§ 154.097 STREETS.
   (A)   General. All improvements required by this section shall be constructed in accordance with the following general standards.
      (1)   Convenient access to all property within a subdivision shall be afforded by either a dedicated public street or a private street. Private streets will be considered by the Planning Commission depending on site suitability, provided that a binding agreement contained in the plat or other recorded or registered document shall assure the continued existence and maintenance of said street or access.
      (2)   Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment or continuation of existing streets already named shall bear the name of such existing streets whether in the village or in unincorporated areas. In no case shall the names for proposed streets duplicate existing street names, irrespective of the use of a suffix (such as street, road, boulevard, drive, place or court, and the like) or an abbreviation thereof. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Commission which shall keep a list of all street names in the village.
      (3)   No permanent building or structure or permanent improvement of any type shall be erected within the extension of street rights-of-way indicated on the official [street] map of the village.
      (4)   As far as practicable, all proposed streets shall be continuous and in alignment with existing, planned or platted streets with which they are to connect.
      (5)   Proposed rights-of-way for streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, or unless, in the opinion of the Commission, such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the layout of the subdivision with the existing layout, or the most advantageous future development, of adjacent tracts. Cul-de-sac streets of reasonable length will be approved where necessitated by topography or where, in the opinion of the Commission, they are appropriate for the type of development contemplated.
      (6)   Proposed streets shall follow contour lines wherever practicable.
      (7)   Proposed streets shall intersect one another as nearly at right angles as topography and other limiting factors of good design permits and where sight distance is sufficient for traffic safety.
      (8)   Whenever there exits adjacent to the tract to be subdivided a dedicated or platted and recorded half-width street or service drive, the other half width of such street or service drive shall be platted.
      (9)   In the rear of lots fronting on principal village streets, where practicable, provision shall be made for service drives when required by the Commission.
   (B)   Right-of-way and pavement widths.
      (1)   The minimum width of a right-of-way of and minimum pavement widths of public streets and service drives shall be as follows:
Public            Right-of-Way      Pavement
Principal Street            80          24
Secondary Street            60          24
Minor Street
   Subdivisions with
   minimum of 3-5
   acre lots and
      7 dwellings or         40          18
      less. (18 at
      8 or more         50          20
   Subdivisions with
   mini-mum of 1 acre
   lots and
      7 dwellings         40          18
      or less.
      (18 at
      8 or more         50          20
Min. Cul-de-sac radius         60          20
Private            Right-of-Way      Pavement
Minor Street
   with mini-mum
   of 3-5 acre
   lots and
      7 dwellings         40          18
      or less.
      (18 at
      8 or more         50          20
   Subdivisions with
   minimum of 1 acre
   lots and
      7 dwellings         40          18
      or less.
      (18 at
      8 or more         50          20
Min. Cul-de-sac radius         60          20
      (2)   When any subdivision or part of a subdivision is adjacent to only one side of an existing right-of-way, which is less than the required width, the subdivider shall dedicate additional right-of-way to meet the requirement in accordance with this regulation. Half -streets in new subdivisions are not permitted. A planted or landscaped area shall be provided in the center of the turning circle of cul-de-sacs.
   (C)   Block standards. Block lengths and widths shall be coordinated with the development of the land and shall be designed in a manner that will allow proper traffic flow, including fire fighting equipment and pedestrian use, and pedestrian accessways within the blocks to schools, parks or other destinations as may be required by the Planning Commission. In addition, blocks shall be designed in conformance with the following requirements:
      (1)   Blocks shall be of sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate length.
      (2)   The lengths of blocks shall be such as, in the opinion of the Commission, are appropriate for the locality and the type of development contemplated.
      (3)   The number of intersecting streets along principal village streets shall be held to a minimum.
   (D)   Public street design standards.
      (1)   (a)   Street grades and curves for public streets shall conform to the following standards:
      Minimum   Minimum Radii
   Maximum   Grade at   of Curvature
Type   Grade   Gutter   on Center Line
Principal    7.0%   0.5%   300
Secondary    12.0%   0.5%   100
Minor   12.0%   0.5%   100
         (b)   All changes in street grades shall be 41.55 connected by vertical curves of a minimum length equal to 15 times the algebraic dif-ference in the rate of grade, for principal village streets, and one-half of this minimum for all other streets. A tangent at least 100 feet in length shall be provided between reversed curves. In areas of sensitive natural resources, the horizontal alignment of minor streets may be varied by the Planning Commission to avoid the destruction of mature trees or other important natural features.
      (2)   Intersections shall conform to the following standards:
         (a)   At street intersections property line corners shall be rounded by an arc, the minimum radius of which shall be ten feet.
         (b)   Street curb or street pavement intersections shall be rounded by radii of at least 25 feet.
         (c)   The above minimum radii shall be increased when the smallest angle of intersection is less than 60 degrees, or in any case where the Commission considers an increase necessary.
      (3)   Street pavement design and all street appurtenances shall comply with § 154.037 (B)(7) of the Village of Indian Hill Standard Construction Drawings and/or the latest edition of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications.
   (E)   Special private street standards. If private minor streets are approved by the Planning Commission, the street shall comply with the applicable design standards in division (D) of this section and any exceptions shown in the village standard construction drawings.
   (F)   Trees and plants. Trees and plants shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of § 154.150 through 154.154.
   (G)   Signs. Street name signs will be erected by the village at all intersections created by the development. Customized or specially designed street signs may be erected by the developer in lieu of village signs, provided that the sign face material and design are in accordance with current village standards and are approved by the village. Ornamental entranceway structures, as permitted by § 155.08 of the zoning code, may be erected at street entrances. Such entranceways, however, shall not include the name of the subdivision.
   (H)   Special soil regulations for streets.
      (1)   Organic soils. If during the construction of proposed streets or roads in a subdivision organic soils are discovered, all organic materials shall be removed to solid subsoil in the area of the proposed street or road and replaced with fill materials that allow movement of ground water in its natural state through the fill and provides the required structural support for the roadway. All such streets shall be elevated above the expected high water in the area, as determined by the soils summary pursuant to § 154.036 (B)(6), so as to provide a minimum of two feet between the pavement surface and the water. In no instance shall the pavement base course be constructed within six inches of the expected high water.
      (2)   Wet soils. If the construction of proposed streets and roads in a subdivision is to go through wet soils, positive ground water control must be achieved. The surface of all roads shall be constructed at an elevation so as to provide a minimum of two feet between the pavement surface and expected high ground water or free water surface. In no instance shall the pavement base course be constructed within six inches of expected high water, as determined by a report certified by the subdivider's engineer. All designs shall insure that natural drainage is maintained. In no instance shall movement of ground water be impeded so as to promote build-up of hydrostatic pressure on one side or the other of a proposed roadway.
(Ord. 25-89, passed 9-25-89; Am. Ord. 03-97, passed 2-24-97)