(A)   It shall be the policy of the county to promote progressive development of land and construction thereon by encouraging planned unit developments (P.U.D.s) to achieve a maximum choice of living environments by allowing a variety of housing and building types and permitting an increased density per acre and a reduction in lot dimensions, building setbacks and area requirements; a more useful pattern of open space and recreation areas, and if permitted as part of the project, more convenience in location of accessory commercial uses and services; a development pattern which preserves and utilizes natural topography and geologic features, scenic vistas, trees and other vegetation, and prevents disruption of natural drainage patterns; a more efficient use of land that is generally achieved through conventional development resulting in substantial savings through shorter utilities and streets; and a development pattern in harmony with land use density and community faculties objectives. All planned unit development projects shall be subject to the following regulations.
   (B)   The county area also prepared to accept a greater population density in undeveloped areas than that reflected by proposed land uses in the Comprehensive Plan provided the developer can demonstrate that any increment of public cost clearly attributable to increased densities will be compensated for by the private amenities and public benefits to be achieved by the plan of development.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)