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Sec. 7.27.1. Sale of Surplus City-Owned Remnant Property.
   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, City-owned “remnants” under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of General Services may be sold by private sale as authorized by Section 7.27, provided all of the following criteria are met:
   (a)   Each property subject to sale must be a surplus City-owned “remnant”. “Remnant” means real property meeting the requirements of Section 7.22 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code which (A) has less than the minimum legal residential building lot size for the jurisdiction in which the parcel is located, or less than 5,000 square feet in area, whichever is less, or (B) has no record access and is less than 10,000 square feet in area; and is not contiguous to land owned by a state or local agency, that is used for park, recreational, open-space, or low- and moderate-income housing purposes, and is not located within an enterprise zone pursuant to Section 7070 of the California Government Code, nor a designated program area as defined in California Government Code section 7082;
   (b)   The direct sale must be an all cash transaction and the buyer(s) must pay fair market value for the remnant as determined by an appraisal by the Department of General Services;
   (c)   The buyer(s) must be owners of an “adjoining property.” An “adjoining property” is one which shares a common boundary with the remnant subject to sale;
   (d)   The Department of General Services shall offer the remnant for sale to all adjoining property owners, and utilize a competitive process to select the buyer(s) using price as its criteria;
   (e)   The terms and conditions of each sale must be those approved by the City Council in the document entitled Title Transfer Instructions (Escrow) and made a part of Council File No. 07-1894, and must be presented by the Department of General Services to the Municipal Facilities Committee for approval, and shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney; and
   (f)   Any remnant meeting the criteria set forth in California Government Code section 54221(f) must first be offered for sale to the State in accordance with Government Code section 54220, et seq.
   (g)   The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC) shall have the first right of refusal on any surplus City-owned remnants within the Santa Monica Mountains Zone, as defined in California Public Resources Code Section 33105, except where such property is designated for acquisition as a park or recreation area by a federal, state, or local agency.
   (1)   The SMMC shall have the right to acquire such remnants at the City’s purchase price plus any administrative management costs incurred by the City.
   (2)   The SMMC’s first right of refusal shall be renewed upon two years after the initial refusal or at any time as required by State law, whichever occurs first.
Added by Ord. No. 180,834, Eff. 9-20-09.
Amended by: Subsec. (g) added, Ord. No. 187,505, Eff. 7-4-22.