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Sec. 22.312. Department of Public Works.
   There is a department within the government of the City known as the Department of Public Works hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the “Department”.
Based on Charter, Sec. 230.
Amended by: Title and Section, Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
22.315   Members of the Board of Public Works.
Sec. 22.315. Members of the Board of Public Works.
   The Board of Public Works shall consist of five members, whose compensation shall be fixed by ordinance. They shall devote their entire time to the duties of their office. The members of the Board of Public Works shall be appointed and shall organize and conduct the business of the Board in the manner provided in Charter Sections 503 through 508 relating to citizen boards.
Based on Charter, Sec. 230.
Amended by: Previous Sec. 22.315, "Board of Public Works," Repealed, Former Sec. 22.316 Renumbered and Amended, Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
22.319   Board of Public Works – General Powers.
22.320   Board of Public Works – Power to Appoint Executive Officer and Chief Accounting Employee; and to Establish Rules.
22.321   Board of Public Works – Powers and Duties Conferred by Law and under Special Assessment and Other Proceedings.
22.321.1   Power of Board to Retain Overpayments on Special Assessments.
22.322   Board of Public Works – Control over Construction, Maintenance and Design of Public Work or Improvement.
22.323   Board of Public Works – Power to Acquire Property for Public Work or Improvement.
22.324   Document Requiring Signature by Board of Public Works.
22.325   Recordation of Notice of Intention to Abate Nuisance.
22.325.1   Nuisance Abatement and Assessment Procedures (Weeds, Rubbish, Etc.).
22.326   Board of Public Works Authority to Adjust and Refund Lot Cleaning Charges and Assessments.
22.326.1   Powers, Duties and Functions Related to Land Records.
22.326.2   Powers, Duties and Functions Related to Public Utilities.
Sec. 22.319. Board of Public Works – General Powers.
   In addition to those general powers enumerated in Charter Section 581, the Board of Public Works shall also have the power to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties that are now or may hereafter be conferred or imposed by law upon the Street Superintendent.
Para. 1 based on Charter, Sec. 78; Para. 2 on Charter, Sec. 231.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
Sec. 22.320. Board of Public Works – Power to Appoint Executive Officer and Chief Accounting Employee; and to Establish Rules.
   The Board of Public Works shall, in accordance with Charter Section 504, appoint the Executive Officer to the Board and the Chief Accounting Employee for the Department. The Board shall establish all necessary rules and regulations for the exercise of the powers conferred in this article, for the governance of the Department of Public Works as authorized in Charter Section 581, and for the regulation and conduct of its officers and employees.
Based on Charter, Sec. 232.
Amended by: Title and Section, Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Title and Section, Ord. No. 176,547, Eff. 5-2-05.
Sec. 22.321. Board of Public Works – Powers and Duties conferred by law and under Special Assessment and Other Proceedings.
   In addition to those powers expressly conferred on the Board of Public Works by the Charter, the Board shall have the power to:
   (a)   Exercise all the powers and duties that are now or may hereafter be conferred or imposed by law upon any Board, officer or commission of the City relating to the approval of the award of contracts for any of the work or improvements mentioned in Charter Section 580;
   (b)   Exercise all the powers and duties that are now or may hereafter be imposed by law upon any board, officer or commission provided for by law to estimate or determine the benefits, damages and costs incident to a proposed change of grade of, or any improvement of any public street or other place mentioned in Charter Section 580, and the making and levying of assessments upon property to cover such damages and costs.
Based on Charter, Sec. 233 (1).
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,258, Eff. 6-23-00, Oper. 7-1-00.