(A)   Upon the filing of the of the written request by an individual, by the board of directors of any corporation, or by the board of directors of any association, owning, operating or representing a residential subdivision, development, apartment house or apartment project containing one or more apartments or single-family residences, with the corporate authorities of the city, that the Police Department of the city regulate traffic and access to the semipublic or private roads, streets, driveways, trails, terraces, bridle paths, parkways, parking areas or other roadways open to or used by the public, tenants, owners and employees for the purposes of vehicular traffic by permission of such individuals, corporations or associations and not as a matter of public right, the corporate authorities of the city may establish and enforce regulations applicable to traffic on and access to such private roads and areas. A written request under this section must contain the name and post office address of the individual, corporation or association making it and designate with reasonable accuracy the semipublic or private roads, streets, driveways, trails, terraces, bridle paths, parkways, parking areas, or other roadway open to or used by vehicular traffic to be regulated. All regulations adopted and traffic control devices employed by the city in the regulation of traffic on private roads and within private areas pursuant to this section shall be consistent with the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code approved September 29, 1969, as now or hereafter amended, and shall conform to the State Manual and Specifications.
   (B)   Any individual, corporation or association which has filed a request under this section may rescind that request by filing with the corporate authorities of the city a written rescission of the request. The corporate authorities shall then direct that the regulation of traffic shall cease to be applicable to the road, street, driveway, trail, terrace, bridle path, parkway or other roadway used by vehicular traffic, set forth in the rescission, effective as of January 1 in the year next following the filing of the rescission. No rescission may, however, be filed within 12 months of the date when the request was filed under this section.
   (C)   The filing of a written request under this section in no way constitutes a dedication to public use of any such roads, streets, driveways, trails, terraces, bridle paths, parkways, parking areas or other roads open to or used by vehicular traffic, nor does it prevent any such individuals, corporations or associations as owners of such property open to or used by the public for purposes of vehicular traffic by permission of such individuals, corporations or associations and not as a matter of public right, from prohibiting such use or from requiring other or different or additional regulations than those specified by the corporate authorities or otherwise regulating such use as may seem best to such individuals, corporations or associations.
(Prior Code, § 40-1-209.1)