The General Manager of the General Services Department, or the designee thereof in the absence of the General Manager, is hereby empowered, instructed and authorized to negotiate in matters under the General Manager’s control for the settlement of obligations, rents, issues and profits due to the City of Los Angeles, and to settle claims for damages to equipment under that control, and to sign all agreements, releases, receipts, waivers, discharges or other evidence of payment for the City of Los Angeles in connection therewith.
All of the above acts or actions shall be done only upon the written approval of the City Attorney.
Based on Ord. No. 72,922.
Amended by: Ord. No. 152,427, Eff. 6-29-79.
Readopted by Ord. No. 173,281, Eff. 6-26-00, Oper-7-1-00.