   (A)   This is an optional service provided to city residents.
   (B)   Collection shall be performed once each week in which there is not a city holiday, shall not start before 6:00 a.m., and will be collected on the same day throughout the city. Unforeseen emergencies may require alteration of the schedule.
   (C)   Yard waste collection will be available from March 15 through the first Monday of December.
   (D)   Operation of the optional yard waste program.
      (1)   Only paper yard waste bags supplied by the user shall be used. These user-supplied paper bags must be biodegradable because they will be mixed with yard waste material to form mulch. Yard waste bags shall have a maximum capacity equivalent to 30 gallons of liquid, shall be biodegradable, shall be two-ply Kraft paper, shall be self-standing, shall be assembled with water-resistant adhesive, and shall be purposely constructed to carry yard waste. The maximum weight of a full bag shall not exceed 50 pounds.
      (2)   The city shall collect only those paper yard waste bags that have affixed to them, in a prominently visible location, either an excess tag sold by the city as specified in § 50.09(D), or a tag or sticker sold specifically by the city to be used on paper yard waste bags, the cost of the specific tag or sticker to be equal to the excess tag fee in § 50.09(D).
      (3)   Yard waste bags will be placed at the curb side and must be in a bag approved by the city and sold by the city or an authorized sales point. No collections shall be made from alleys.
      (4)   No material such as glass, cans, plastic, and garbage shall be placed in the yard waste bags. Yard waste bags will not be picked up if they are not constructed in compliance with the provisions of this division, or if they contain any material other than yard waste. Failure to comply with this provision will be considered a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93; Am. Ord. 3282, passed 11-13-00; Am. Ord. 3599, passed 2-9-09) Penalty, see § 50.99
   (A)   This is an optional service provided to city residents by the city.
   (B)   Collection shall be performed once each week in which there is not a city holiday, shall not start before 6:00 a.m., and will be collected on the same day throughout the city. Unforeseen emergencies may require alteration of the schedule.
   (C)   Bulk brush collection will be available from March 15 through November 15.
   (D)   Operation of the optional bulk brush program.
      (1)   Residents wanting bulk brush picked up must first obtain a bulk brush sticker from the city office at a charge of $10 each for volumes of two cubic yards, or a small bulk brush sticker at a charge of $5 for volumes of less than two cubic yards. This sticker shall be attached to the bundle of bulk brush in a conspicuous location for easy identification by city crews. Residents desiring such service must contact the Public Works offices by no later than the week prior to the desired collection, and they will then be placed on the first available collection schedule of either the Tuesday or Thursday of the ensuing weeks. There will be no refunds for bulk brush tags.
      (2)   No bulk brush shall be collected by city crews unless an appropriate bulk brush sticker has been purchased and properly affixed to the brush pile.
      (3)   Bulk brush will be placed at the curb side and must display a bulk brush sticker. Bulk brush will not be picked up if it does not have a proper sticker. Bulk brush will not be picked up if the bundle contains any material other than bulk brush. No collection shall be made from alleys.
      (4)   Residents should call the Public Works Department, Street Division at 852-2583 to notify the city that they require a bulk brush pick up. The city will schedule the bulk brush pick up on the next available and scheduled bulk brush collection day.
   (E)   Christmas trees will be picked up at no charge. Christmas trees will be picked up beginning on the first refuse collection day of each year.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93; Am. Ord. 3167, passed 7-13-98; Am. Ord. 3636, passed 5-24-10; Am. Ord. 3958, passed 4-22-19)
   (A)   With the exception of the annual “hog days,” conducted during the Labor Day weekend, all special events requiring refuse pickup will be individually negotiated between the event organizer and the city.
   (B)   For “hog days,” the city will pickup trash bags taped to utility poles along the parade route within 24 hours after the end of the parade and will provide a suitable container to be used by the pork bar-b-q pits for refuse disposal. The City Manager may negotiate with the organizers of the “hog days” for the pickup and disposal of all other refuse.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93)
   (A)   As specified in this chapter for the management of residential solid waste, to include refuse, curbside recycling, yard waste, and bulk brush, there is established a service charge of $16.84 per month. This rate shall commence and be effective for utility bills due on, or about, January 20, 2023, and remain in effect until amended as follows:
Commencing with bills payable on, or about January 20, 2024
Commencing with bills payable on, or about January 20, 2025
$18.34 per month
$19.84 per month
   (B)   All users of residential dwelling unit water service within the city shall be required to pay the service charge whether or not they use this solid waste pick up service.
   (C)   The above service charge for apartment complexes of two to four units, duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes shall be assessed for each unit of the complex. Boarding houses shall be assessed three times the above service charge.
   (D)   Excess tags. Excess tags sold to authorize the collection of landscape waste bags will be $1.00 per excess tag when sold to individual users. To encourage retail vendors to also sell such tags, thereby increasing ease of use of the program, the cost to retail vendors re-selling the tags to users is $0.95 per excess tag, sold only in lots with a minimum of 250 tags per lot.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any person who is not receiving solid waste pick up service to place any solid waste with the solid waste of a resident who is receiving such service.
   (F)   The City Clerk will render solid waste pick up bills for service and for all rates and charges in connection with this chapter and to collect all money due per this chapter.
   (G)   The City Manager shall have the authority to designate additional collection agents which shall be financial institutions located within the city for the purpose of collecting any rates and charges for the services provided by this chapter. Unless specified otherwise in this chapter, no sum shall be paid to any such collection agent designated by the City Manager for the services rendered in collecting the rates and charges of this chapter.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93; Am. Ord. 2971, passed 5-8-95; Am. Ord. 3051, passed 4-22-96; Am. Ord. 3409, passed 7-28-03; Am. Ord. 3505, passed 4-24-06; Am. Ord. 3599, passed 2-9-09; Am. Ord. 3702, passed 5-14-12; Am. Ord. 3886, passed 7-24-17; Am. Ord. 3958, passed 4-22-19; Am. Ord. 4111, passed 10-24-22) Penalty, see § 50.99
   (A)   The operator of the transfer station may accept payment for the delivery of solid waste or any other items that will be processed through the transfer station. For all material delivered to the transfer station the operator will either accept payment for the items delivered or accept items without payment because the firm or person has been placed on a monthly payment schedule as authorized by this chapter. In either case the transfer station operator will give the delivery person a copy of a form documenting the delivery to the transfer station with the original of the document forwarded to the City Clerk for billing or filing. In the case of a cash payment the form will be annotated as being paid along with the date of payment. At the end of each day the transfer station operator will deliver to the City Clerk all monies collected along with all weight tickets and shall certify to the City Clerk that all deliveries to the transfer station for that day are balanced out against the total deliveries for the city plus cash and credit deliveries. The operator will also deliver to the City Clerk a daily cash register tape showing the total cash received in the register. The City Manager will specify the form.
   (B)   Hauling equipment.
      (1)   Commercial haulers of solid waste using the city's Solid Waste Transfer Station will use leak proof collection equipment, which shall be so maintained that offensive orders, drippings, and scattering of refuse shall be avoided.
      (2)   Every vehicle hauling or transporting any solid waste to or for deposit in the Kewanee transfer station shall do so in either a vehicle that completely encloses the debris or waste, or by a covered means of conveyance thereof, such as with a tarp or other like material so that at no time shall any of the solid waste so hauled be dropped, spilled, or allowed to fall or blow onto a public way or on to the public property on and around the transfer station. Any person refusing or failing to comply with this requirement shall be in violation of this chapter and shall be assessed a fifty dollar ($50) fee in addition to other dumping charges, and may also be denied admittance to or use of the Kewanee transfer station until such time as he is in compliance with this requirement. Such fee or prohibition shall not apply to city or contracted vehicles participating in any Council-authorized community clean-up.
      (3)   Commercial equipment shall be maintained in a safe, efficient, operating condition at all times. Trucks shall not be overloaded.
   (C)   Certification. If the transfer station is not permitted for regional operations, each person bringing solid waste to the transfer station will sign a certification that the solid waste was generated and collected within the city. Commercial hauler will sign this certification annually. Disposing of solid waste at the transfer station that is not generated and collected within the city will not only subject the violator to the penalties associated with this chapter, but also to all costs that may be associated with the recovery and proper disposal of non-Kewanee solid waste. Any person violating the provisions of this division shall be subject to a fine of not less than $400 and not more than $500.
   (D)   Weighing.
      (1)   The transfer station is equipped with an internal scale. The road truck used to transport the solid waste to the landfill will normally be parked on the scale in the lower level. Haulers of solid waste will use the upper level to dump solid waste into the road truck on the lower level. The weight of the road truck after and prior to receiving solid waste will be used to calculate the number of tons delivered by the waste hauler.
      (2)   In the event the above weighing procedure cannot be followed or is impracticable, then the transfer station operator shall use the volume of the solid waste to determine the number of tons delivered by the waste hauler. Three cubic yards of solid waste shall be considered to equal one ton. For commercial haulers their trucks will be considered fully loaded to their rated capacity when they deliver to the transfer station.
   (E)   Rates.
      (1)   Negotiated rate. The City Manager has the authority to negotiate with both commercial solid waste haulers and the contractor who is transporting the transfer station’s solid waste to the landfill in order to arrive at a rate that is to the benefit of the city in regards to a long term contract with a commercial hauler delivering solid waste to the transfer station. In order to establish negotiated rates an agreement must be for a minimum of three years. In addition the agreement will specify a minimum tonnage that must be guaranteed to be delivered to the transfer station by the solid waste collector. These negotiated rates shall be approved by the City Council.
      (2)   Special rate for construction and demolition waste. In some cases it will be to the advantage of the city to allow this type of solid waste to be moved directly from a site, such as a construction or demolition site, to the landfill rather than using the transfer station as an intermediate handling site. When, in his judgment, it is to the advantage of the city to establish this special rate, the City Manager, or his designee, has the authority to negotiate with both the contractor who has the contract for transporting the city’s solid waste to the landfill and an individual or contractor who requires solid waste removal at a particular site to establish a special rate for the haulage of construction or demolition waste from a specific location to the landfill. Wastes under this provision can only be the waste for which the landfill is permitted to accept.
      (3)   Standard rate.
         (a) The standard rate will consist of a charge per ton of $60.90 with a minimum disposal fee of $10.
         (b)   Hand carried garbage bags will be accepted with an excess trash bag sticker attached.
         (c) The City Manager will increase the standard charge per ton by the same dollar amount that the Contractor increases his charge to the city for transporting solid waste to the landfill. This increase will be effective on the same day on which the contractor’s charge to the city increases or when the contractor, per his contract with the city, passes on to the city an increase in federal, state, or local charges.
      (4)   Large household items and concrete and masonry. Large household items such as bed springs, couches, and stuffed chairs will be accepted at the transfer station. Appliances will not be accepted. If the transfer station operator is in doubt about the acceptability of large household items he will not accept the item. Concrete, masonry, bricks, and similar dense, non-compressible materials, whether broken apart or in partial sub-assemblies, will not be accepted.
      (5)   Tires. Tires can no longer be placed in landfills, accordingly the transfer station operator must ensure that tires are not mixed in with the trash that will be landfilled. Any hauler of solid waste to the transfer station commingling tires with trash will be considered in violation of this section and in addition to being required to remove the tires from the solid waste bound for the landfill will be subject to the penalties of this code. The transfer station operator may accept tires so long as they are placed on top of the load being transferred to the landfill, thus allowing the landfill operator to remove the tires prior to placing the trash in the landfill. Tires on rims will not be accepted. The fee for each tire less than 17 inches in rim diameter is $6 and the fee for each tire between 17 and 22 inches in rim diameter is $9. Larger tires will not be accepted.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93; Am. Ord. 2906, passed 6-27-94; Am. Ord. 2908, passed 7-11-94; Am. Ord. 2952, passed 1-10-95; Am. Ord. 3051, passed 4-22-96; Am. Ord. 3241, passed 1-24-00; Am. Ord. 3555, passed 10-9-07; Am. Ord. 3771, passed 8-11-14; Am. Ord. 3886, passed 7-24- 17; Am. Ord. 4165, passed 12-11-23)
   (A)   Payment for municipal curb side services. Chapter 52 contains the procedures for billing and payment for this service.
   (B)   Payment for large household items and tires. Payment for these items per the prior section shall be made at the transfer station. These items will not be accepted at the transfer station without prior payment at the transfer station.
   (C)   Bills.
      (1)   Bills for municipal curb side solid waste pick up service shall be sent out on the same cycle as the city water and sewer bills per Chapter 52.
      (2)   Bills for solid waste disposal at the transfer station. Normally, bills for solid waste disposal at the transfer station will be collected immediately after the delivery at the transfer station.. The City Manager is authorized to approve commercial solid waste collectors for payment of their bills on a monthly basis, provided the City Manager is satisfied with their credit rating. If the hauler's credit rating is unknown or not acceptable the City Manager may allow the hauler to use the transfer station if the hauler makes a deposit equal to the hauler's expected usage of the transfer station over a two month period. The City Manager will determine the amount of the deposit, such an amount to be held by the city to pay for any unpaid bills and penalties specified in this chapter. The amount of the deposit will bear no interest and will be refunded to the depositor upon written notification that the depositor will no longer be using the transfer station or upon the establishment of satisfactory credit rating as determined by the City Manager. If the deposited funds are used to pay part or all of an overdue bill or penalties, the deposit will be restored to its specified level and any remaining bills and penalties will be paid before the transfer station can be used by the specific hauler.
   (D)   Delinquent, nonpayment of bills, and termination. Procedures for delinquent bills and utility termination are specified in Chapter 52. Nonpayment of commercial bills incurred at the transfer station will, at the option of the City Manager, in addition to penalties, result in the commercial hauler not being allowed to use the transfer station or the requirement of making a deposit in an amount determined by the City Manager before use of the transfer station can be resumed.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93; Am. Ord. 2952, passed 1-10-95; Am. Ord. 2953, passed 1-10-95)
   All revenues and moneys derived from the operation of the solid waste pickup and the operation of the transfer station shall be placed into a fund separate and apart from private funds and separate and apart from all other funds of the city by the City Clerk. All such moneys, without any deductions whatever, shall be deposited into the treasury on a daily basis. The City Treasurer shall receive all such revenues from the solid waste pick up and transfer station operation services and all other moneys incident to the operation of such services as the same may be delivered to him, and account for the same in a fund separate from all other funds and designated as the “Solid Waste Fund,” which shall be considered an enterprise fund.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93)
§ 50.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall, unless specified otherwise in this chapter, be subject to a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $500.
   (B)   Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to limit the right of the city or the city's authorized agent to bring a civil action against any person who violates this chapter, nor shall a conviction for such violation exempt any person from a civil action brought by the city or an authorized agent of the city.
(Ord. 2852, passed 10-4-93)