1224.01 Compliance required
1224.02 Preliminary plans
1224.03 Minimum standards
1224.04 Improvements required prior to plat approval
1224.05 Final plans
1224.06 Construction of improvements
Statutory reference:
Authority to adopt subdivision regulations, see Ohio R.C. 711.101
Original plats, see Ohio R.C. 711.01 et seq.
Plat and subdivision defined, see Ohio R.C. 711.001
Revision of plats, see Ohio R.C. 711.28 et seq.
Vacating plats, see Ohio R.C. 711.17 et seq.
Violation of regulations, see Ohio R.C. 711.102
Any person intending to subdivide or resubdivide land within the corporate limits or within three miles beyond such limits shall submit the preliminary plans and final plan required by this chapter for approval by the Planning Commission and shall complete the requirements of this chapter before any plat is recorded or any land is sold.
(1976 Code, § 1141.01)
(a) Three prints of the preliminary plan shall be submitted. Where a plan covers only part of the subdivider’s tract, then a sketch plan for thoroughfares and streets in unplatted parts shall also be submitted.
(b) The following technical information shall be provided:
(1) Boundaries of the subdivision;
(2) Lots and location of streets and alleys;
(3) The north point;
(4) Contours at intervals of five feet or less;
(5) Drainage provisions;
(6) Lands to be dedicated for public use; and
(7) Names of the subdivision, of adjacent properties, of streets, of the subdivider and of the surveyor.
(c) The proposed subdivision shall conform to the minimum standards prescribed by this chapter.
(d) The preliminary plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its recommendations as to modifications needed to enable the plan to conform to its requirements.
(e) The preliminary plan shall be resubmitted as a revised preliminary plan to the Planning Commission for its tentative approval before streets are graded or otherwise improved.
(1976 Code, § 1141.02)