(A) Established. The Heritage Preservation Commission is established for the purpose of making recommendation, advising and thus assisting the City Council in identifying and preserving buildings and lands within the city, including the city limits as changed from time to time by lawful annexation or lawful detachment.
(B) Membership.
(1) There shall be four members of the Commission. The initial members shall be appointed two for one-year terms each and two for two-year terms each. Thereafter, appointments to two-year terms shall be made annually to fill expired terms. Members may serve for three successive terms. Nothing shall prevent members of the Area Historical Society, Inc., from serving as members of this Commission, but any such common membership shall not be in derogation of the separate autonomy of the Area Historical Society, Inc. One member of this Commission shall at all times be a member of the County Historical Society as provided in M.S. § 471.193(5).
(2) The Heritage Preservation Commission membership shall be drawn from persons with demonstrated interest or expertise in historic preservation. If available in the community, at least two members of the Heritage Preservation Commission shall be preservation related professionals including, but not limited to, the professions of history, architecture, architectural history, archaeology, planning, real estate, design, building trades, landscape architecture or law. Commission appointments shall be made by the Mayor and approved by simple majority vote of the City Council at any duly convened meeting thereof.
(C) Powers and duties. The powers and duties of the Commission shall be as enumerated under M.S. §471.193, as amended and as may be legally delegated or assigned by the City Council amendments to this chapter.
(D) Organization. The Commission when formed shall elect from its members such officers as it deems necessary. The Commission shall have the power to designate and appoint from its members various committees with powers and duties of the Commission. The Commission shall makes rules and regulations as it deems advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs, for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this chapter, but are not inconsistent with the city and the laws of the state. The Commission shall make an annual report including a statement of its activities and plans to the Mayor, City Council, City Administrator, Building Official and chairperson of the County Historical Society and such other reports at such frequencies as directed by the City Council resolution.
(E) Fiscal responsibility. The Commission shall incur no financial obligation for which public funds are to be expended or which may result in city obligations without the prior express authorization of the City Council.
(Ord. 275, passed 7-16-90)