(a) Each subdivision of this subsection shall become operative at such times as personnel, funds and equipment provided for in the budget or any amendment thereto are first transferred to the Department of General Services by appropriate action of the City Council and the Mayor. Rules and regulations previously authorized and adopted, and operative at the effective date of this chapter, shall remain in full force and effect.
Between the effective date of the ordinance creating the Department of General Services and the respective applicable effective date of each transfer of resources, the authority to operate the Department will be limited to an exercise of those powers, duties and functions for which resources have already been so provided by the Mayor and the City Council.
The separate powers, duties and functions to be transferred, as provided in this chapter, are as follows:
(1) The Department of Supplies is abolished. The powers, duties and functions of the Department of Supplies are hereby transferred to the Department of General Services.
(2) The powers, duties and functions of the Department of Public Utilities and Transportation pertaining to providing of communications services to the City departments and offices are hereby transferred to the Department of General Services.
(3) The Bureau of Standards is abolished. The powers, duties and functions of the Bureau of Standards of the Department of Public Works are hereby transferred to the Department of General Services.
(4) The Bureau of Public Buildings is abolished. The powers, duties and functions of the Department of Public Works and of the Bureau of Public Buildings pertaining to the providing of building services to the City departments and offices are hereby transferred to the Department of General Services. The powers, duties and functions of the Bureau of Public Buildings pertaining to design and construction of public buildings are transferred to the Bureau of Engineering.
(5) The Bureau of Right of Way and Land is abolished. The powers, duties and functions of the Department of Public Works, and of the Bureau of Right of Way and Land pertaining to management of the Los Angeles Mall properties, and of properties leased to the City, and of properties leased by the City for other than interim periods of time as provided for below, are hereby transferred to the Department of General Services. The leasing of property to others by the City for that interim period of time, not to exceed a one year term plus a maximum one year extension thereof, between the acquisition of title or right to entry and possession of property, and the actual public purpose use of said property by the City for the capital improvement project for which title is being or has been acquired, and those powers, duties and functions of the Bureau of Right of Way and Land not otherwise specifically transferred to the Department of General Services, are transferred to the Bureau of Engineering of the Department of Public Works; said Bureau under supervision of the Board of Public Works, shall utilize, in every event, procedures similar to those provided in Subsection (1) of Section 7.5 of this Code, and shall in every event be subject to provisions of Subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of said Section 7.5 and be further subject to provisions of Section 7.68.1.
(6) The Bureau of Fleet Services is abolished. The powers, duties and functions of the Department of Public Works and of the Bureau of Fleet Services are hereby transferred to the Department of General Services.
(7) Subject in each instance to the first two unnumbered paragraphs of Subsection (a) of this section, those powers, duties and functions of the Department of Public Works and the Board of Public Works Commissioners related to and affected by the transfer of powers, duties and functions by this subsection identified by numbers (1) through (6), are hereby transferred to the Department of General Services pursuant to former Charter Section 32.1.
Added by Ord. No. 152,427, Eff. 6-29-79.
Amended by: Subsec. (a) Para. 7, Ord. No. 173,290, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.