Motor Carrier Safety Rules
Part I - General Regulations
486.01   Definitions.
486.02   Qualifications and rules for operators; safety standards for equipment, facilities, loading and unloading.
486.03   Qualifications of drivers.
486.04   Annual review of drivers' records.
486.05   Certificates of driver's road test and of written examination required.
486.06   Physical qualifications of drivers.
486.07   Waiver of physical defects.
486.08   Driver qualification files.
486.09   Limited exemptions.
486.10   Bumpers.
486.11   Consecutive hours of service; exemptions.
486.12   Records of duty activities; corrections.
486.13   Application of chapter and rules; compliance; exemptions.
486.14   Promulgation of rules and regulations by Department of State Police.
486.15   Adoption of provisions of 49 C.F.R.; intent.
486.16   Submission of transportation safety related documents to the Motor Carrier Division of the Department of State Police.
486.17   Violations; notice to appear; audits of drivers; exemptions.
486.18   Operation of unsafe vehicles.
486.19   Voluntary safety self-inspection program.
486.20   Enforcement by State Division of Weights and Measures and Police Department.
Part II - Loaded Vehicles; Width, Height, Length, Weight; Trailers; Towed Vehicles; Driver's View
486.21   Driver's view and control to be unobstructed by load or persons.
486.22   Size, weight and load limitations generally; exemptions.
486.23   Width of vehicle or load.
486.24   Width of load carried on passenger-type vehicles.
486.25   Height and length limitations generally; lamps and reflectors; number of axles.
486.26   Protection of loose, shifting or leaking loads; carrying logs or tubular products.
486.27   Towing of trailers and vehicles by passenger vehicles.
486.28   Weight of axle loads; wheel loads; transportation of flammable liquids.
486.29   Identification of certain vehicles.
486.30   Stopping vehicles for weighing.
486.31   Designation of truck routes.
486.99   Penalty.
   Traffic rules and regulations in home rule cities - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 117.4h
   Michigan Vehicle Code - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 257.1 et seq.; TRAF. Ch. 424
   Traffic rules and regulations generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 257.601 et seq., 257.634 et seq.
   Uniform Traffic Code - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 257.951 et seq.; TRAF. Ch. 420
   Operation of commercial motor vehicle by person with specified alcohol content - see TRAF. 466.02
   Parking commercial and heavy vehicles - see TRAF. 490.03
   Commercial and heavy vehicles in Municipal parking lots - see TRAF. 494.08
   Garbage and rubbish collection vehicles - see B.R. & T. 832.11
   Storage and parking in Residential Districts - see P. & Z. 1294.07
   Commercial use of trailers - see B. & H. 1486.07(i), 1486.09(n)