The intent of the Light Industrial District (I-1) is to establish and preserve areas for industrial and certain related uses of such nature that they do not create serious problems of compatibility with other types of land uses; and such establishments should be clean, quiet and free from hazardous or objectionable levels of noise, odor, dust, smoke or glare.
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Manufacturing; wholesaling; warehousing; bulk storage; laundries; cleaning and dyeing plants; bottling works; building material yards; dairies; food processing; printing; vehicle or equipment repair or service;
(2) Retail sale of commodity manufactured, fabricated or processed on the premises; gas stations; restaurants; sale and service of agricultural and construction equipment;
(3) The forgoing use authorizations do not include any of such uses which emit any fumes, vibrations, smoke, noise or glare, except the noise of vehicles coming and going, which is detectable from off the premises by the senses of normal human beings. All operations, including the storage of anything except merchandise displayed for sale, are top be conducted in a fully enclosed building or entirely behind walls or fences which conceal them from visibility from sites off the lot; and
(4) Other industrial uses not listed above shall be considered conditional uses and will require written approval of the Board of Adjustment.
(B) Conditional uses. The following uses are special exceptions and require written approval of the Board of Adjustment:
(1) Trucking terminals; junkyards; single-family homes, including mobile homes, for use by on-site caretakers or security personnel employed by the industrial development; drive-in theaters; gasoline, oil or alcohol storage above ground in excess of 500 gallons if Board of Adjustment review determines that such proposed use will not constitute a fire hazard; and
(2) The Board may attach certain conditions to its approval which it feels are necessary to preserve and protect the character of the district in which the proposed use could locate.
(C) Required conditions.
(1) Yards. On lots adjacent to a residential district all buildings shall be located so as to provide a minimum side and rear yard of 50 feet.
(2) Storage facilities. No materials or supplies shall be stored or permitted to remain on any part of the property outside the buildings constructed thereon without proper screening and adequate distances from adjoining properties.
(3) Waste disposal. No waste material or refuse shall be dumped upon or permitted to remain upon any part of an industrial property outside of buildings constructed thereon. In addition, the property shall not be used by an industry whose primary business requires industrial sewerage, unless the governing municipal body authorizes the use of its sewage disposal facilities or said industry constructs its own sewage disposal plant.
(D) Development standards.
Minimum lot area | 43,560 sq. ft. (septic) |
22,000 sq. ft. (public sewer) | |
Minimum front yard | 50 feet |
Minimum side yard | 25 feet, except 50 feet if adjacent to residential district |
Minimum rear yard | 25 feet, except 50 feet if adjacent to residential district |
Max. percentage of lot covered by buildings | 60% |
Signs | |
Parking | |
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005; Ord. passed 3-26-2009)
(A) The intent of the Floodplain District (F) is to restrict the use of the floodplains of natural drainageways to those uses that will not be greatly damaged by floods or moving waters.
(B) The purpose is to minimize the costs of flood damage to individual property owners and the general public and avoid impeding the flow of floodwaters.
(1) Permitted uses. The Floodplain District is a zone that may be superimposed over any other zoning district wherein the provisions of the other zoning district are applicable as well as the provisions contained herein.
(2) District regulations. Areas designated “F” (Floodplain District) shall be based upon areas determined to be in “flood-prone” areas under the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) National Flood Insurance Program and such other areas as determined by the Planning Commission to be subject to flooding. Within such designated area, no permanent structures for residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial or public use shall be placed without first securing a building permit and demonstrating provisions to protect such structure from flood damage. No building permits shall be issued within the 100-year floodplain unless the structures are floodproofed and meet all other the state and federal flood insurance requirements.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
All existing and future structures and uses of premises within the county, shall conform with all applicable provisions of this chapter. Each zoning district is established to permit only those uses specifically listed as permitted uses or accessory uses, except as provided under the nonconforming or conditional use provisions, and is intended for the protection of those uses. No other uses are permitted except as specifically permitted elsewhere in this chapter.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) For the purposes of this chapter, land which is used solely for agricultural, farming, dairying, stock raising or similar purposes, shall have no regulations imposed as to height, yard, location or court requirements for agricultural buildings except that:
(1) Setback lines and/or buffer zones shall be required for the protection of existing and proposed streets and highways. In connection therewith, all requirements of the State Transportation Cabinet, Bureau of Highways Regulations as regarding distance, sight and drainage shall be compiled with; and
(2) All buildings or structures in a designated floodway or floodplain, or which tend to increase flood heights or obstruct the flow of floodwaters shall be fully regulated.
(B) Mobile homes and other dwellings may be permitted as a part of agricultural use of the land but shall have regulations imposed which are applicable, such as zoning, building and certificates of occupancy.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) Landowners or developers desiring to subdivide agricultural land for any non-agricultural use must conform with the county subdivision regulations (Chapter 153), including design and processing requirements and must conform with the dimension requirements and other special requirements as may be imposed by the Commission.
(B) In all cases, where the ownership of any land is divided for the purpose of eventual development of all kinds (residential, commercial, industrial), the provisions of the county subdivision regulations (Chapter 153) and amendments thereto shall apply in addition to the provision of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
Whenever a legislative body approves a zoning map amendment, whenever the Planning Commission approves a development plan or subdivision plat, and whenever the Board of Adjustments approves a variance or conditional use permit, a certificate of land use restriction as detailed on the following page shall be filed with the County Clerk (per KRS 100.3683).
1. Name and address of property owner(s)
___________________________________________ _____________________________________
___________________________________________ _____________________________________
___________________________________________ _____________________________________
2. Address of Property or development (If applicable) 3. Name of Subdivision
___________________________________________ _____________________________________
___________________________________________ _____________________________________
___________________________________________ _____________________________________
4. Type of Restriction(s) (Check all that apply)
_____Zoning Map Amendment to __________________Zone
_____Conditional Zoning Condition
_____Development Plan
_____Unrecorded Subdivision Plat
_____Conditional Use Permit
_____Other (Specify).
5. Name and address of Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, legislative body which maintains the original records containing the restriction.
Signature of Completing Official
Name and Title of Completing Official (type of print)
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)