No building or dwelling can be occupied without water supply and sewage disposal facilities which have been approved by the County Health Department Wherever public water and sewer mains are accessible, buildings shall be connected to such mains. Reasonable accessibility will be determined by the proximity of the land being developed to existing lines and the capacity of the system. In every case, individual water supply and sewage disposal must meet the requirements set by the County Health Department or rural utility’s water and sewer department manager. A certificate showing approval of proposed and/or existing water and sewerage facilities must accompany applications for all subdivision plats.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005) Penalty, see § 154.999
The excavation of natural materials, filling of land or grading shall be permitted without a conditional use permit only to the degree necessary to permit construction of buildings, streets or accessory uses for which a building permit has been granted. Materials used for fill shall be natural materials only, such as sand, gravel or dirt, and shall not consist of rubbish, refuse, garbage or decomposable animal or vegetable materials. Any excavation, filling or grading which is not clearly necessary and incidental to an approved construction project shall require a conditional use permit, only for buildings which require a building permit. Regrading shall be undertaken at a time which is customary to the overall construction timetable of similar projects.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) It is the intent of this subchapter to encourage provision of alternative, modest housing in residential areas by permitting the use of certain manufactured homes, as defined herein, in all districts in which similar dwellings constructed on site are permitted. It is the intent of this subchapter to assure acceptable similarity in exterior appearance between such manufactured homes and dwellings that have been or might be constructed under these and other lawful regulations on adjacent or nearby lots in the same district
(B) It is further the intent of this subchapter is to guide the establishment of mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks in areas providing a residential setting, convenient to major arterials, and with maximum compatibility with the adjacent uses.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ADD-A-ROOM UNIT. A unit of manufactured housing, not designed as a part of the original structure, which may have less occupied space than a manufactured housing section.
ANCHORING SYSTEM. An approved system of straps, cables, turnbuckles, chains, ties or other approved materials used to secure a manufactured or certified mobile home.
ANSI/NFPA 501A STANDARD FOR INSTALLATION OF MANUFACTURED/CERTIFIED MOBILE HOMES. Model national standards, (including all authorized successor documents) for installation of manufactured and certified mobile homes, as adopted and copyrighted by the National Fire Protection Association and the Manufactured Housing Institute.
APPROVED. Acceptable to the appropriate authority having jurisdiction, by reason of investigation, accepted principles, or tests by nationally recognized organizations.
CERTIFIED MOBILE HOME. A transportable structure larger than 320 square feet, designed to be used as a year-round residential dwelling, and either built prior to the enactment of the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Act of 1974 which became effective for all mobile home construction June 15, 1976 and subsequently upgraded to be able to receive a “B” seal certifying that the unit has been inspected and is in compliance with standards set forth in the HUD Code, or built after June 15, 1976. Such certified mobile homes may be located in the county on one acre or more in the A-1 Zone or in a mobile home park provided that it is placed onto a fixed permanent foundation with the wheels or mobile parts removed, in accordance with approved installation standards, as specified in § 154.149(A) and has an approved foundation siding/ skirting enclosing the entire perimeter of the home. Such mobile homes shall be considered as real estate in accordance with KRS 132.750. Mobile homes not meeting these standards may not be permitted in any zone. All manufactures/mobile homes that are purchased from a private citizen by a private citizen for relocation in the county, will reinspected for HUD certification through the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
EXPANDO UNIT. An expandable manufactured housing unit.
FOUNDATION SIDING/SKIRTING. A type of wainscoting constructed of fire and weather resistant materials, such as aluminum, particle board, treated pressed wood or other approved materials, enclosing the entire undercarriage of the manufactured or certified mobile home.
MANUFACTURED HOME. A dwelling unit fabricated in an off-site manufacturing facility for installation or assembly at the building site, bearing a seal certifying that it is built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Code.
(1) All manufactured homes meeting the following requirements shall be permitted in all traditional residential districts:
(a) Have more than 900 square feet of occupied space in a double or larger multi-section unit;
(b) Be placed on a permanent foundation;
(c) Utilize a permanent perimeter enclosure in accordance with approved installation standards, as specified in § 154.149(A);
(d) Be anchored to the ground, in accordance with ANSI and to the manufacturer’s specifications;
(e) Be without wheels;
(f) Have utilities connected, in accordance with the One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code and manufacturer’s specifications;
(g) Have siding material of a type customarily used on site-constructed residences; and
(h) Have roofing materials of a style and type customarily used on site-constructed residences.
(2) Manufactured homes not meeting these standards may only be placed on lots in conformance with the requirements for a certified mobile home.
MANUFACTURED HOUSING CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS CODE. Title VI of the 1974 Housing and Community Development Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 5401 et seq.), as amended (previously known as the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Act), rules and regulations adopted thereunder (including information supplied by the home manufacturer), which has been stamped and approved by a Design Approval Primary Inspection Agency, an agent of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to HUD rules.
MANUFACTURED OR MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY/PARK. A parcel of land on which two or more manufactured or certified mobile homes are occupied as residences. No lot shall be occupied by more than one manufactured or certified mobile home unless it complies with all the requirements for a manufactured or mobile home park, except as permitted in § 154.147(A). All new manufactured or mobile home parks shall consist of a minimum of five acres.
OCCUPIED SPACE. The total area of earth horizontally covered by the structure, excluding accessory structures, such as, but not limited to, garages, patios and porches.
ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLING CODE. The nationally-recognized model building code prepared by the Council of American Building Officials.
PERMANENT PERIMETER ENCLOSURE. A permanent perimeter structural system completely enclosing the space between the floor joists of the home and the ground.
PERMANENT FOUNDATION. Any structural system for transposing loads from a structure to the earth at a depth below the established frost line without exceeding the safe bearing capacity of the supporting soil, but excepting single wide homes whose supporting structure does not have to be below the frost line.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. A portable vehicular structure not built to the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Code (or the obsolete ANSI 119.1 Mobile Home Design and Construction Standard) designed for travel, recreational camping or vacation purposes, either having its own motor power or mounted onto or drawn by another vehicle, and including but not limited to travel and camping trailers, truck campers and motor homes.
SECTION. A unit of a manufactured home at least ten body feet in width and 30 body feet in length.
SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT or CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. A device for permitting a use within a district other than a principally permitted use.
SUPPORT SYSTEM. A pad or a combination of footings, piers, caps, plates and shims, which, when properly installed, support the manufactured or certified mobile home.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
(A) In an A-1 District, certified mobile homes may be used as dwelling units on a minimum of one acre, provided that prior approval of the sanitary waste disposal system is granted by the County Health Department, and provided that the “setback” requirements of the zoning district can be met. Such mobile homes shall also meet all of the requirements detailed in the definitions found in § 154.146. Placement of more than two certified mobile homes on a single lot at a density of greater than one unit per one acre shall be considered a mobile home park and shall require application and approval of the County Planning Commission as provided herein.
(B) Certified mobile homes may be used as temporary offices of construction companies on or near a construction site with the approval of the Building Inspector.
(C) All certified mobile homes used as dwellings are to be placed on fixed permanent foundations with the wheels or mobile parts removed, and they are to be considered as real estate in accordance with KRS 132.750.
(D) An existing manufactured/mobile home on lots that have been “grandfathered in” at a density greater than one and less than three may be replaced with a newer manufactured/mobile home contingent upon approval from the County Health Department for septic tank approval.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005; Ord. passed 1-27-2005)
(A) Mobile home parks.
(1) Definition. A mobile home park is a parcel of land on which two or more manufactured or mobile homes are occupied as residences. It is further defined as a residential area in which such manufactured/mobile home lots are rented for use as sites for manufactured and/or mobile homes for residential use along with other uses permitted herein. Ownership of all land in a mobile home park shall be maintained by the developer, his or her heirs, successors or assigns. No lots shall be severed and sold from the mobile home park. No lot shall be occupied by more than one manufactured or mobile home unless it complies with all requirements for a manufactured or mobile home park, except as permitted in § 154.147(A). All manufactured or mobile home parks shall consist of a minimum of five acres.
(2) Basic requirements.
(a) Mobile home parks shall comply with the regulations of the State Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Park Law, as set forth in KRS Chapter 219.
(b) All mobile home parks shall abut upon an arterial or collector thoroughfare.
(c) No mobile home park shall be located on less than five acres of land.
(d) No mobile home park shall have a density of more than one mobile home per acre on private sewer, and four with public sewer.
(e) No person shall operate a park without having first obtained a permit, as provided for in KRS 219.310 to 219.410.
(f) An application for a permit to construct a mobile home park shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and shall contain the same information as that submitted to the State Bureau for Health Services. In addition, the following information shall be presented to the Commission:
1. A vicinity map showing the proposed location of the park in relation to major streets or highways;
2. A detailed description of the method proposed for disposal of storm drainage and/or drainage detention; and
3. Proof of receipt of KRS Chapter 219, Mobile Home Park Permit.
(3) Construction plan submission. Following tentative approval from the Commission and the Bureau for Health Services, the applicant shall submit a complete plan, drawn to scale, submitted in triplicate, of the proposed park or alteration, showing the following:
(a) A map showing the topography of the proposed site at not more than five-foot intervals; and
(b) A site plan showing all existing facilities and proposed facilities, as follows:
1. The area and dimensions of the tract of land to be developed;
2. The number, location and size of all lots for certified mobile homes;
3. A detailed drawing of the foundation for the placement of certified mobile homes within the mobile home park. All certified mobile homes shall be installed as per § 154.149;
4. The location and width of roadways, driveways and walkways; the number, location and size of all off-street automobile parking spaces (see supplementary provisions below);
5. The location of parking, street lighting and electrical systems; detail drawings of approved public water supply system; detail drawings of sewage disposal facilities if other than a public sewage disposal system is to be used; the location and size of all existing or proposed water and sewer lines, vents and riser pipes;
6. A separate floor plan of all buildings and other improvements either existing or proposed; and
7. Size and location of playground and other public areas to be provided within the park.
(4) Location and general layout.
(a) Every certified mobile home and mobile home park shall be located on a well-drained area, not subject to flooding, and the premises shall be properly graded so as to prevent the accumulation of storm or other waters.
(b) Each mobile home or lot shall be numbered and displayed in some systematic order, both on the plan and on the site.
(c) Each mobile home lot shall contain a minimum of 11,000 square feet on public sewer.
(d) Each certified mobile home shall contain at least 320 square feet of floor area and comply with § 154.147.
(e) All mobile homes shall be located at least 50 feet from any park boundary line abutting a public street or highway, and at least 20 feet from other park property boundary lines.
(f) All lots shall abut upon a park street. For a two-way street, the minimum paved width shall be 22 feet with no parking allowed on either side. If parking is permitted on one side, the paved width shall be 32 feet; and if parking is permitted on both sides, the minimum paved width shall be 42 feet. The minimum right-of-way for a two-way street shall be 50 feet, and 40 feet for a one-way street. Park driveways and walkways shall be of all-weather paved construction, maintained in good condition, and have natural drainage, and shall be maintained free of holes. All roads shall comply with the subdivision regulations or county road ordinance, whichever is more restrictive.
(g) The area provided for the placement of the mobile home shall be improved to provide a base for a permanent, fixed foundation for the placement of each mobile home. The foundation shall be constructed in such a manner that it will not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the mobile home. All mobile homes shall be equipped with tie-downs as recommended by the Manufactured Housing Association, and shall be required to use them. Placement of all certified mobile homes shall comply with § 154.149.
(h) Each mobile home lot shall be provided with a sewer and water connection approved by the County Health Officer.
(5) Utility systems.
(a) Water supply.
1. All mobile home parks shall be connected to an approved public water supply.
2. The water supply shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 150 gallons per day per mobile home.
3. Water distribution and connections shall comply with the State Plumbing Code.
(b) Sewage and waste disposal.
1. All sewage shall be disposed of into a public sewage treatment system.
2. The sewer service connection between the mobile home and the sewer opening shall have a normal inside diameter of at least three inches, with a slope of at least one-quarter inch per foot. All joints shall be watertight.
3. All materials used for sewer connections shall be semi-rigid, corrosion resistant, non-absorbent and durable. The inner surface shall be smooth.
4. The sewer outlet shall be capped when not in use.
5. The mobile home park waste systems and connections shall comply with the State Plumbing Code.
(c) Refuse handling. The permit holder shall be responsible for the storage and disposing of refuse and shall conduct same so as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accidents or fire hazards, or air pollution.
(d) Electrical distribution system. Every mobile home park shall contain an electrical wiring system, consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances which shall be installed in accordance with local and state codes and regulations governing systems of like nature.
(6) Responsibilities of permit holder. The person to whom a permit is issued for a mobile home park shall operate the park in compliance with this chapter and KRS Chapter 219, and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair, and in a clean and sanitary condition.
(a) The park management shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of this chapter and KRS Chapter 219, and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this chapter.
(b) The park management shall be responsible for the proper placement of each certified mobile home in accordance with § 154.149. This includes placing it upon a firm, fixed foundation, securing its stability with an approved anchoring system and installing all utility connections.
(7) Supplementary provisions and regulations.
(a) The Commission may impose such other conditions as it deems necessary to ensure that the mobile home park will not adversely affect the public health, safety or general welfare.
(b) The developer in designing the park and the Commission in reviewing the park proposal shall give special attention to ensuring that the park is compatible with existing and planned land use and with circulation patterns of adjoining properties.
(c) All development plans shall include a landscape plan.
(d) Sidewalks shall be required on one side of the proposed street.
(e) Off-street parking shall be provided according to the following requirements:
1. Two spaces for each mobile home lot;
2. One space for each fun-time park employee;
3. One space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area for any structure used for office, recreational or cultural activities;
4. One space for each four mobile home lots for use by guests; and
5. Two parking spaces required for each certified mobile home should be located on the mobile home lot; all other required spaces should be located in bays convenient to facilities.
(8) Existing parks. Any mobile home park presently holding a valid construction or operating permit on the effective date of this chapter and which does not fully meet the design and construction requirements of this chapter may continue to operate so long as the facilities in the park are capable of being maintained in a safe and sanitary manner and no public health nuisance is allowed to exist as determined by the County Health Department and Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(B) Recreational vehicle parks.
(1) Definition. Recreational vehicle parks are designed to accommodate recreational vehicles for short periods of time, ranging from one night to several weeks.
(2) Basic requirements.
(a) Size. The minimum size of a recreational vehicle park shall be not less than ten (10) acres.
(b) Density. Minimum lot area per recreational vehicle space shall be not less than 2,500 square feet and not more than 18 spaces per gross acre, except that 20% of the lots may be as small as 1,200 square feet in area, but these may be used by tent campers only. Each tent camper lot must be provided with a water spigot and drain, an electrical outlet and a covered garbage receptacle.
(c) Location. Recreational vehicle parks shall be located adjacent to and have access to a major thoroughfare or collector street. There shall be no entrance or exit from or onto a minor street.
(3) Zoning.
(a) Recreational vehicle parks may be permitted as a conditional use in the A-1 District provided they meet the following criteria, and provided further that they are approved by the Commission:
(b) The proposed park will contribute to the welfare and convenience of the traveling public seeking this type of accommodations.
(c) The park will not be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons who live in the adjacent areas.
(d) The park will comply with all county, state or federal regulations. Documentation of such compliance shall be required of applicants for recreational vehicle park construction permits.
(e) The park will comply with all adopted plans (prepared by or for governmental agencies) for the neighborhood or community.
(4) Compliance with state standards. Recreational vehicle parks shall comply with all requirements and standards as stated in the Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Act of 1972, KRS 219.310 to 219.410. Documentation of such compliance shall be required of applicants for recreational vehicle park construction permits.
(5) Existing recreational vehicle parks. Any recreational vehicle park presently holding a valid construction or operating permit on the effective date of this chapter which does not fully meet the design and construction requirements of this chapter may continue to operate so long as the facilities in the park are capable of being maintained in a safe and sanitary manner and no public health nuisance is allowed to exist as determined by the County Health Department and the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)