff. 2-20-11.
The following Contracts are exempt from this Article. The DAA shall develop rules and regulations for the application of these exemptions:
(a) Contracts where the provisions of this Article conflict with federal or state law.
(b) Contracts with another governmental entity.
(c) Contracts where the provisions of this Article would conflict with federal or state grant funded contracts, or conflict with the terms of the grant or subvention.
(d) Contracts awarded under urgent or emergency circumstances.
Added by Ord. No. 181,520, Eff. 2-20-11.