(a) No payment shall be made from the City treasury or out of the funds of the City unless the same be authorized by law or the Charter or unless the demand which is paid be duly audited as provided in the Charter. The Controller may, however, approve advance payments for any goods or services which are customarily required to be paid for in advance and which it is not possible to acquire without advance payment, including: software licenses; computer hardware and software maintenance; air travel and other transportation costs; hotel reservations; subscriptions for periodicals, magazines and other publications; telephone bills (other than usage charges); fees for alternate dispute resolution; catering or food services; services performed through grants and General City Purpose agreements awarded by the City; insurance premiums; State Bar dues; and payments to the private entity under contract to manage, operate and maintain the Los Angeles Convention Center. The Controller shall report on a quarterly basis to the Mayor and Council on all such advance payments.
(b) Contracts approved by Council pursuant to Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 5.181 for the collection of delinquent accounts receivable by outside collection agencies may provide that the outside collection agencies may retain fees due under such contracts directly from the monies collected, but reserving to the City any and all rights to contest the contractor’s right to any such payment or the amount thereof.
Based on Charter, Sec. 380.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,279, Eff. 6-26-00; In Entirety, Ord. No. 174,618, Eff. 7-12-02; Subsec. (a), Ord. No. 182,815, Eff. 1-11-14.