   30.01   Regular meetings
   30.02   Rules of council
   30.03   Rule 1 - President pro tem and clerk; duties of clerk
   30.04   Rule 2 - Quorum
   30.05   Rule 3 - Council may determine own rules; expulsion of members; absence from meetings
   30.06   Rule 4 - Mayor, duties; report to council; recommendations
   30.07   Rule 5 - President of council; presiding officer
   30.08   Rule 6 - Schedule of business
   30.09   Rule 7 - Conducting discussions
   30.10   Rule 8 - Agenda of meeting
   30.11   Rule 9 - Appointments to committees
   30.12   Rule 10 - Emergency legislation
   30.13   Rule 11 - Receiving motion when question is before council
   30.14   Rule 12 - Handling motions for reference to committee
   30.15   Rule 13 - Motions to reconsider
   30.16   Rule 14 - Motion to take from the table
   30.17   Rule 15 - Motion to postpone indefinitely
   30.18   Rule 16 - Notion for the previous question
   30.19   Rule 17 - Motion to amend
   30.20   Rule 18 - Motion on question of privilege
   30.21   Rule 19 - Motion that matter be taken from committee
   30.22   Rule 20 - Majority, 2/3, and 3/4 defined
   30.23   Rule 21 - Adoption of ordinances and resolutions
   30.24   Rule 22 - Suspension of rules
   30.25   Rule 23 - Amending resolution or ordinance
   30.26   Rule 24 - Approval of ordinances or resolutions
   30.27   Rule 25 - City director of law
   30.28   Rule 26 - Amendment of council rules
   30.29   Rule 27 - Robert's Rules of Order
   30.30   Standing committees
   30.31   Ordinances and resolutions