(a) There is hereby created and established within the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund to be known as the Council Discretionary Street Furniture Fund (Fund). The term “street furniture” also referred to as “transit amenities” includes, but is not limited to, automated public toilets, transit shelters, newsstands, modular news racks, kiosks, and such other fixtures located on streets, highways, public rights-of-way, and sidewalks. Revenues from advertisements (Revenues) placed in or upon street furniture and from any other uses of street furniture shall be deposited into the Fund in the allocation specified in Subsection (b).
(b) The first $3,000,000 in Revenues, with annual adjustments for inflation determined by the City Administrative Officer, shall be deposited into the Fund to be divided equally among the Council Districts. All Revenues in excess of this amount shall be deposited in the Reinvestment in Accessibility, Infrastructure, and Streetscape Enhancements for Los Angeles (RAISE LA) Fund established in Section 5.121.15 of this Code.
(c) Revenues in the Fund shall be used exclusively for the following purposes:
(1) Funding transit related services, including charter buses, dial-a-ride or other public transit service, and for the payment of any and all expenses relating or incidental thereto, including operating expenses;
(2) Funding the purchase, lease, or rental of transit related equipment, including buses, trucks, transit shelters, and street furniture, and all expenses relating or incidental thereto;
(3) Funding consultant studies, City staff costs, land acquisition, design, or construction of the following: (A) sidewalks, curb improvements, and beautification projects needed to improve conditions for public transit patrons; (B) public safety improvements in the public right-of-way including, but not limited to, speed humps, street resurfacing, traffic lane or pedestrian marking and signage, and acquisition of property to widen the public right-of- way to create safer traffic flow or to create safer pedestrian routes; and (C) public amenities to improve the quality of life for public transit patrons, residents, and businesses, including, but not limited to, public safety, community and cultural awareness programs; and (D) all expenses related or incidental to those uses; and
(4) The repayment of any money borrowed or advanced from any other fund with the intent that reimbursement be made from the Fund.
(d) The Fund shall be administered by the Director of the Bureau of Street Services, Department of Public Works. The Controller shall create a separate account In the Fund for each Council District. Expenditures from the Fund shall be made from each Council District account, as authorized by the Councilmember representing that Council District and by the City Council. All Interest and other earnings accruing on money in the Fund shall be credited to each account in the Fund equally and shall be devoted to the purposes of the Fund. Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the Fund shall not revert to the Reserve Fund of the City.
(e) Contracts or agreements for the awarding of money in the Fund to nonprofit agencies in amounts up to and including $5,000 are not required to be in writing.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 172,767, Eff. 9-20-99.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,305, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Article recaptioned, Subsec. (a) amended, Ord. No. 174,378, Eff. 2-2-02; Subsec. (c) amended, Subsec. (d) added, Ord. No. 175,863, Eff. 5-3-04; Subsec. (b)(3) amended, Ord. No. 177,413, Eff. 5-1-06; Article Title and Section, Ord. No. 188,009, Eff. 11-22-23.
(a) There is created and established a special revenue fund within the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles to be known as the Department of Building and Safety Building Permit Enterprise Fund (“Fund”).
(b) For purposes of this Article, certain words and phrases are defined as follows:
BUILDING PERMIT shall mean Building, Grading, Demolition, Elevator, Boiler and Pressure Vessel, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical applications and permits processed by the Department of Building and Safety.
DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY (“DEPARTMENT”) shall mean a Department within the City of Los Angeles described in Section 22.12 of this Code.
(c) All monies received by the Department from the following sources shall be deposited into the Fund:
1. Fees received related to the issuance of building permits, including but not limited to building permit fees, plan and report review fees, inspection and pre-inspection fees and fees for issuance of reports of residential property records.
2. Fees received related to support functions necessary for the issuance of the above-mentioned building permits, including but not limited to certification processing fees, product approval fees, fabricator approval fees, and building and property records research fees.
3. Fees received related to processing appeals to the Department or to the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners, Disabled Access Commission or other Boards established within the Department for purposes of appeals related to the above-mentioned functions.
4. Administrative fees collected for performing accounting functions for other agencies such as collecting School District Fees or Fire Hydrant Fees.
5. Fees received from the Special Accounts described in Section of this Code shall be deposited into the Fund and each shall be fully managed as a separate account within the Fund.
6. Monies may also be contributed to the Fund by other City funds and by gifts, donations, or bequests from individuals or organizations. Any appropriation to this Fund by the City Council or the Mayor shall also be deposited into this Fund.
(d) The Fund shall be administered by the General Manager of the Department of Building and Safety (“General Manager”). The General Manager shall report to the City Council and Mayor regarding receipts and expenditures of the Fund. The reporting shall be done on a periodic basis and cover at least one quarter of the fiscal year with the first quarter being July through September. A year-end report shall also be done which shall be submitted within 90 days after the close of said fiscal year. Unencumbered funds remaining in this Fund at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert to the Reserve Fund.
(e) The Fund shall be used to purchase or pay for expenses, equipment, materials, and services in support of the building permit related functions, and shall also be used to repay cash advances received from any other fund established by the City and used for these purposes. The Fund shall be used to reimburse budgetary salary, overtime, and related costs as appropriate, and to draw demands for printing, travel, equipment, computer equipment and software and other services and expenses as appropriate to support building permit related functions described in Subsection (c) of this section and Section of this Code. Appropriations will be established by an expenditure plan through the annual budget process.
(f) The Department shall be responsible for maintaining the records relating to the Fund.
(g) All interest or other earnings attributable to money in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund and shall be devoted to the purposes set forth in this article.
(h) No expenditure may be made from this Fund without the prior approval of the General Manager or a duly authorized representative.
(i) The General Manager is authorized to establish appropriate procedures to carry out the provisions of this article.
(j) The Mayor is authorized to transfer money among accounts that may be established within the Fund in an amount not to exceed $50,000 per account per purpose in any one fiscal year.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 176,604, Eff. 6-5-05, Oper. 7-1-05.
(a) Building and Safety Systems Development Account. The Building and Safety Systems Development Account shall be used for the following purposes:
1. To finance the design, acquisition, development, implementation and maintenance of automated systems for existing programs and activities of the Department including but not limited to, employee costs related to employees engaged in systems development or maintenance, purchase of computers and related equipment, software, firmware, technical services and consulting services necessary for the design and implementation of the automated systems; incidental expenses associated with the automated systems such as employee training, data conversion, computer communications, facility renovations and support related to the system, and computer system security measures.
2. Design, acquisition, development and implementation of automated systems to support new programs of the Department of Building and Safety, related to the support, processing and inspection of permits, appeals and enforcement of the City’s building and land use regulations, including but not limited to, employee costs related to employees engaged in systems development or maintenance, purchase of computers and related equipment, software, firmware, technical services and consulting services necessary for the design and implementation of the automated systems; incidental expenses associated with the automated systems such as employee training, data conversion, computer communications, facility renovations and support related to the systems, and computer system security measures.
3. The Building and Safety Systems Development Account shall also be used to repay cash advances received from any other fund established by the City and used for the development of automated systems used by the department.
(b) Building and Safety Special Services Account. The Building and Safety Special Services Account shall be used to reimburse budgetary salary and overtime accounts as appropriate and to draw demands for travel, printing, equipment and inspection expenses in connection with the following activities where the expenses are in excess of monies budgeted in the General Fund, or not provided for in the monies budgeted in the General Fund. This Account shall also be used by the Department to repay cash advances received from any other fund established by the City and used for any of the following purposes.
1. Monies received as provided for in Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 98.0406 for the performance of inspections at other than normal working hours.
2. Monies received as provided for in Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 98.0422 for the performance of expedited plan check and other services as requested by the applicant and authorized by the Department at other than normal working hours.
3. Monies received for the performance of inspections and for the conduct of special examinations relating to licensing, fabricators, and testing agencies at facilities located more than 60 miles from Los Angeles City Hall.
4. Monies received from the conducting of specialized training seminars on technical subjects for the instruction and training of persons other than personnel of the Department.
5. Monies received pursuant to State and Federal laws for conducting training seminars for personnel of the Department to improve their competency in engineering, inspection and damage mitigation technology.
6. Monies received from short term or special purposes as approved by the Mayor and City Council.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 176,604, Eff. 6-5-05, Oper. 7-1-05.
Amended by: Ord. No. 178,883, Eff. 7-26-07.
(a) There is created and established a special revenue fund within the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles to be known as the Department of City Planning Case Processing Special Revenue Fund (“Fund”).
(b) For purposes of this Article, certain words and phrases are defined as follows:
MAJOR PROJECT is defined as any project so determined by the Director of Planning (“Director”) of the Department of City Planning (“Department”) for which the planning or processing of requests for entitlements will severely impact departmental resources.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 181,098, Eff. 4-18-10.
(a) All monies received by the Department from the following sources shall be deposited into the Fund:
2. Fees received related to support functions necessary for the processing of the applications mentioned in paragraph 1., above, including but not limited to fees for automated records, publications, map sales, and overtime.
3. All amounts received from developers under Supplemental Fee Agreements entered into pursuant to Section of this Code shall be placed in the Fund in the Account established for that Major Project. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, when a developer enters into a Supplemental Fee Agreement with the City, any fees paid by that developer related to processing the discretionary actions shall be placed in an Account established for that Major Project within the Fund.
4. Monies may also be contributed to the Fund by other City funds and by gifts, donations, or bequests from individuals or organizations. Any appropriation to the Fund by the City Council for the purposes set forth in this Section shall also be deposited into this Fund.
(b) The Fund shall be administered by the Director or designee. A year-end report shall be prepared which shall be submitted within 90 days after the close of each fiscal year. Unencumbered funds remaining in this Fund at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert to the Reserve Fund.
(c) The Fund shall be used to purchase or pay for salaries, expenses, equipment, materials, and services in support of case processing related functions, and shall also be used to repay cash advances received from any other fund established by the City and used for these purposes. The Fund shall be used to reimburse budgetary salary, overtime, and related costs as appropriate, and to draw demands for printing, travel, equipment, training, and other services and expenses as appropriate to support entitlement case processing related functions described in Subsection (a) of this Section and Section of this Code.
(d) The Department shall be responsible for maintaining the accounting records relating to each Account within the Fund.
(e) The Fund shall be interest bearing. All interest or other earnings attributable to money in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund and devoted to the purposes set forth in this Article.
(f) No expenditure shall be made from this Fund without the prior approval of the Director or the Director’s designee.
(g) The Director is authorized to establish appropriate procedures to carry out the provisions of this Article.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 181,098, Eff. 4-18-10.