(A) Boundaries of districts established under provisions of this chapter are shown on the county zoning map on file in the office of the County Clerk, Stanford, Kentucky.
(B) Boundaries of districts shown on the county zoning map shall be interpreted as follows.
(1) Boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerlines of streets, highways, alleys, railroad tracks shall be construed to follow such lines.
(2) Boundaries indicated as approximately following plotted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines.
(3) Boundaries indicated as approximately following county boundaries shall be construed as following such corporation or county line.
(4) Boundaries indicated as approximately following shore lines shall be construed to follow such shore lines, and in the event of a change in the shore line shall be construed as moving with the actual shore line; boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerlines of streams, rivers, lakes or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such centerlines.
(5) Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in divisions (B)(1) through (B)(4) above, shall be so construed. Distances shall be determined by the scale of the county zoning map unless specifically shown on the map.
(C) Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the official zoning map, or in other circumstances not covered by (B)(1) through (B)(5) above concerning the exact location of any district boundary line or portion thereof, the location of such district boundary or portion thereof shall be determined by the Board of Adjustment.
(D) Where a district boundary line on the county zoning map divides a lot of single ownership which was recorded at the time of enactment of this chapter, the Board of Adjustment may permit the extension of the regulations for either portion of the lot a distance not to exceed 50 feet into the remaining portion of the lot.
(E) Whenever any street, alley, public way or public easement is vacated through legal action, the abutting districts shall be extended, depending on the land to which the vacated lands revert.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
The following zoning district classifications are established for the county:
(A) A-1 Agricultural District;
(B) R-1 Residential - Single-Family District;
(C) R-2 Residential - Single- and Multi-Family;
(D) C/PO Commercial/Professional District (Mixed Use); and
(E) I-I Industrial - Light Industrial District.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) Exterior storage of non-operating or non-licensed vehicles. No person in charge of or in control of premises, whether as owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or otherwise shall allow any partially dismantled, wrecked, junked, discarded or otherwise non-operating motor vehicle to remain on such property longer than ten days; except that this section shall not apply to historic motor vehicles registered and licensed in conformance with KRS 186.043, property where such use is allowed under zoning ordinances, or other applicable laws, or to any vehicle in an enclosed building or so located upon the premises as not to be readily visible from any public place or from any surrounding private property. This section shall further not apply with regard to any vehicle on the premises of a business enterprise operated in a lawful place, other than in a residential district, and operated in a lawful manner, when the keeping or maintenance of such vehicle is necessary to the operation of such business enterprise; or with regard to a vehicle in an appropriate storage place or depository maintained in a lawful place and manner by the county government or any other public agency or entity. Nothing in this chapter shall be taken to lessen the requirements of the county nuisance ordinance (Chapter 91 of this code of ordinances) and when this chapter is in conflict, the stricter of the two shall prevail.
(B) Duty of maintenance of private property. No person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge of any premises shall maintain or keep any nuisance thereon, nor shall any such person keep or maintain such premises in a manner causing substantial diminution in the value of the other property in the neighborhood in which such persons are located. Nuisances shall consist of, but shall not be limited to, abandoned buildings, abandoned mobile homes and garbage dumps.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005) Penalty, see § 154.999
(A) The intent of the Agricultural District is to preserve, promote and protect the rural character of the land, including agricultural uses, significant natural features, wooded areas, the watercourses and to minimize erosion of soil, siltation and pollution of streams and lakes.
(B) The purpose of A-1 Districts is to preserve agricultural endeavors and open space within the county.
(1) Permitted uses.
(a) Land used exclusively for agriculture, farming, dairying, stock raising;
(b) Horticultural services;
(c) Hunting, trapping, game preserves, forestry;
(d) Single-family detached dwellings;
(e) Approved manufactured/mobile homes; and
(f) Churches and cemeteries.
(2) Permitted accessory uses.
(a) Accessory uses in connection with agriculture, farming, dairying, stock raising or similar uses, such as tenant homes, agriculture structures, stables and parking areas;
(b) Roadside stands offering for sale only agricultural products grown on the premises;
(c) Keeping of roomers or boarders by a resident family; and
(d) Swimming pools and tennis courts for private use.
(3) Conditional uses. The following uses are special exceptions and require written approval of the Board of Adjustment; and the Board may attach certain conditions to its approval which it feels are necessary to preserve and protect the agricultural character of the district in which the proposed use would locate:
(a) Hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent homes, rest homes, orphanages, rehabilitation homes;
(b) Sewage disposal plants and water treatment plants;
(c) Extraction of crude petroleum or natural gas; extraction, storing and processing or minerals or raw materials;
(d) Veterinarian clinics;
(e) Agricultural home occupations as defined in § 154.009;
(f) Recreational facilities, including playgrounds, golf courses, country clubs, sportsman’s farms, riding stables, fishing lakes and private clubs, restaurants for private clubs, horse training track;
(g) Mobile home and recreational vehicle parks;
(h) Additional mobile homes used as dwelling units by members of farm owner’s immediate family or full-time employees of the farm owner, provided that prior approval of the sanitary waste disposal system is granted by the County Health Department and provided that the “setback” requirements of the zoning district are met, and further provided that no division of such lot shall occur from the “parent farm” at a density greater than one unit per one acre;
(i) Portable/temporary/part-time sawmill, that meet the following conditions:
1. Must have no more than three employees;
2. Must be located on a site containing a minimum of ten acres;
3. Must be located on property outside the Cedar Creek Watershed;
4. All sawmill operations must be located at least 150 feet from any public road right-of-way and at least 100 feet from the property line of any adjoining property owners, and at least 200 feet from any residence on any adjoining property;
5. No burning of slabs, sawdust or other debris is allowed on the property;
6. All slabs, sawdust and other debris must be substantially removed from the sawmill property at least once per year, and any sawmill that will be temporarily located on property owned by someone other than the owner of the sawmill machinery, the slabs, sawdust and other debris shall be completely removed from the property within 30 days of sawmill operations ceasing on said property;
7. All entrances and exits to and from the sawmill property must be at least 50 feet in width, with culverts extended a minimum of five feet on each side of the entrance or exit roadway, and said roadways used for entrance or exit to the sawmill operations must be covered with an impervious surface, white rock or creek rock for at least 40 feet from the impervious surface of the road on which they adjoin or 40 feet from the right-of-way of the road they adjoin;
8. If a temporary sawmill is set up on property not owned by the owner of the sawmill machinery, the road requirements may be lessened only if all of the logs to be sawed are harvested on the property owned by the same entities on which the sawmill machinery is located. These requirements shall not apply if all of the logs to be sawed are harvested from the property on which the sawmill machinery is set up;
9. A sawmill will be deemed “temporary” if it is set up on property not owned by the owner of the sawmill machinery, and it is only to be operated for the purpose of sawing lumber from timber harvested on property owned by the entity which owns the property on which the sawmill is located, and the sawmill machinery will be removed within 30 days of the ceasing of operations of a sawmill. In the case of a “temporary” sawmill operation, no conditional use permit will be required, but the owner of the property shall notify the County Planning and Zoning Office of the operation of such a “temporary” sawmill; and
10. Nothing contained herein shall impose conditions on property owners sawing logs harvested on their property where the owner of the property also owns the sawmill machinery.
(j) Family owned, family operated commercial or industrial uses, with the exception of sawmills, that meet all of the following conditions:
1. Must be totally owned and operated by the owner occupant(s) of the property;
2. Must have no more than ten employees in addition to the owners of the property and/or their immediate family members;
3. Must be located on a site containing a minimum of 30 acres; and
4. Must involve agricultural products that can be produced either on the subject property or in the local community, and consist of processing that adds value to those products; and may include on site retail sales of the finished products.
(k) Temporary mobile or portable sawmills which are utilized by the property owner to cut his or her own logs into lumber or boards, which logs are produced from trees grown solely on the owner’s property, shall not require a conditional use permit; provided, however, said temporary sawmill must be removed from the owner’s property within one year after the date it is originally set up on said property.
(4) Development standards (A-1).
General | Cedar Creek Watershed |
General | Cedar Creek Watershed | |
On septic | ||
Minimum lot area | 1 acre | 5 acres |
Minimum road frontage | 50 feet | 200 feet |
Min. width at building line | 100 feet | 175 feet |
Minimum front yard* | 60 feet | 80 feet |
Minimum side yard (each side)* | 25 feet | 35 feet |
Minimum rear yard* | 50 feet | 60 feet |
On public sewer | ||
Minimum lot area | 1/2 acre | NA |
Minimum road frontage | 50 feet | NA |
Minimum width at building line | 60 feet | NA |
Minimum front yard* | 35 feet | NA |
Minimum side yard (each side)* | 15 feet | NA |
Minimum rear yard* | 25 feet | NA |
Maximum building height | NA | NA |
Signs | ||
Parking | ||
*Minimum side and rear yard requirements measured from the property line on all sides. Front yard setbacks are measured from the public road right-of-way. | ||
For all parcels in excess of ten acres in all agricultural zones outside the Cedar Creek Watershed area shall be subject to the above standards, except that the required frontage may be reduced to the minimum right-of-way allowed in § 153.36 for construction of a public street. | ||
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005; Ord. 9.8.15, passed 9-8-2015; Ord. passed 9-10-2013; Ord. 9.14.21, passed 9-14-2021)
The purpose of residential districts is to establish and preserve single- and multi-family home neighborhoods as desired by large numbers of people free from other uses except those which are both compatible with and convenient to the residents of such a district.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) The residential classification is intended for housing in conformance with the future land use map, County Comprehensive Plan. The principal land use in this district is for residential dwellings and for associated religious, recreational, educational and public facilities necessary to provide for a balanced and attractive residential areas. Lands in this district are intended to be protected from encroachment of uses detrimental to and not performing a function appropriate to the residential environment.
(B) Property values are stabilized and orderly growth promoted by providing adequate light, air and open space and through consideration of proper function relationships of each permitted use.
(1) Permitted uses.
(a) Detached single-family dwellings; and
(b) Approved manufactured/mobile homes.
(2) Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings may be permitted only as customarily incidental to any of the permitted and conditional uses listed above; provided that such accessory uses shall not involve the conduct of any business, trade or industry. Accessory uses and structures may include the following:
(a) The taking of boarders or roomers by the family resident on the premises, provided that no new living unit with separate kitchen and bathroom facilities is created (maximum of three rooms for this purpose);
(b) Detached garage(s) for the storage of automobiles, recreational equipment and incidental equipment;
(c) Private swimming pools, provided that they meet the side yard requirements of principal buildings and are fenced to prevent free access to small children in conformance with the requirements in § 154.125; and
(d) Storage buildings.
(3) Conditional uses. The following uses are special exceptions and require written approval of the Board of Adjustment; and the Board may attach certain conditions to its approval which it feels are necessary to preserve and protect the character of the district in which the proposed use would locate. Conditional uses shall be so located, site-planned and designed as to avoid undue noise, nuisances and dangers:
(a) Churches, parish houses and other places of worship located not less than 20 feet from any other lot in the R District;
(b) Public parks, playgrounds, golf courses, country clubs and other public recreational facilities; provided that any principal building used therefor shall be located not less than 40 feet from any other lot in the R-1 District;
(c) Schools and colleges for academic instruction, located not less than 40 feet from the R-1 District lots;
(d) Public libraries, public museums and similar public cultural uses, located not less than 20 feet from R-1 District lots;
(e) Private noncommercial recreation areas and facilities not listed above including tennis courts, club swindling pools; provided that no such swimming pool shall be located nearer than 100 feet from an R-1 District lot;
(f) Funeral homes and cemeteries;
(g) Hospitals and clinics for human care, nursing and convalescent homes, physicians offices, religious and charitable institutions, provided that any buildings which are used for the permanent care of drug addicts or the mentally impaired shall be at least 100 feet from the R-1 District lots;
(h) Philanthropic institutions and clubs, except a club which is customarily carried on as a commercial activity;
(i) Non-commercial kennel on the premises of a residence occupied by the owner or tenant as a dwelling house;
(j) Bed and breakfast operations;
(k) Home occupations as defined in § 154.009; and
(l) Private air strips.
(5) Development standards (R-1).
Dwellings | Conditional Uses | CC |
Dwellings | Conditional Uses | CC | |
Accessory building | 5 feet* | 5 feet* | 5' |
Maximum building height | |||
Principal structure | 35 feet | 35 feet | 35' |
Accessory structure | N/A | N/A | 15' |
Maximum percentage of lot covered by buildings | 40% | 40% | 40% |
Minimum front yard | 35 feet | 35 feet | 35' |
Minimum lot area | |||
no public sewer | 43,560 sq. ft. | 43,560 sq. ft. | 43,560 |
on public sewer | 11,000 sq. ft. | 16,000 sq. ft. | 22,500 |
Minimum public road frontage | 75 feet (septic) 60 feet (public sewer) | 75' 100' | |
Minimum rear yard | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25' |
Minimum side yard | |||
Accessory building | 5 feet | 5 feet | 5' |
(each side) | 12 feet | 12 feet | 12' |
Minimum width at building line | 75 feet | 100 feet | 75' |
Parking | - | ||
Signs | - | ||
*Rear yards are measured from the property line, unless there are utility easements along the rear property line; all structures must be located a minimum of five feet from the easement | |||
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) The intent of the R-2 District is to establish and preserve residential neighborhoods of different or mixed densities of residential units and to exclude uses which are not compatible with residential uses.
(B) The principal use of land includes single-, two-family and multi-family dwellings, including townhouses.
(1) Permitted uses.
(a) Detached single-family dwellings;
(b) Attached two-family dwellings (duplexes);
(c) Multi-family dwellings including townhouses and condominiums;
(d) Approved manufactured/mobile homes; and
(e) Other permitted uses as defined in R-1, § 154.083(B)(1).
(2) Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings may be permitted as customarily incidental to any of the permitted principal and conditional uses listed above. Accessory uses permitted are those permitted in the R-1 Zone.
(3) Conditional uses. Any use conditionally permitted in an R-1 Residential District and subject to the requirements thereof as provided in § 154.083(B)(3).
(5) Development standards (R-2).
Single-Family | Multi-Family |
Single-Family | Multi-Family | |
Minimum lot area | ||
on public sewer | 10,000 sq. ft. | 10,000 sq. ft. for the first unit plus 2,000 sq. ft. for each additional dwelling |
no public sewer | 43,560 sq. ft. | 43,560 per duplex 21,780 sq. ft. each additional unit |
Minimum road frontage | 75 feet | 100 feet/10 feet each additional unit |
Mm. lot width at building line | 60 feet | 60 feet plus 10 feet for each additional unit |
Minimum front yard | 35 feet | |
Minimum side yard (each side) | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Accessory building | 5 feet | 5 feet |
Minimum rear yard | 25 feet | 25 feet |
Accessory building | 5 feet* | |
Max. percentage of lot covered by buildings | 40% | 40% |
Signs | ||
Parking | ||
*Rear yards are measured from the property line, unless there are utility easements along the rear property line; all structures must be located a minimum of five feet from the easement | ||
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005; Ord. passed 2-26-2019)