General Provisions
31.01 Standing commissions enumerated
31.02 Eligibility for membership and appointments
31.03 Reimbursement; expenses reimbursed
31.04 Ex-officio members
31.05 Reporting to Council
31.06 Commission agenda
Specific Departments, Boards and Commissions
31.20 Duties and objectives generally
31.21 Parks and Recreation Commission
31.22 Planning Commission
31.23 Emergency Services Commission
Fire Department, see Ch. 32
Heritage Preservation Commission, see § 150.16
Police Department, see Ch. 33
The following standing commissions for the city are hereby established: Emergency Services Commission, Golf Commission, Heritage Commission, La Crosse Community Fire Cooperative, La Crosse Area Planning Commission Library Board, Park and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and Cable TV/Government Access Commission.
(Prior Code, §2.15(1)) (Ord. 270, passed 2-5-90)
City Council members or other persons are eligible for appointment to the commissions. Commission appointments, for purposes of transition from previous commission appointment policy, shall be made anew with respect to all commission positions in 1990. One-half of the commission members of a given commission shall be appointed for a period of one year along with the extra commission member of commissions having an odd number of members; the remaining commission positions of a given commission shall be appointed for three-year terms, except in the case of Planning Commission appointments. All subsequent commission appointments in the years following transition year 1990 shall be as to expired commission positions and for two-year terms. Interim appointment to fill vacancies shall be for the balance of the unexpired vacant commission position. Commission members, except Council member appointees, need not be city residents. All members of commissions, their specific term durations not withstanding, serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be discharged or removed with or without cause.
(Prior Code, § 2.15(3)) (Ord. 270, passed 2-5-90)
(A) Commission members shall receive such reimbursement for expenses incurred as a result of commission duties with prior approval thereof as the Council may by resolution determine. Subject to approval and review by the City Council, commission members shall be reimbursed for:
(1) Fees incidental to attendance at out-of-town meetings and seminars.
(2) Ordinary and necessary expenses incurred while attending and in connection with out-of-town seminars and meetings.
(3) Necessary special equipment and supplies with prior City Council approval.
(B) A city vehicle may be available for necessary out-of-town travel subject to and consistent with established ongoing city policy for the use thereof.
(Prior Code, § 2.15(4)) (Ord. 270, passed 2-5-90)