   (A)   The gross area of a tract of land to be developed in a planned unit development district shall be a minimum of ten acres, provided however, that smaller parcels may be considered on the basis of their potential to satisfy the objectives of this subchapter as stated in § 154.205.
   (B)   When the planned unit development proposes a mixture of residential uses with commercial, professional and/or industrial uses, the Planning Commission may limit the development to not more than 8% of the tract to commercial/professional uses and not more than 12% of the tract to light industrial uses.
      (1)   Minimum lot sizes. Lot area per dwelling unit may be reduced by not more than 40% of the minimum lot area required in the district regulations in §§ 154.075 through 154.090 on sanitary sewer. A planned unit development need not conform to the density requirements of §§ 154.075 through 154.090 on sanitary sewer. A diversification of lot sizes is encouraged on sanitary sewer. Lots widths may be varied to allow for a variety of structural design. It is also recommended that setbacks be varied.
      (2)   Height requirements. For each foot of building height over the maximum height regulations specified in §§ 154.075 through 154.090, the distance between such buildings and the side or rear property lines of the planned unit development project area shall be increased by one foot addition to the side and rear yard required in the districts.
      (3)   Parking. Off-street parking, loading and service areas shall be provided in accordance with §§ 154.165 through 154.172. However, off-street parking and loading areas shall not be permitted within 15 feet of any residential use and shall be screened with fence or vegetation approved by the Planning Commission.
      (4)   Perimeter yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subchapter, every lot abutting the perimeter of the planned unit development district shall maintain all yard requirements specified in §§ 154.075 through 154.090 for the applicable conventional zoning district.
      (5)   Lots to abut upon common open space. Every property developed under the planned unit development approach should be designed to abut upon common open space or similar areas. A clustering of dwellings is encouraged. In areas where townhouses are used, there shall be no more than eight townhouse units in any contiguous group.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005) Penalty, see § 154.999
   (A)   All proposed planned unit development shall follow the procedure for plat preparation and subdivision approval as set forth in the county subdivision regulations (Chapter 153). In addition, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the preliminary plat of the proposed planned unit development to aid them in deciding the merits of the proposed project.
      (1)   Nothing herein should be construed to mean that the land owner has the inherit right to develop a planned unit development. The Planning Commission has the power to decide whether or not to allow the planned unit development based on their experience, knowledge, public hearing and the standards set forth herein. Accompanying all preliminary plats shall be calculations for overall density, parking requirements and other material the Commission may reasonably require.
      (2)   If the Planning Commission approves the preliminary the developer may proceed with activities leading to final plat approval providing that the project shall be developed in conformance with the approved preliminary plat.
   (B)   Upon approval by the Planning Commission and Fiscal Court, as appropriate, a planned unit development district may be applied to any existing residential district. Upon approval of a final development plan, the Official Zoning Map shall be annotated for the land area involved so that the district name includes the notation, “P.U.D.”
   (C)   A building permit shall be required for each building in accordance with §§ 154.020 through 154.025. Approval of a planned unit development shall expire if no-substantial work on the site has begun within six months of original approval or if the project is abandoned for more than twenty-four consecutive months. Abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred when no improvements have been made pursuant to the approved planned unit development plat. All approved planned unit development plats shall be recorded with a certificate of land use restriction in the County Clerk’s office per KRS 100.3681.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)