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Sec. 4.1164. Dental Insurance Premium Subsidy for Retired Members.
   (a)   Those members who were retired pursuant to Charter Sections 1304, 1310, 1312, 1408, 1412(a), 1412(b), 1504, 1506(a), 1506(b), 1604, 1606(a), 1606(b), 1704, 1706(a) or 1706(b), or Administrative Code Sections 4.2004, 4.2006(a) or 4.2006(b), and who have at least ten (10) Years of Service, including those years for which they acquired additional retirement service credits from said Plan, and who are age fifty-five (55) years or older, shall have paid to their approved dental insurance carrier on their behalf a monthly subsidy consisting of 4% of the maximum monthly dental subsidy for each whole year of service as defined in their applicable Tier. In no case shall a retired member have paid to the retired member’s dental insurance carrier an amount exceeding the maximum monthly amount established pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Section.
   (b)   The maximum monthly subsidy shall be the lower of the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System (LACERS) maximum subsidy or any amount allowed active members of any Fire and Police Plan Tier.
   (c)   In no event shall the subsidy provided in this section, when added to any other dental subsidy paid from the funds of the Department of Water & Power and/or LACERS exceed the maximum subsidy available pursuant to the provisions of this Administrative Code.
   (d)   As provided under Charter Sections 1330(d), 1428(d), 1518(d), 1618(d) and 1718(d) and Administrative Code Section 4.2018(d), the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners shall administer the subsidy program established herein.
   (e)   Entitlement for the subsidy provided herein shall commence with the premiums due for the month of January 2002. There shall be no retroactive entitlement to the dental insurance premium subsidies provided in this section prior to this commencement date.
Added by Ord. No. 174,368, Eff. 12-19-01.
Amended by: Subsec. (b), Ord. No. 176,731, Eff. 6-21-05; Subsecs. (a) and (d), Ord. No. 181,770, Eff. 7-8-11; Subsec. (d), Ord. No. 184,853, Eff. 4-6-17.