There is hereby created a Department in City government known as Department of Aging, hereinafter referred to as the “Department.”
The Department shall assume responsibility for providing programs, activities and services formerly provided for senior citizens by the Aging Division of the Community Development Department.
Added by Ord. No. 157,596, Eff. 5-15-83.
The Department is established to provide for proper planning, coordination, direction and management of various activities and services provided by the City for senior citizens in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws, and rules, regulations, guidelines, agreements and policies established thereunder.
The Department shall, on behalf of the City:
(a) Propose, develop and implement senior citizen programs established by the Mayor and City Council for the purpose of alleviating problems and improving the quality of life of senior citizens;
(b) Establishing comprehensive, coordinated services and opportunities for senior citizens;
(c) Provide assistance to individuals and organizations desiring to initiate or develop services for senior citizens;
(d) Administer and oversee senior citizen programs, services and activities funded by Federal and State grants, including Older Americans Act funds, City appropriations and other sources of funds, whether private or governmental. The Mayor and the City Council intend that the Department shall cause to be carried out programs, services and activities developed by the City to benefit senior citizens; and
(e) Plan and coordinate senior citizen programs and activities which may be implemented by or through the cooperation of other City departments.
Added by Ord. No. 157,596, Eff. 5-15-83.
(a) The City Council shall establish those policies which govern the activities of the Department.
(b) The Department shall be under the control and management of a general manager who shall administer its affairs as its Chief Administrative Officer.
(c) The General Manager shall be appointed and may be removed in accordance with Charter Section 508(b) and (e).
Added by Ord. No. 157,596, Eff. 5-15-83.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,290, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.