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Sec. 22.171.4. Appointment and Duties of Commission Secretary.
   The Director of Planning (Director) of the Department of City Planning (Department), or the Director’s designee, shall assign an employee of the Department, other than the Director, to be the Secretary of the Commission and assign duties to the employee, which shall be in addition to the duties regularly prescribed for that employee.
   The Secretary shall attend Commission meetings and keep a record of the proceedings and transactions of the Commission, specifying the names of the Commissioners in attendance at each meeting and the ayes and noes upon all roll calls. The Secretary shall post and publish all orders, resolutions and notices, which the Commission shall order to be posted and published, and shall perform any other duties imposed by this chapter or by order of the Commission.
Added by Ord. No. 178,402, Eff. 4-2-07.
Amended by: Ord. No. 185,472, Eff. 4-28-18.