Vehicle Weight Restrictions
77.01 Weight restrictions on certain roads
Speed Regulations
77.05 Speed in overtaking a bicycle, a pedestrian, or a person riding or leading a horse
77.06 Schedule of 25 mile per hour streets
77.07 Speed limited 35 miles per hour on the roads of the village
Miscellaneous Regulations
77.10 Litter or foreign matter from construction sites on public roadways, streets or other public places
77.11 Unlawful to operate a motor vehicle in certain places
77.12 Spinning wheels unlawful
77.13 Establishment of fire lanes
77.14 Unlawful to operate through commercial vehicles in certain places
Parades and Processions
77.20 Permit
77.21 Application; bond; traffic control
77.22 Review; modifications
77.23 Issuance
77.99 Penalty