It is unlawful and, unless otherwise declared in this title with respect to particular offenses, it is a petty offense for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this title.
(Prior Code, § 40-1-202) Penalty, see § 70.999
(A) Any driver or operator of a motor vehicle who, having been given a visual or audible signal by a peace officer directing such driver or operator to bring his or her vehicle to a stop, willfully fails or refuses to obey such direction, increases his or her speed, extinguishes his or her lights, or otherwise flees or attempts to elude the officer, is guilty of violating this subchapter. The signal given by the peace officer may be by hand, voice, siren, red or blue light, provided the officer giving such signal shall be in police uniform, and, if driving a vehicle, such vehicle shall be marked showing it to be an official police vehicle.
(B) Upon receiving notice of such conviction, the Secretary of State may forthwith suspend the drivers license of the person so convicted for a period not more than six months.
(Prior Code, § 40-1-204)
(A) The provisions of this title applicable to the drivers of vehicles upon the highways shall apply to the drivers of all vehicles owned or operated by the United States, this state or any county, city, town, district or any other political subdivision of the state, except as provided in this section and subject to such specific exceptions as set forth in this title with reference to authorized emergency vehicles.
(B) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle, when responding to an emergency call or when in the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm, may exercise the privileges, set forth in this section, but subject to the conditions herein stated.
(C) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle may:
(1) Park or stand, irrespective of the provisions of this title;
(2) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be required and necessary for safe operation;
(3) Exceed the maximum speed limits so long as he or she does not endanger life or property; and
(4) Disregard regulations governing direction of movement or turning in specified directions.
(D) The exceptions herein granted to an authorized emergency vehicle, other than a police vehicle, shall apply only when the vehicle is making use of either an audible signal when in motion or visual signals meeting the requirements of § 74.028.
(E) The foregoing provisions do not relieve the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty of driving with due regard for the safety of all persons, nor do such provisions protect the driver from the consequences of his or her reckless disregard for the safety of others.
(F) Unless specifically made applicable, the provisions of this title, except those contained in 625 ILCS 5/Ch. 3, Arts. IV and V, shall not apply to persons, motor vehicles and equipment while actually engaged in work upon a highway but shall apply to such persons said vehicles when traveling to or from such work.
(Prior Code, § 40-1-205)
Every person riding an animal or driving any animal-drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this title, except those provisions of this title which by their very nature can have no application.
(Prior Code, § 40-1-206)
(A) The corporate authorities of the city and a school board, hospital or owner of any shopping center or apartment complex which controls a parking area located within the limits of the city may, by contract, empower the city to regulate the parking of automobiles and the traffic at such parking area. Such contract shall empower the city to accomplish all or part of the following:
(1) The erection of stop signs, flashing signals, handicapped parking area signs or yield signs at specified locations in a parking area and the adoption of appropriate regulations thereto pertaining, or the designation of any intersection in the parking area as a stop intersection or as a yield intersection and the ordering of like signs or signals at one or more entrances to such intersection, subject to the provisions of this title;
(2) The prohibition or regulation of the turning of vehicles or specified types of vehicles at intersections or other designated locations in the parking area;
(3) The regulation of a crossing of any roadway in the parking area by pedestrians;
(4) The designation of any separate roadway in the parking area for one-way traffic;
(5) The establishment and regulation of loading zones;
(6) The prohibition, regulation, restriction or limitation of the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in specified areas of the parking area;
(7) The designation of safety zones in the parking area and fire lanes;
(8) Providing for the removal and storage of vehicles parked or abandoned in the parking area during snowstorms, floods, fires or other public emergencies, or found unattended in the parking area where they constitute an obstruction to traffic, or where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited, and for the payment of reasonable charges for such removal and storage by the owner or operator of any such vehicle;
(9) Providing that the cost of planning, installation, maintenance and enforcement of parking and traffic regulations pursuant to any contract entered into under the authority of this division (A) be borne by the city, or by the school board, hospital, property owner or apartment complex owner, or that a percentage of said cost be shared by the parties to the contract;
(10) Causing the installation of parking meters on the parking area and establishing whether the expense of installing said parking meters and maintenance thereof shall be that of the municipality or county, or that of the school bond hospital, shopping center or apartment complex owner. All moneys obtained from such parking meters as may be installed on any parking area shall belong to the municipality or county; and
(11) Contracting for such additional reasonable rules and regulations with respect to traffic and parking in a parking area as local conditions may require for the safety and convenience of the public or of the users of the parking area.
(B) No contract entered into pursuant to this section shall exceed a period of 20 years. No lessee of a shopping center or apartment complex shall enter into such a contract for a longer period of time than the length of his or her lease.
(C) Any contract entered into pursuant to this section shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in the county in which the parking area is located, and no regulation made pursuant to the contract shall be effective or enforceable until three days after the contract is so recorded.
(D) At such time as parking and traffic regulations have been established at any parking area pursuant to the contract as provided for in this section, then it shall be a petty offense for any person to do any act forbidden or to fail to perform any act required by such parking or traffic regulation.
(E) The term
SHOPPING CENTER, as used in this section, means premises having one or more stores or business establishments in connection with which there is provided on privately-owned property near or contiguous thereto an area, or areas, of land used by the public as the means of access to and egress from the stores and business establishments on such premises and for the parking of motor vehicles of customers and patrons of such stores and business establishments on such premises.
(F) The term
PARKING AREA, as used in this section, means an area, or areas, of land near or contiguous to a school or hospital building, or shopping center, but not the public highways or alleys, and used by the public as the means of access to and egress from such buildings and the stores and business establishments at a shopping center and for the parking of motor vehicles.
(G) The terms
OWNER, PROPERTY OWNER, SHOPPING CENTER OWNER and APARTMENT COMPLEX OWNER, as used in this section, mean the actual legal owner of the shopping center parking area or apartment complex, the trust officer of a banking institution having the right to manage and control such property, or a person having the legal right, through lease or otherwise, to manage or control said property.
(H) The term
FIRE LANE, as used in this section, means travel lanes for the firefighting equipment upon which there shall be no standing or parking of any motor vehicle at any time so that firefighting equipment can move freely thereon.
(I) The term
APARTMENT COMPLEX, as used tn this section, means premises having one or more apartments in connection with which there is provided on privately-owned property near or contiguous thereto an area, or areas, of land used by occupants of such apartments or their guests as a means of access to and egress from such apartments or for the parking of motor vehicles of such occupants or their guests.
(Prior Code, § 40-1-209)
(A) Upon the filing of the of the written request by an individual, by the board of directors of any corporation, or by the board of directors of any association, owning, operating or representing a residential subdivision, development, apartment house or apartment project containing one or more apartments or single-family residences, with the corporate authorities of the city, that the Police Department of the city regulate traffic and access to the semipublic or private roads, streets, driveways, trails, terraces, bridle paths, parkways, parking areas or other roadways open to or used by the public, tenants, owners and employees for the purposes of vehicular traffic by permission of such individuals, corporations or associations and not as a matter of public right, the corporate authorities of the city may establish and enforce regulations applicable to traffic on and access to such private roads and areas. A written request under this section must contain the name and post office address of the individual, corporation or association making it and designate with reasonable accuracy the semipublic or private roads, streets, driveways, trails, terraces, bridle paths, parkways, parking areas, or other roadway open to or used by vehicular traffic to be regulated. All regulations adopted and traffic control devices employed by the city in the regulation of traffic on private roads and within private areas pursuant to this section shall be consistent with the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code approved September 29, 1969, as now or hereafter amended, and shall conform to the State Manual and Specifications.
(B) Any individual, corporation or association which has filed a request under this section may rescind that request by filing with the corporate authorities of the city a written rescission of the request. The corporate authorities shall then direct that the regulation of traffic shall cease to be applicable to the road, street, driveway, trail, terrace, bridle path, parkway or other roadway used by vehicular traffic, set forth in the rescission, effective as of January 1 in the year next following the filing of the rescission. No rescission may, however, be filed within 12 months of the date when the request was filed under this section.
(C) The filing of a written request under this section in no way constitutes a dedication to public use of any such roads, streets, driveways, trails, terraces, bridle paths, parkways, parking areas or other roads open to or used by vehicular traffic, nor does it prevent any such individuals, corporations or associations as owners of such property open to or used by the public for purposes of vehicular traffic by permission of such individuals, corporations or associations and not as a matter of public right, from prohibiting such use or from requiring other or different or additional regulations than those specified by the corporate authorities or otherwise regulating such use as may seem best to such individuals, corporations or associations.
(Prior Code, § 40-1-209.1)