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   (a)   The Commission shall review applications for parking plans that do not meet the set schedule in 1143.05. In addition to Section 1143.09 and Section 1143.10, the Commission may consider the following when reviewing an application:
      (1)   Impact on central character of residential neighborhoods taking on overflow parking;
      (2)   Available surface parking lots in the neighborhood that could be used for shared parking;
      (3)   Similarly scaled projects throughout the City to compare parking footprint:
      (4)   When a restaurant use is proposed, the total number of tables to parking spaces:
      (5)   Total number of employees:
      (6)   Alternative forms of transportation available in the neighborhood;
      (7)   Implementation of bicycle facilities, including but not limited to, bicycle racks, covered bicycle parking, and shower facilities for employees;
      (8)   Peak demand for parking spaces from all uses compared to the total supply of spaces:
      (9)   Traffic impact analysis and/or a traffic demand study;
      (10)   For uses defined as Institutional or Public Assembly in Schedule 1143.05, the following guidelines:
         A.    One space for each 80 square feet of all auditoria and public assembly rooms: and
         B.    One space for each employee.
   (b)   The fees for parking plan applications shall be pursuant to Section 1173.06.
(Ord. 36-17. Passed 2-5-2018.)