(A) Installation standards.
(1) Permanent perimeter enclosure. Manufactured homes as defined in this chapter as requiring a permanent perimeter enclosure must be set onto an excavated area, with foundations, footings and crawl space or basement walls constructed in accordance with the terms of the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code. The space between the floor joists of the home and the excavated underfloor grade shall be completely enclosed with the permanent perimeter enclosure (except for required openings).
(2) Foundation siding/skirting.
(a) All manufactured or certified mobile homes not requiring a permanent perimeter enclosure shall have an approved foundation siding/skirting enclosing the entire perimeter of the home. Foundation siding/skirting and back-up framing shall be weather-resistant, non-combustible or self-extinguishing materials, which blend with the exterior siding of the home. Below grade level and for a minimum distance of six inches above finish grade, the materials shall be unaffected by decay or oxidation. The siding shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations or approved equal standards.
(b) The siding shall be ventilated by openings, which shall have a net area of not less than one square foot for each 150 linear feet of exterior perimeter. The openings shall be covered with corrosion resistant wire mesh not larger than one-half inch in any dimension. The underfloor area shall be provided with an 18-inch by 24-inch minimum size access crawl hole, which shall not be blocked by pipes, ducts or other construction interfering with the accessibility of the underfloor space, or other approved access mechanism.
(B) Support system. All HUD-Code Manufactured Home load-bearing foundations shall be installed in conformance with ANSI and with the manufacturer’s installation specifications. All certified mobile homes not placed on a permanent foundation, shall be installed on a support system in conformance with the manufacturer’s installation specifications or with the Support Systems regulations in the ANSI/NFPA 501A1977 Installation Standards.
(C) Location permits. Note: these replace the building permit requirement.
(1) Requirements. Prior to the location, relocation or establishment of any manufactured or certified mobile home, the homeowner or authorized representative shall secure from the appropriate Administrative/Enforcement Officer a location permit, which states that the building and its location conform with the Comprehensive Plan. Each application for a location permit shall be accompanied by:
(a) Those plot plans as required for all dwelling units, but which at a minimum include elevations or photographs of all sides of the home, exterior dimensions, roof materials, foundation siding or permanent perimeter enclosure treatment, foundation siding or perimeter retaining wall treatment, foundation construction and materials, exterior finishes and the like;
(b) Health department approval for any sewage disposal or water supply, where applicable;
(c) Mobile home park permit approval, where applicable;
(d) A copy of the approved instructions, which will be used for installation purposes, where applicable;
(e) Such other information, as may be required by the Administrative/ Enforcement Officer for proper enforcement of this chapter; and
(f) An agreement signed by the homeowner or authorized representative pledging compliance with the terms set by the Planning Commission in the location permit.
(2) Issuance of permit. After receipt of the information required for a location permit the Administrative/Enforcement Officer shall review the standards set in this chapter. If the applicant has met all required standards, then within three working days the location permit shall be issued by the Administrative/Enforcement Officer.
(3) Additional action necessary. If after receipt of the information required for the location permit, the Administrative/Enforcement Officer finds that the applicant has not fully met the standards set in the ordinance, and the changes or additional actions needed are deemed by the designated administrator to be relatively minor or simple, within three working days a conditional approval can be issued, with the stated conditions which must be met prior to occupancy spelled out, and the reasons for change clearly stated in writing. If the applicant agrees in writing to the further conditions, the effect being an amendment to the application to conform to the requirements, approval is given and the applicant proceeds. If the applicant does not agree, the application is denied, with reasons stated in writing.
(4) Denial of permit. If any of the major elements are clearly out of line with the standards, within three working days issuance of the location permit will be denied, with a written statement specifying the reasons for the denial.
(D) Failure to obtain required permits. Failure to obtain either a location permit or a certificate of occupancy shall be violation of this chapter and punishable under the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) Circumstances for permit issuance. Subject to conditions, fees and standards otherwise required by this chapter, a temporary use permit may be issued as follows:
(1) To an applicant to use a manufactured or certified mobile home as a caretaker’s quarters or construction office at a job site in business and industrial zones only; and
(2) To an applicant in an A-1 District with a minimum of one acre who is in the process of building a conventional dwelling for the purpose of using the mobile home as a temporary dwelling for a maximum of one calendar year during the course of construction of the dwelling; such permit shall be void after one year or upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy; such mobile home shall be removed from the property within 30 days of the permit becoming void.
(B) Length of permit. A temporary use permit may be issued, at the discretion of the Administrative/Enforcement Officer, for a period not to exceed one year. The temporary permit may be renewed for additional six-month periods upon showing of good cause, and with permission to do so. However, at the discretion of the Administrative/Enforcement Officer, a temporary use permit may be issued to an applicant for a health or age related circumstance for a period coteraunous with the health or age related circumstance.
(C) Permit expiration. At the time the temporary permit expires, the manufactured or certified mobile home and all appurtenances shall be removed from the property within 30 days.
(D) Utility requirements. Manufactured or certified mobile homes used for temporary uses shall have an approved water supply, sewage disposal system and utility connections, where appropriate.
(E) Permit fee. A temporary use permit shall be issued by the Administrative/Enforcement Officer. The fee shall be $25 and is in addition to all other required permits for utilities and sewage disposal systems.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005) Penalty, see § 154.999
No building or structure shall be erected, substantially altered or its use changed unless permanently maintained off-street parking and loading spaces have been provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Existing off-street parking provided for any building or use at the time of adoption of this chapter shall not thereafter be reduced if such reduction results in parking area less than that required by this chapter. Any existing building or use not provided with conforming parking space shall be provided with off-street parking space in conformance with this chapter at the time of any structural alteration of the building, expansion of the use, or change in the use.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005) Penalty, see § 154.999
(A) No building shall be erected, substantially altered, nor any new use of the land initiated without sufficient off-street parking space on the premises so that no additional automobile parking on any street will result from the normal activity. If the off-street parking capacity is exceeded and street parking is generated more often than six times during a six-month period, this shall be considered as resulting from normal activity, and additional off-street parking shall be provided. The Board of Adjustment shall interpret the amount of parking space required for any building or use, assisted by the following standards, whenever the Administrative/Enforcement Officer is unable to apply the following standards literally or determines a parking space deficiency according to the standard above. In either case, he shall apply to the Board for an original interpretation.
(B) Whenever a building or structure constructed after the effective date of this chapter is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of housing units, seating capacity or otherwise to create a need for an increase in the number of existing parking spaces, additional parking spaces shall be provided on the basis of the enlargement or change; provided that whenever a building or structure existing prior to the effective date of this chapter is enlarged to the extent of 50% or more in floor area, number of employees, number of housing units, seating capacity or otherwise, said building or structure shall then and thereafter comply with the full parking requirements set forth herein.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) A parking space shall have minimum rectangular dimensions as follows:
Type of Parking | Width (feet) | Length (feet) |
90-degree | 9.5 | 19 |
Parallel | 9.5 | 23 |
60-degree | 10 | 19 |
45-degree | 12 | 19 |
(B) All dimensions shall be exclusive of driveways, aisles and other circulation areas. No part of any parking area for more than ten vehicles shall be closer than 20 feet to any dwelling unit, school, hospital or other institution for human care on an adjacent lot unless separated by an acceptably design screen. No parking area may be located in the front yard area of any single-family residence. In no case shall any part of a parking area be closer than four feet to any established street or alley right-of-way.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) The following standards comprise the minimum off-street parking requirements for the several common types of building and uses listed:
(1) Dwellings: two parking spaces per dwelling unit;
(2) Motels, hotels: one parking space per sleeping room plus one space for each two employees;
(3) Indoor retail businesses: one parking space for each 250 square feet of commercial floor area plus one space for every vehicle operated by the business;
(4) Finance, insurance and professional offices: One parking space per 300 square feet of floor area used to conduct the business, up to 6,000 square feet; one parking space for each 1,500 square feet of floor area in excess of 6,000 square feet;
(5) Industrial: One parking space for every two employees at maximum employment on a single shift plus one space for every vehicle operated by the plant; and
(6) Places for public assembly, institutions and recreational facilities: one parking space for every five person based on maximum capacity.
(B) Additional parking standards: the Board of Adjustment may alter the standards listed above when necessary to conform with § 154.166 and shall use similar criteria of floor area, employment or capacity to interpret standards for buildings and uses not specifically listed above.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)