(a) Solid Waste Resources Special Revenue Fund.
(1) There is hereby created in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund named the “Solid Waste Resources Special Revenue Fund” (hereinafter referred to in this Section 5.121.5(a) as the “Revenue Fund”) for the deposit of all revenues received from the collection of the Solid Waste Collection, Transfer, Recycling, Recovery of Waste Resources and Disposal Fee established in Section 66.41(a) of Article 6.1 of Chapter VI of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, as amended, and any other legally available income, rates, fees, charges, and other moneys which the City designates by ordinance or resolution for deposit in the Revenue Fund. Money in the Revenue Fund may be used for those activities and costs for which the Solid Waste Collection, Transfer, Recycling, Recovery of Waste Resources and Disposal Fee is authorized and any other purpose as may be approved by the Council. The Revenue Fund shall be administered by the Department of Public Works.
(2) All money in the Revenue Fund may be pledged to secure, and shall be set aside and used for, the payment of principal and interest, installment payments, lease payments and associated expenses as may be directed by Council resolutions related to financing those activities and costs for which the Solid Waste Collection, Transfer, Recycling, Recovery of Waste Resources and Disposal Fee is authorized and any other activities and costs relating to the City’s solid waste operations as may be approved by the Council.
(3) All earnings of the Revenue Fund shall remain in the Revenue Fund. Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the Revenue Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund of the City.
(b) Revenue Certificates of Participation (1990 Solid Waste Collection Project) Sanitation Equipment Acquisition Fund.
(1) There is hereby created in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles for the purpose of receiving money from the execution and delivery of the Revenue Certificates of Participation (1990 Solid Waste Collection Project) (the “1990 Certificates”) a special fund named the Revenue Certificates of Participation (1990 Solid Waste Collection Project) Sanitation Equipment Acquisition Fund (the “Acquisition Fund”). No expenditures may be made from the Acquisition Fund except for the payment of the costs of acquisition of equipment and other facilities required in the implementation of the 1990 Project portion of the City’s automated waste collection and recycling programs (the “1990 Project”) and the related costs of executing and delivering the 1990 Certificates. The Acquisition Fund shall be administered by the Department of Public Works. After the completion of the 1990 Project, any money remaining in the Acquisition Fund shall be disbursed in accordance with the Trust Agreement for the 1990 Certificates. All earnings by the Acquisition Fund shall be retained in that fund until expended for the purposes of the 1990 Project. Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the Acquisition Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund of the City.
(c) [Repealed.]
(d) [Repealed.]
(e) [Repealed.]
(f) [Repealed.]
(g) [Repealed.]
(h) [Repealed.]
(i) [Repealed.]
(j) [Repealed.]
(k) [Repealed.]
(l) [Repealed.]
(m) Multi-Family Bulky Item Fee Special Revenue Fund.
(1) There is hereby created in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund named the “Multi-Family Bulky Item Fee (BIF) Special Revenue Fund” (hereinafter referred to in this Section 5.121.5(m) as the “Revenue Fund”) for the deposit of all revenues received from the collection of the Multi- Family Bulky Item Fee (the “Multi-Family BIF”) established in Section 66.41(c) of Article 6.1 of Chapter VI of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, as amended, and any other legally available income, rates, fees, charges, and other moneys which the City designates by ordinance or resolution for deposit in the Revenue Fund. Money in the Revenue Fund may be used for those activities and costs for which the Multi-Family BIF is authorized and any other purpose as may be approved by the Council. The Revenue Fund shall be administered by the Department of Public Works.
(2) All money in the Revenue Fund may be pledged to secure, and shall be set aside and used for, the payment of principal and interest, installment payments, lease payments, and associated expenses as may be directed by Council resolutions, related to financing those activities and costs for which the Multi-Family BIF is authorized and any other activities and costs relating to the City’s solid waste operations as may be approved by the Council.
(3) All earnings of the Revenue Fund shall remain in the Revenue Fund. Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the Revenue Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund of the City.
(n) [Repealed.]
(o) Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2013-A Acquisition Fund. There is hereby created in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles for the purpose of receiving and disbursing money from the sale and issuance of the City of Los Angeles, California Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2013-A (Series 2013-A Bonds), a special fund named the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2013-A Acquisition Fund (Acquisition Fund). No expenditure may be made from the Acquisition Fund except for the payment of the costs of acquisition of equipment and vehicles, and the construction and acquisition of improvements to certain facilities, all as required to implement the Series 2013-A Bonds’ portion (Series 2013-A Project) of the City’s automated waste collection, disposal and recycling programs. The Acquisition Fund shall be administered by the Department of Public Works. After the completion of the Series 2013-A Project, any money remaining in the Acquisition Fund shall be disbursed in accordance with the Trust Agreement for the Series 2013-A Bonds. All earnings by the Acquisition Fund shall be retained by the Acquisition Fund. Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the Acquisition Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund of the City.
(p) Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2018-A Acquisition Fund. There is hereby created in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles for the purposes of receiving and disbursing money from the sale and issuance of the City of Los Angeles, California Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2018-A (Series 2018-A Bonds), a special fund named the “Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2018-A Acquisition Fund” (Acquisition Fund). No expenditure may be made from the Acquisition Fund except for the payment of the costs of the acquisition of vehicles, the installation of certain equipment, and the construction and renovation of certain real property improvements, all as required to implement the Series 2018-A Bonds’ portion (Series 2018-A Project) of the City’s automated waste collection, disposal and recycling programs. The Acquisition Fund shall be administered by the Department of Public Works. Any moneys remaining in the Acquisition Fund on the earlier of the date the City determines that the Series 2018-A Project has been completed, or such earlier or later date as the City may determine, consistent with the Tax Certificate, shall be disbursed in accordance with the Trust Agreement for the Series 2018-A Bonds. All earnings by the Acquisition Fund shall be retained by the Acquisition Fund. Pursuant to Charter Section 344
, money in the Acquisition Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund of the City.
(q) Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2023-A Acquisition Fund. There is hereby created in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles for the purposes of receiving and disbursing money from the sale and issuance of the City of Los Angeles Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2023-A (Series 2023-A Bonds), a special fund named the “Solid Waste Resources Revenue Bonds, Series 2023-A Acquisition Fund” (Acquisition Fund). No expenditure may be made from the Acquisition Fund except for the payment of costs for the acquisition of (i) equipment, including vehicles and other items, and the installation thereof, if any, for the City’s solid waste operations, and (ii) facilities, including the construction and renovation of real property and other capital improvements for the City’s solid waste operations (Series 2023-A Project). The Acquisition Fund shall be administered by the Department of Public Works. Any moneys remaining in the Acquisition Fund on the date the City determines that the Series 2023-A Project has been completed, or such earlier or later date as the City may determine, consistent with the tax certificate executed in connection with the issuance of the Series 2023-A Bonds, shall be disbursed in accordance with the Supplemental Trust Agreement for the Series 2023-A Bonds. All earnings of the Acquisition Fund shall be retained in the Acquisition Fund. Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the Acquisition Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund of the City.
Added by Ord. No. 166,308, Eff. 11-15-90.
Amended by: Subsec. (c) added, Ord. No. 170,390, Eff 3-19-95; Subsec. (d) added, Ord. No. 170,761, Eff. 12-25-95; Subsec. (e) added, Ord. No. 171,481, Eff. 2-21-97; Subsec. (f) added, Ord. No. 171,765, Eff. 12-7-97; Subsec. (g) added, Ord. No. 172,326, Eff. 1-8-99; Ord. No. 173,305, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Subsec. (h) added, Ord. No. 174,223, Eff. 10-11-01; Subsec. (i) added, Ord. No. 175,168, Eff. 4-20-03; Subsec. (j) added, Ord. No. 175,653, Eff. 12-4-03; Subsec. (k) added, Ord. No. 176,730, Eff. 6-16-05; Subsec. (l) added, Ord. No. 177,852, Eff. 8-28-06; Article Title, Section Title, and Subsec. (a) amended, Ord. No. 177,927, Eff. 11-12-06; Subsec. (m) added, Ord. No. 179,070, Eff. 9-16-07; Subsec. (n) added, Ord. No. 180,897, Eff. 10-15-09; Subsec. (o) added, Ord. No. 182,499, Eff. 4-15-13; Subsec. (p) added, Ord. No. 185,639, Eff. 7-6-18; Subsecs. (c) through (l) and (n) repealed, Ord. No. 187,475, Eff. 6-9-22; Subsecs. (a) and (m) amended and Subsec. (q) added, Ord. No. 187,902, Eff. 6-26-23.
(a) There is hereby created and established in the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund to be known as the “Street Damage Restoration Fee Special Fund” hereinafter referred to in this article as the “Fund”.
(b) The Fund shall be used only for street surfacing, resurfacing, repair and reconstruction, and laboratory fees, testing, materials, engineering, salaries and overhead associated therewith.
(c) All interest and other earnings from monies placed in the Fund shall be credited to the Fund and shall be devoted to the purposes of the Fund as stated herein.
(d) Appropriations from the Fund shall be approved by a majority of the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor, or passage by the Council over the Mayor’s veto by a two-thirds vote. The Department of Public Works shall cause the necessary demands to be drawn upon the Fund.
(e) Monies not expended from the Fund in any fiscal year shall not revert to the Reserve Fund, but shall remain in the Fund.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 171,923, Eff. 3-27-98.
(a) There is hereby created and established within the Treasury of the City of Los Angeles a special fund to be known as the Council Discretionary Street Furniture Fund (Fund). The term “street furniture” also referred to as “transit amenities” includes, but is not limited to, automated public toilets, transit shelters, newsstands, modular news racks, kiosks, and such other fixtures located on streets, highways, public rights-of-way, and sidewalks. Revenues from advertisements (Revenues) placed in or upon street furniture and from any other uses of street furniture shall be deposited into the Fund in the allocation specified in Subsection (b).
(b) The first $3,000,000 in Revenues, with annual adjustments for inflation determined by the City Administrative Officer, shall be deposited into the Fund to be divided equally among the Council Districts. All Revenues in excess of this amount shall be deposited in the Reinvestment in Accessibility, Infrastructure, and Streetscape Enhancements for Los Angeles (RAISE LA) Fund established in Section 5.121.15 of this Code.
(c) Revenues in the Fund shall be used exclusively for the following purposes:
(1) Funding transit related services, including charter buses, dial-a-ride or other public transit service, and for the payment of any and all expenses relating or incidental thereto, including operating expenses;
(2) Funding the purchase, lease, or rental of transit related equipment, including buses, trucks, transit shelters, and street furniture, and all expenses relating or incidental thereto;
(3) Funding consultant studies, City staff costs, land acquisition, design, or construction of the following: (A) sidewalks, curb improvements, and beautification projects needed to improve conditions for public transit patrons; (B) public safety improvements in the public right-of-way including, but not limited to, speed humps, street resurfacing, traffic lane or pedestrian marking and signage, and acquisition of property to widen the public right-of- way to create safer traffic flow or to create safer pedestrian routes; and (C) public amenities to improve the quality of life for public transit patrons, residents, and businesses, including, but not limited to, public safety, community and cultural awareness programs; and (D) all expenses related or incidental to those uses; and
(4) The repayment of any money borrowed or advanced from any other fund with the intent that reimbursement be made from the Fund.
(d) The Fund shall be administered by the Director of the Bureau of Street Services, Department of Public Works. The Controller shall create a separate account In the Fund for each Council District. Expenditures from the Fund shall be made from each Council District account, as authorized by the Councilmember representing that Council District and by the City Council. All Interest and other earnings accruing on money in the Fund shall be credited to each account in the Fund equally and shall be devoted to the purposes of the Fund. Pursuant to Charter Section 344, money in the Fund shall not revert to the Reserve Fund of the City.
(e) Contracts or agreements for the awarding of money in the Fund to nonprofit agencies in amounts up to and including $5,000 are not required to be in writing.
Article and Section Added by Ord. No. 172,767, Eff. 9-20-99.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,305, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Article recaptioned, Subsec. (a) amended, Ord. No. 174,378, Eff. 2-2-02; Subsec. (c) amended, Subsec. (d) added, Ord. No. 175,863, Eff. 5-3-04; Subsec. (b)(3) amended, Ord. No. 177,413, Eff. 5-1-06; Article Title and Section, Ord. No. 188,009, Eff. 11-22-23.