The following design standards shall apply to off-street parking spaces except in the R-1H, R-1L and R-1M Districts and vacant and unimproved lots in all districts.
   (a)   Each required parking space shall have an unobstructed access to a public street.
   (b)   Each required parking space shall have a minimum dimension of 9 feet wide by18 foot long - 162 square feet exclusive of driveways, aisles, ramps or columns, except that the Board in its consideration of the design of a parking lot may allow a maximum percent of required spaces for compact and subcompact cars not less than 8 feet wide and 15 feet long.
   (c)   Depth of rows or parking spaces shall be 20 feet, except as provided in subsection (b).
   Aisle width when row of spaces is at 90 degrees to aisle: minimum of 20 feet.
   Aisle width when row of spaces is at 60 degrees to aisle: minimum of 15 feet.
   Aisle width when row of spaces is at 45 degrees to aisle: minimum of 10 feet.
   (d)   All parking areas, and access driveways shall be improved with concrete, asphalt, or other material approved by the Board, and shall be graded to drain all storm water into a storm sewer or other on-site storm water management device. There shall be no free flow of water onto either adjacent properties or sidewalk.
   (e)   Spaces shall be so arranged and marked to provide for orderly and safe parking and shall be improved with bumper or wheel stops to define parking spaces. Concrete curbs at least six inches above the finished surface of the parking area shall be provided to contain the edge of the parking surface and control surface water drainage. Wheel stops shall be placed so that bumpers shall not protrude beyond the curbs.
      (Ord. 43-12. Passed 10-15-2012.)
   (f)   Lighting may be required for parking lots to be used after sunset. The light fixtures shall be arranged to reflect light away from adjacent residential property to reduce any annoyance the lights may cause pursuant to Section 1306.311.
      (Ord. 2-18. Passed 4-1-2019.)
   (g)   Screening of parking lots. Parking lots abutting a residential lot or projecting into a residential district by a special exception shall have a solid visual barrier at least four feet high on the common parking lot, residential lot line by one or a combination of the following methods:
      (1)   Solid decorative masonry wall.
      (2)   Landscape earth mound not less than 2 to 1 slope.
      (3)   Treated wood fence.
      (4)   Evergreen hedge chain link fence.
   (h)   The Director of Public Works shall approve the location of all driveways from or to a public thoroughfare.
   (i)   “Handicapped parking” shall conform to the requirements as set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
   (j)   Lots that are unimproved due to never having been developed or having become vacant after the removal of any existing buildings, structures or impervious surfaces for a period of longer than six months, whether prior to or after the effective date of this section, shall be considered “vacant and unimproved lots” hereunder and shall be improved and maintained at all times in accordance with the following provisions:
      (1)   For residentially zoned lots, the entire vacant and unimproved lot shall be maintained using grass, sod, hydro-seed, drought-tolerant ground cover or other acceptable ground cover approved by the Board. The ground cover shall be maintained in good condition.
      (2)   For commercially or industrially zoned lots, a minimum of a 10-foot-wide perimeter landscaped border along all street frontage shall be provided. In addition, perimeter fencing shall be provided if it is required by the Board. All other internal areas may be landscaped or include a decorative hardscape subject to the approval of the Board. All features shall be maintained in good condition.
      (3)   The vacant and unimproved lot shall be maintained free of litter and debris including the stockpiling of any material at all times. Any onsite litter, debris or stockpiling of material shall be immediately removed. The owner shall be responsible for inspecting the property weekly or taking all necessary steps to reasonably ensure that no litter, debris or material stockpiling collects or is maintained on the lot.
      (4)   Any dead or dying vegetation on the vacant and unimproved lot shall be replaced within 72 hours of their discovery. The owner shall be responsible for inspecting the property weekly or taking all necessary steps to reasonably ensure that there is no dead or dying vegetation on the lot.
   (k)   All designs for parking areas and vacant and unimproved lots shall be approved by the Board. (Ord. 43-12. Passed 10-15-2012.)