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Sec. 4.1152. Administration.
   Any program established by this chapter shall be administered by the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”). In furtherance thereof, the Board shall provide suitable health, medical, hospital or other plans as may be authorized by ordinance, and shall have the power to adopt such rules as it deems necessary to administer the program. The Board shall have the authority to contract for suitable health, medical, hospital, dental or vision plans to be made available to retired members and their eligible beneficiaries. The Board may also contract with third-party administrators that provide or contract for suitable plans (such as health care exchanges). The Board shall adopt rules necessary to administer any such plans.
   Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Board may in its discretion, and subject to the approval of the City Council and the Mayor, authorize the Personnel Department to administer any program, in which case such authorization may include the power to negotiate and establish health, medical and hospital plan or plans; provided, however, that the Board shall retain the power to sign necessary service agreements or to execute contracts and that the Board shall reimburse the General Fund of the City of Los Angeles for all necessary expenses incurred by the Personnel Department in the administration of such program.
Added by Ord. No. 147,014, Eff. 3-21-75.
Renumbered and Relocated by Ord. No. 154,536, Eff. 11-30-80.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,272, Eff. 6-25-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Ord. No. 179,538, Eff. 3-2-08; Ord. No. 184,853, Eff. 4-6-17.