The number of parking spaces required may be reduced in accordance with the following credits as determined by the Commission when reviewing an application for a reduction to the minimum number of parking spaces required per Schedule 1143.05.
   (a)   For uses defined as Commercial in Section 1143.04, the Commission may consider the following:
      (1)   One space credit for each off-site parking space which is owned or rented by the property or business owner for the purpose of providing parking to the subject property. Such off-site spaces shall be located within 1,000 feet of the use, as measured by using the shortest pedestrian route from the nearest corner of the parking space or lot to the main public entrance of the use served.
      (2)   One space credit for each off-site parking space provided by valet parking service. The property or business owner shall submit to the department written documentation of permission to use an off-site parking for valet parking. The Director may request a review of the agreement as often as annually to ensure compliance.
      (3)   One space credit for each space in a parking lot or parking structure provided for public use located within 1,000 feet, as measured by using the shortest pedestrian route from the nearest corner of the parking lot or structure to the main public entrance of the use served.
      (4)   A determination by the Director is made that there is no change in use and the same parking facilities are in place.
   (b)   For uses defined as Residential in Section 1143.04, the Commission may consider the applicant's implementation of an improvement to the property that aligns with the general goals and objectives as described in the Vision including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Improvements to the property that may reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency using environmental best management practices (BMPs) promulgated by the Enviromnental Protection Agency;
      (2)   Storm water management techniques such as bio-swales, rain gardens, and pervious pavements:
      (3)   A shed or storage building on site tor landscaping equipment and additional storage:
      (4)   An innovative landscaping plan, considered to be over and above the landscaping requirements as typically required by the Architectural Board of Review, which may include plant, flower and tree type, size, design, location and irrigation;
(5)   For properties not connected properly to the City's sanitary and storm system per Section 913.05, necessary improvements made by the applicant to connect correctly.
         (Ord. 36-14. Passed 1-20-2015.)