(a)   Streets.
      (1)   Minimum street rights-of-way shall be:
Width (ft.)
Major thoroughfare (state route)
Principal local thoroughfare
Secondary local thoroughfare
Residential street
Land or cul-de-sac
      (2)   Proposed thoroughfares shall conform to any official thoroughfare plan and shall be correlated to existing and planned streets.
      (3)   Other streets shall be located so as to correlate their utilities with those of adjoining areas.
      (4)   Minimum centerline radii shall be:
Major thoroughfares
300 feet
Local thoroughfares
100 feet
      (5)   Streets shall intersect at right angles wherever practical.
      (6)   Dead-end streets shall not exceed 500 feet and shall have a turnaround of not less than 100 feet in diameter.
      (7)   There shall be no private streets.
      (8)   There shall be no reserve strips controlling access to streets except where the control of such strips is placed with the city.
      (9)   No duplication of street names with existing street names is permitted.
      (10)   Changes of grade shall be by vertical curves and detailed information shall be shown on grades. Alignment and visibility, especially at intersections, shall meet the approval of the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Alleys and easements.
      (1)   Alleys are not required in residential districts except behind property fronting on major thoroughfares or principal local thoroughfares, or for apartment house lots having no front entrance drive.
      (2)   Alleys shall have a turnabout where they dead-end.
      (3)   Minimum widths of alleys shall be:
Residential alleys
16 feet
Business district alleys
20 feet
      (4)   Easements (service strips) not less than ten feet wide shall be provided for lots not served by alleys.
   (c)   Blocks.
      (1)   The maximum length of a block shall be 1,320 feet. Blocks over 800 feet shall have a 15-foot crosswalk strip half-way.
      (2)   The width of a block shall be two lots’ depth except where the topography is rough.
   (d)   Lots.
      (1)   Lots shall front on a public street.
      (2)   Side lines shall be at right angles to the street line wherever practical.
      (3)   Lot size shall conform to population density standards of any city ordinance.
      (4)   The minimum area of a lot shall be 3,500 square feet.
      (5)   The minimum depth of a lot shall be 110 feet.
      (6)   Corner lots shall provide for extra width in order to permit building setback lines along both streets.
      (7)   The use of lots shall be restricted by covenants.
   (e)   Public open spaces.
      (1)   Plats shall be prepared with due consideration for the provision of parks, playgrounds, school sites and other public spaces, in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning Commission.
      (2)   Due regard shall be shown for watercourses, historic places, large trees and other natural features that sustain property values.
(1976 Code, § 1141.03)