1143.01 Purpose.
1143.02 General provisions.
1143.03 Determination of required off-street parking spaces.
1143.04 Use categories.
1143.05 Schedule of uses and space requirements.
1143.06 Unlicensed, immobilized vehicles.
1143.07 Applicability.
1143.08 Parking lot design.
1143.09 Parking plan review; Planning Commission.
1143.10 Exceptions to required minimums.
1143.11 Exceptions to required maximums.
1143.12 Bicycle parking requirements.
1143.13 Stacking space requirements.
State regulations - see Ohio R.C. 4501.01
Wireless Telecommunication facilities - see P.& Z. 1159.05(l)
Sexually oriented businesses - see P.& Z. 1163.06
Mixed Use Overlay District - see P.& Z. Ch. 1135
Planned Development - see P.& Z. Ch. 1156
Parking design - see BLDG. 1325.08
The purpose of this chapter is to establish flexible vehicle parking requirements that support the Vision to provide safe, convenient, and integrated transportation options throughout the City. Parking requirements are based on the needs of the community and consider the context of the neighborhood, transit availability, on-street parking, density, mix of uses, walkability, and the use of alternative modes of transportation. Parking requirements are designed to accommodate average day-to-day demand, as opposed to peak demand, in order to reduce excessive off-street parking and free up land for more economically productive or environmentally conscious uses.
(Ord. 36-14. Passed 1-20-2015.)
(a) For every building hereafter erected or expanded, or where the use is changed or enlarged, there shall be provided parking as set forth in this chapter.
(b) No permits shall be issued for any building, improvement or use of land, including, but not limited to, building permits and certificates of code compliance, until a parking plan is submitted to the Director showing such parking spaces, as defined in Section 1103.02 of this Zoning Code, as is hereunder required. Such plan shall be prepared at a reasonable scale, showing property lines, the dimensions of the property, the size and arrangement of all parking spaces, the means of ingress and egress to such parking spaces from the street and interior circulation within the property, the extent of any change required in existing site conditions to provide required parking spaces and such other conditions as may be necessary to permit review and approval of the proposed parking spaces.
(c) Off-street, on-site parking spaces for all uses as required by this chapter shall be designed and maintained in accordance with applicable sections of the Code so as to be safe, attractive and free of hazard, nuisance or other unsafe condition.
(d) Unenclosed parking spaces shall not be used for repair of a motor vehicle.
(e) Parking for all motor vehicles shall be on an improved surface of concrete, asphalt or other materials approved by the Commissioner.
(Ord. 39-18. Passed 5-6-2019.)