A. General Prohibition: No person in a park shall make any noise that unreasonably annoys or disturbs the comfort or peace of any person within or outside a park or interfere with programmed or scheduled activities within a park.
B. Amplified Noise: No person in a park shall use or operate or permit the use or operation of any radio, musical instrument, tape player, compact disc player, or other amplification device for the production or reproduction of sound so as to unreasonably disturb the peace, quiet, of any person within or outside a park or that interferes with enjoyment of property outside the park. (Ord. 908, 6-3-2013)
A. Artificial flotation devices must be United States coast guard approved and may only be used by individuals over the age of fourteen (14) or under the direct supervision of an accompanying adult.
B. Balls, frisbees, beach toys, air mattresses, and inner tubes are not allowed in the water.
C. Swimming is allowed only in designated areas during hours posted for swimming while a lifeguard is on duty.
D. Boats, canoes, and paddleboats are not allowed in designated swimming areas.
E. Boats launched from city property must meet Boating Industry Of America standards and comply with United States coast guard and state of Minnesota regulations.
F. Boats may not come within one hundred feet (100') of a designated swimming area. (Ord. 324, sec. 3, 7-6-1987)